Eighth Doctor Listening Order
The Eighth Doctor’s audio adventures are one of the best places to start with Doctor Who audio dramas. But where exactly should you start?
The Eighth Doctor stories can be divided into 3 “eras”, and the start of each era is a good point to jump in.
Starting Point 2: The Eighth Doctor Adventures Series 1
This is the most commonly recommended starting point. After the revival of the TV show in 2005, Big Finish wanted to do something to make the audio dramas more accessible to newcomers, so they wrapped up the previous plotlines and started a new series, simply titled The Eighth Doctor Adventures. You don’t need to know anything about the adventures with Charley and C’rizz to start here. Click here if you want to start from the most commonly recommended starting point.
As with the full listening order, dramas with a little tardis symbol next to them are my favourites: 
Additionally, at the bottom of this page, you’ll find a collection of assorted releases that don’t really fit in to the standard listening order. These aren’t a great place to start, but they’re still worth listening to. Click here to see them.
Starting Point 1:
Adventures with Charley and C’rizz
The first starting point is with the 8th Doctor Monthly Adventures. This is a good place to start because it’s the very beginning of the 8th doctor stories on audio.
But it can also be a difficult place to start, as the style of these adventures is much more like Classic Doctor Who, and the episodes are mixed in with unrelated episodes with other doctors.
Arc 1: Introducing Charley
The first arc of adventures introduces new companion Charlotte Pollard (Charley for short).
The only essential story in this arc is the first one, Storm Warning
Storm Warning
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley
Standalone: Yes
(plotline: Charley)
Sword of Orion
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, Cybermen
Standalone: Yes
The Stones of Venice
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley
Standalone: Yes
Minuet in Hell
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, Brigadier
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes graphic and potentially upsetting depictions of sexual assault, human trafficking, medical mistreatment, and mental health.
Arc 2: Anti-time
The second arc of adventures deals with the problem of Anti-time, and the consequences of the Doctor’s actions in Storm Warning.
Invaders From Mars
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes potentially upsetting use of a homophobic slur
The Chimes of MidnightFeaturing: the 8th Doctor, CharleyStandalone: No
(first listen to: Storm Warning)
(plotline: Anti-time)
Note: This drama includes graphic and potentially upsetting depictions of death, suicide, and self-harm
Seasons of FearFeaturing: the 8th Doctor, CharleyStandalone: No
(listen to the Anti-time plotline in order)
(plotline: Anti-time)
Embrace the DarknessFeaturing: the 8th Doctor, CharleyStandalone: Yes
(plotline: Anti-time)
Note: This drama includes graphic and potentially upsetting body horror involving eyes
The Time of the DaleksFeaturing: the 8th Doctor, Charley, DaleksStandalone: No
(listen to the Anti-time plotline in order)
(plotlines: Anti-time, Dalek Empire)
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, Romana, Time Lords
Standalone: No
(listen to the Anti-time plotline in order)
(plotline: Anti-time)
Featuring: the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Doctors
Standalone: No
(first listen to: Neverland)
(plotline: Anti-time)
Interlude (optional)
The next release is a short audio drama, set at some point before Neverland:
Living Legend
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley
Standalone: Yes
Arc 3: The Divergent Universe
The Doctor and Charley travel to a Divergent Universe, where they meet C’rizz.
ScherzoFeaturing: the 8th Doctor, CharleyStandalone: No
(first listen to: Zagreus)
(plotline: The Divergent Universe)
Note: This drama includes graphic and potentially upsetting depictions of body horror
The Creed of the Kromon
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizz, Kro'ka
Standalone: No
(plotline: The Divergent Universe)
Note: This drama includes graphic and potentially upsetting depictions of body horror, sexual assault, sexism, suicide, and torture.

The Natural History of Fear
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizzStandalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes graphic and potentially upsetting depictions of suicide, animal cruelty, and torture
The Twilight Kingdom
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizz, Kro'ka
Standalone: No
(plotline: The Divergent Universe)
Faith Stealer
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizz, Kro'ka
Standalone: No
(plotline: The Divergent Universe)
Note: This drama includes a reprise of a scene from The Creed of the Kromon involving suicide.
The Last
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizz, Kro'ka
Standalone: No
(plotline: The Divergent Universe)
CaerdroiaFeaturing: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizz, Kro'kaStandalone: No
(plotline: The Divergent Universe)
The Next Life
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizz, Kro'ka, Rassilon
Standalone: No
(plotline: The Divergent Universe)
Note: This drama includes depictions of colonialism, suicide, and some very sexist writing.
Arc 4: Return to the Normal Universe
The Doctor, Charley and C’rizz continue their adventures, now back in the regular universe.
Terror FirmaFeaturing: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizz, Daleks, DavrosStandalone: No
(plotline: The Divergent Universe)
Scaredy Cat
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizz
Standalone: Yes
Other Lives
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizz
Standalone: Yes

Time Works
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizzStandalone: Yes
Something Inside
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizz
Standalone: Yes
Memory Lane
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizz
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes some occasional sexist and ableist dialogue, as well as the use of a slur against Romani people.
Arc 5: The End
The finale of the Doctor’s travels with Charley and C’rizz..
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizz
Standalone: No
(plotline: The Divergent Universe)
Note: This drama contains body horror and religious references.
The Girl Who Never WasFeaturing: the 8th Doctor, Charley, CybermenStandalone: No
(plotline: Charley)
Note: This drama includes some anti-asian dialogue.
What happened to Charley? (Optional)
If you want to know what happened to Charley after The Girl Who Never Was, then open this spoiler section:
Spoilers for the finale of The Girl Who Never Was
Charley is rescued by the Doctor… but by the 6th Doctor!
She travels with him in these adventures:
The CondemnedFeaturing: the 6th Doctor, Charley, DI MenziesStandalone: No
(plotline: Charley)
The Doomwood Curse
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Charley
Brotherhood of the Daleks
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Charley, Daleks, Thals
The Raincloud Man
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Charley, DI Menzies
Return of the Krotons
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Charley, Krotons
Patient Zero
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Charley, Daleks, Viyrans
Paper Cuts
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Mila, Draconians
Blue Forgotten Planet
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Mila, Charley, Viyrans
Episodes with Charley and the 6th Doctor are also featured in two Special Releases:

The Last Adventure
- The End of the Line
- The Red House
- Stage Fright
- The Brink of Death
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Constance, Charley, Flip, Jago, Litefoot, Mel, the ValeyardStandalone: No
Watch Trial of a Timelord first

The Legacy of Time
- Lies in Ruins
- The Split Infinitive
- The Sacrifice of Jo Grant
- Relative Time
- The Avenues of Possibility
- Collision Course
Featuring: the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Doctors, Benny, River Song, the Counter-Measures group, Ace, UNIT, Kate Stewart, Jo Jones, Osgood, Jenny (the Doctor's Daughter), the Nine, DI Patricia Menzies, Charley, Romana, LeelaStandalone: Yes
After leaving the 6th Doctor, she goes on to have her own series:
Charlotte Pollard Series 1
- The Lamentation Cipher
- The Shadow at the Edge of the World
- The Fall of the House of Pollard
- The Viyran Solution
Featuring: CharleyCharlotte Pollard Series 2
- Embankment Station
- Ruffling
- Seed of Chaos
- The Destructive Quality of Life
Featuring: Charley, Robert, ViyransAnd that’s the end of the 8th Doctor’s adventures with Charley! Now continue on to The Eighth Doctor Adventures Series 1…
Starting Point 2:
The Eighth Doctor Adventures Series
In 2007, Big Finish started a brand new series for the 8th Doctor, simply titled “The Eighth Doctor Adventures”. It was created with newcomers in mind - you don’t need to know anything about the previous stories in order to start here.
Series 1
Series 1 introduces new companion Lucie Miller.
Blood of the DaleksFeaturing: the 8th Doctor, Lucie, DaleksStandalone: Yes
Horror of Glam Rock
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes graphic and potentially upsetting violence.
Immortal Beloved
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes references to suicide
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
Standalone: Yes

No More Lies
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, LucieStandalone: Yes
Human ResourcesFeaturing: the 8th Doctor, Lucie, CybermenStandalone: No
Series 2
A second series of adventures with Lucie Miller.
Dead London
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
Max Warp
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
Brave New Town
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
The Skull of Sobek
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
Grand Theft Cosmos
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie, the Headhunter
The Zygon Who Fell to Earth
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie, Pat, Zygons
Sisters of the Flame
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie, Morbius, Sisterhood of Karn, Straxus
The Vengeance of Morbius
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie, Morbius, Sisterhood of Karn, Straxus
Series 3
The Doctor’s adventures with Lucie Miller continue…
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie, Krynoids
The Beast of Orlok
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
Wirrn Dawn
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie, Wirrn
The Scapegoat
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
The Cannibalists
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
The Eight Truths
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie, Eight Legs
Worldwide Web
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie, Eight Legs
Series 4a - The Christmas Specials
The first story of Series 4 of the Eighth Doctor Adventures was released as a Christmas Special, several months before the rest of the series. Also included here is An Earthly Child. While it’s not technically part of the Eighth Doctor Adventures, it is essential to the plotline.
Death in Blackpool
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie, Pat, Zygons
An Earthly Child
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Susan
Series 4b
The final series in this era of the Eighth Doctor Adventures. This series features a brand new companion, Tasmin Drew.
Situation Vacant
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Tamsin
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Tamsin
The Book of Kells
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Tamsin
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Tamsin, Ice Warriors
The Resurrection of Mars
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Tamsin, Lucie, Ice Warriors
Relative Dimensions
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Susan, Alex
Prisoner of the Sun
Featuring: the 8th Doctor
Lucie Miller
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Tamsin, Lucie, Susan, Alex, Daleks
To the Death
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Tamsin, Lucie, Susan, Alex, Daleks
After the end of The Eighth Doctor Adventures Series 4, continue on to Dark Eyes.
An important note: narratively, Dark Eyes follows on from the end of To the Death. However, it quickly moves into its own narrative arc, rather than dwelling on the specifics of the events of To the Death.
Starting Point 3:
The Boxsets
After the conclusion of Series 4 of the Eighth Doctor Adventures, Big Finish decided to change the format - instead of individual episodes, each series now consists of 4 boxsets, with 4 episodes in each boxset.
Dark Eyes is a good jumping on point for the most recent era of Eighth Doctor Adventures. Even though it follows directly on from the end of Series 4 of the Eighth Doctor Adventures, it’s a new era, with new problems and new companions.
Dark Eyes
The Dark Eyes series introduces two new companions, Molly O’Sullivan and Liv Chenka. It also features the Daleks, and the Master.
Dark Eyes 1
- The Great War
- Fugitives
- Tangled Web
- X and the Daleks
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Molly, daleksDark Eyes 2
- The Traitor
- The White Room
- Time's Horizon
- Eyes of the Master
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Liv, Molly, Daleks, the MasterDark Eyes 3
- The Death of Hope
- The Reviled
- Masterplan
- Rule of the Eminence
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Molly, Liv, the MasterDark Eyes 4
- A Life in the Day
- The Monster of Montmarte
- Master of the Daleks
- Eye of Darnkess
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Liv, Daleks, the MasterLiv Chenka was seen in a previous 7th Doctor story, Robophobia, but you don’t need to listen to that to enjoy Dark Eyes.
Doom Coalition
The Doom Coalition series follows on from Dark Eyes and introduces a new companion Helen Sinclair, as well as a new recurring villain, the Eleven.
Doom Coalition 1
- The Eleven
- The Red Lady
- The Galileo Trap
- The Satanic Mill
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Liv, Helen, the ElevenDoom Coalition 2
- Beachhead
- Scenes From Her Life
- The Gift
- The Sonomancer
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Liv, Helen, River Song, the ElevenDoom Coalition 3
- Absent Friends
- The Eighth Piece
- The Doomsday Chronometer
- The Crucible of Souls
Featuring: Liv, Helen, River SongDoom Coalition 4
- Ship in a Bottle
- Songs of Love
- The Side of the Angels
- Stop the Clock
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Liv, Helen, Ollistra, the Monk, Weeping Angels
Ravenous continues telling the stories of the 8th Doctor, Liv, Helen, and the Eleven.
This series focuses on the Ravenous, the only creature to strike fear into the hearts of a Time Lord.
Ravenous 1
- Their Finest Hour
- How to Make a Killing in Time Travel
- World of Damnation
- Sweet Salvation
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Liv, Helen, the Eleven, ChurchillRavenous 2
- Escape from Kaldor
- Better Watch Out
- Fairytale of Salzburg
- Seizure
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Liv, Helen, the ElevenRavenous 3
- Deeptime Frontier
- Companion Piece
- L.E.G.E.N.D
- The Odds Against
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Liv, Helen, the Eleven, the Nine, River Song, Bliss, CharleyRavenous 4
- Whisper
- Planet of Dust
- Day of the Master
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Liv, Helen, the Eleven, Missy, the MasterAfter listening to Ravenous, you might be interested in listening to the spin-off series The Robots, which goes into detail about what Liv Chenka did during Escape from Kaldor.
Stranded, and the Future
The next series of 8th Doctor stories will be Stranded, with the Doctor, Liv, and Helen stranded on Earth. Stranded will be released in 2020-2021.
Stranded 1
- Lost Property
- Wild Animals
- Must-See TV
- Divine Intervention
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Liv, Helen, Tania, Sergeant AndyStranded 2
- Dead Time
- Unit Dating
- Baker Street Irregulars
- The Long Way Round
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Liv, Helen, Andy, Tania, the Brigadier, the CuratorStranded 3
- Patience
- Twisted Folklore
- Snow
- What Just Happened?
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Liv, Helen, Andy, Tania, the JudoonStranded 4
Details not yet announced
What do I do now???
If you’ve gotten to this point and want to hear more, there’s a few options!
- You can scroll down just a little bit to the “Assorted Extras” section, which has loads of other 8th doctor adventures you can listen to.
- If you skipped one of the starting points, you can jump back to a previous starting point and go from there (e.g. if you started with Dark Eyes, you can go back and listen to the Eighth Doctor Adventures, or the adventures with Charley and C’rizz).
- You can listen to something else - some common choices are The Fourth Doctor Adventures, Dalek Empire, Gallifrey, UNIT - The New Series, or really just whatever takes your fancy.
Starting Point 4:
Assorted Extras
Given the 8th Doctor’s popularity, there have also been numerous bonus releases, which you might like to check out!
(Despite the words “Starting Point 4” at the top of this section, this is not actually a starting point.)
Adventures with Mary Shelley
The 8th Doctor travelled with Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein, at some point before meeting Charley.
The Company of Friends
- Benny's Story
- Fitz's Story
- Izzy's Story
- Mary's Story
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Benny, Fitz, Izzy, Mary ShelleyThe Silver Turk
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Mary Shelley, Cybermen
The Witch from the Well
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Mary Shelley
Army of Death
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Mary Shelley
During the Time War
The Eighth Doctor: The Time War is a prequel series to The War Doctor.
Time War 1
- The Starship of Theseus
- Echoes of War
- The Conscript
- One Life
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Bliss, Ollistra, DaleksTime War 2
- The Lords of Terror
- Planet of the Ogrons
- In the Garden of Death
- Jonah
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Bliss, Daleks, OllistraTime War 3
- State of Bliss
- The Famished Lands
- Fugitive in Time
- The War Valeyard
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Bliss, Daleks, Time Lords, the ValeyardTime War 4
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Bliss, Davros, Daleks
Multi-doctor Stories
The 8th Doctor has been in a handful of Multi-doctor stories:
The Four Doctors
Featuring: the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Doctors, Daleks

The Light at the End
Featuring: the 1st through 8th Doctors, Charley, Leela, Nyssa, Peri, Ace, the MasterStandalone: Yes

The Legacy of Time
- Lies in Ruins
- The Split Infinitive
- The Sacrifice of Jo Grant
- Relative Time
- The Avenues of Possibility
- Collision Course
Featuring: the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Doctors, Benny, River Song, the Counter-Measures group, Ace, UNIT, Kate Stewart, Jo Jones, Osgood, Jenny (the Doctor's Daughter), the Nine, DI Patricia Menzies, Charley, Romana, LeelaStandalone: Yes
Miscellaneous full-cast dramas
A boxset of extra adventures with Lucie Miller, set between Series 1 and Series 2 of the Eighth Doctor Adventures.
The Further Adventures of Lucie Miller
- The Dalek Trap
- The Revolution Game
- The House on the Edge of Chaos
- Island of the Fendahl
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie Miller, Daleks, the Static, FendahlThe 8th doctor was also in an adaption of the unfinished TV episode Shada:
Shada (Audio play)
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Romana, K9
Standalone: Yes
Classic Doctors, New Monsters:
Classic Doctors, New Monsters Volume 1
- Fallen Angels
- Judoon in Chains
- Harvest of the Sycorax
- The Sontaran Ordeal
Featuring: the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Doctors, Weeping Angels, Judoon, Sycorax, SontaransClassic Doctors New Monsters Volume 2
- Night of the Vashta Nerada
- Empire of the Racnoss
- The Carrionite Curse
- Day of the Vashta Nerada
Featuring: the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th Doctors, Vashta Nerada, Racnoss, Carrionite
Narrated Stories
With Charley:
Enemy Aliens
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, Celestial Toymaker
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, Yates
The Man Who Wasn't There
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley
Hall of the Ten Thousand
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley
With Lucie:
Late Night Shopping
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
The Young Lions
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
The Caves of Erith
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
The Curse of the Fugue
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
With Molly and Liv:
The World Beyond the Trees
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Liv, Molly
With others:
A Heart on Both Sides
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Nyssa
All Hands on Deck
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Susan
The Turn of the Screw
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Sato, Matheson
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Harry
An Ocean of Sawdust
Featuring: the 8th Doctor
The 8th Doctor is also in the following stories, although not as the star. Aside from The Diary of River Song, you’ll need to listen to the rest of the series first.
From the Dalek Empire series:

Museum Peace
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Kalendorf, DaleksStandalone: No
(first listen to: Return of the Daleks)
From The Diary of River Song:
The Diary of River Song Series 1
- The Boundless Sea
- I Went to a Marvellous Party
- Signs
- The Rulers of the Universe
Featuring: River Song, the 8th DoctorFrom The War Master:
The War Master 3 Rage of the Time Lords
- The Survivor
- The Coney Island Chameleon
- The Missing Link
- Darkness and Light
Featuring: the War Master, the 8th Doctor