Avery's Doctor Who Listening Order and Guide
So, you’ve found the Doctor Who audio dramas, but you don’t know what order to listen to them in? This is the guide for you!
If you just want to listen to the Eighth Doctor’s Adventures, click here.
If you want to listen to everything, read on…
A disclaimer: you don’t have to listen to all of the audio dramas - you absolutely can just listen to a few series and leave it at that (The Eighth Doctor Adventures, Dalek Empire, The Fourth Doctor Adventures, and Gallifrey are some popular choices).
But if you’re like me, you’ll probably have thought “ah but if I wanted to listen to almost everything, what order should I do it in?”
Latest Update (25-Apr-22)
- Added details to Hornet’s Nest and to the monthly adventures [The Condemned, The Dark Husband, and The Haunting of Thomas Brewster].
- Removed the “Favourite” rating from Flip-Flop. I originally loved it for its creative concept, but over time I’ve found more and more audio dramas which do similar concepts in a much more engaging way, and without being Antisemtic.
Older updates
- Added details to [Gallifrey: Panacea].
- Added details to Gallifrey: Fractures and Warfare.
- Added a draft quarter for Q4 2021.
- Added the final subscriber short trip to the Flux - not sure where I’m going to put it, but it will go somewhere!
- Added details to Cyberman: Scorpius, Fear.
- Added an extra warning to Gallifrey Series 1 regarding the treatment of Leela.
- Added details to Bernice Summerfield Series 6.
- Removed the re-arrangement of episodes 3 and 4 of Bernice Summerfield Series 6. One of the original sources I had used to fill in information in this guide had claimed that because the main events of episode 4 happened before the main events of episode 3, they should be listened to in that order (4 then 3 then 5). However, the framing narrative of episodes 3 through 5 is chronological (even if the main substance is not) so the correct order is 3 then 4 then 5.
- Added details to Sarah Jane Smith Series 2.
- Bernice Summerfield series 7 and 8 are now available on downloads, and the guide reflects that information.
- Added summaries for Q2 2021 and Q3 2021 - no segments yet, but I’ll get around to it soon!
- Hey, it’s been a while since the live version of the site was actually updated - the most notable change is the introduction of summary segments for each quarter - for now it’s only in 2021, but I’m going to retroactively go through and add these segments to the rest of the guide.
- Added details to Time Works and The Kingmaker.
- Added details to Gallifrey: Pandora, and Insurgency, and to Masterful.
- Due to a hard drive failure, I lost all of the changes I made to the guide between the 1st of November and the 28th of February. Luckily, it wasn’t very much - things should now be restored to approximately what they were.
- Added everything for Q1 2021.
- Added a whole bunch of segments to the guide, for the last releases of 2020
- Nothing has changed yet, but there are going to be some changes to this guide coming soon. The structure of the whole thing was built around the repeating pattern each quarter of Doctor Who Monthly Adventures, followed by all the various series-y releases, followed by any miscellaneous and special releases. With the end of the Monthly Adventures in a few months time, this structure is going to disappear, making the whole thing feel a lot more chaotic. I have to decide what I’m going to be using from now on to organise releases, and whether I should apply that system retroactively, to ensure a consistent feel across the entire guide.
- I’m also considering making a major change to how I handle the numbered boxsets (which have an ongoing story) vs the “series” boxsets (which do not). It would probably be much more sensible to collect the numbered boxsets together (especially for stuff like Ravenous) than to have them spread out so far, but at the same time, only having an 8th doctor release every 2 years seems… wrong.
- If you have any suggestions or ideas about the above two changes, please get in touch! I am on twitter @AveryLychee and can be emailed at: AveryL+DoctorWho (at) protonmail (dot) com
- Added detail to Scaredy Cat.
- Bernice Summerfield series 5 and 6 are now available as downloads, so I’ve shuffled some notices around.
- Added details to Missy.
- Added Shadow of the Daleks 1 to the Flux.
- Added details to Three’s a Crowd, and clarified some general wording throughout the guide.
- Removed the warning at the top of the page about Content Warnings. Explicitly noting when a drama has more intense content than you’d usually expect has seemed to be much more useful than the previous CW system (which warned about content regardless of how it was presented).
- Added information for Cryptobiosis and The Roof of the World.
- Added Torchwood Soho - Parasite to the Flux.
- Added Thin Time/Madquake and The Sixth Doctor and Peri Volume 01 to the Flux.
- Added Torchwood: Save Our Souls, The Robots 2, Short Trips: Downward Spiral, and Time Apart to the Flux.
- Also added the 2 remaining subscriber short trips ahead of time.
- Added Missy Series 2 to the guide
- Moved this quarter’s releases out of the Flux and into the guide proper
- Dismantled the “New Series Standalone Releases” range, and split it into either Misc releases or individual series. It didn’t make sense to put Jenny, The Twelfth Doctor Chronicles, and The Lives of Captain Jack Volumes 1-3 in the same category, just because they all happen to involve New Series elements.
- Important: I have hidden all Content Warnings temporarily - see the note at the top of the page for a more detailed explanation.
- After a long absence of updates (due to a broken computer), I’ve returned with a large bundle of them.
- Added info for the rest of the Monthly Adventures from the first half of 2004 and One Small Step.
- Added a note to Creed of the Kromon (only the first part is essential), The Pescatons (which is now one of only 3 entirely unrecommended dramas, along with Nekromanteia and Exile), The Squire’s Crystal (which I couldn’t finish), and The Dance of the Dead (which is set shortly after The Plauge Herds of Excelis).
- Bernice Summerfield: The Glass Prison is now released, and the guide reflects that information.
- Added a lot of things to the Flux.
- Removed the favourite markers from Shada and The Church and the Crown, as in retrospect they don’t quite meet up with my other favourites.
- Moved a whole bunch of stuff from the flux into actual segments.
- Added The Psychic Circus and The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 9 Volume 2 to the Flux.
- Sarah Jane Smith: Comeback is no longer out of print.
- Bernice Summerfield: The Infernal Nexus has now been re-released as an audiobook.
- Added info for The Wormery.
- Fixed incorrect dates in the latest updates.
- Added Torchwood: Fortitude, Torchwood: The Sins of Captain John, Dark Universe, The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 9 Volume 1, and The Infinite Today to the flux.
- A major update to the guide has occurred!
- Each audio drama is now in its own box
- Each drama now includes info about whether it’s essential or standalone
- Reviews are gone (although my favourite dramas are marked with a small image of the TARDIS).
- The backend is now automated, so I can more easily tweak things
- This update took two months to create, because it required me to write a thousand lines of code, and also to re-write all of the text and information in the guide into a different format. Sorry that it’s been so long since the last update!
- If you want to access the old version of the audio guide, it’s available here, however, it won’t be updated anymore.
- Added a section about how to save money to the top of the Listening Order.
- Added Harry Houdini’s War, Tartarus, and The Companion Chronicles: The First Doctor Volume 3 to The Flux.
- Shifted a number of things out of the flux and into the guide.
- Listened to …ish and The Rapture.
- Added The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield Volume 5: Buried Memories to The Flux.
- In the backend, I fixed the boxset code, so that I can add notes alongside my reviews.
- Listened to Zygons: Homeland and Zygons: Absolution.
- Listened to Excelis Rising.
- Disentangled Excelis and Bernice Summerfield Series 3. Previously they were mixed together into the same segment, but as I’m listening to it I’m realising that the narrative connection just isn’t there. Excelis is its own thing, which happens to feature Bernice Summerfield for one episode.
- Listened to Excelis Dawns.
- Changed the background colour of “Maybe” reviews. It should make it easier to distinguish between a “Maybe” and an unreviewed story.
- Listened to The Legacy of Time, but since that’s not yet in the guide I can’t post a review.
- Added Torchwood: The Hope to The Flux.
- Rewrote most of the text in segments 40 through 45 (2006 and 2007).
- Added Time War 3 and Emissary of the Daleks to The Flux.
- Listened to The Light at The End.
- Moved Trial of the Valeyard to a more correct position (previously it was in with the 50th Anniversary Specials, when it should have just been with the other bonus releases for that quarter).
- Rewrote most of the text in segments 25 through 32 (2004).
- Added The Legacy of Time and Battle Scars to The Flux.
- Added The Further Adventures of Lucie Miller and Memories of a Tyrant to The Flux. The Further Adventures of Lucie Miller is in a bit of an unfortunate situation - it’s a collection of adventures set between the end of Series 1 and the start of Series 2 of The Eighth Doctor Adventures. But it’s also been released between Ravenous 3 and Ravenous 4. Since we don’t want to break up storylines, this means I’ve had to push The Further Adventures… back 6 months, so it will be much later in the guide than it would have otherwise been.
- Rewrote most of the text in segments 20 through 24 (2003).
- Listened to The Switching.
- Added Torchwood: Serenity to The Flux.
- Rewrote most of the text in segments 13 through 19 (2002).
- Added markers for the out of print Bernice Summerfield books.
- Rewrote this page and the introduction on the listening order. The advice should now be more clear and more useful.
- Added Tales from the TARDIS, which was missing.
- Added an audio drama count, so now you know how many audio dramas you’ve listened to. Fun fact: between 1976 and 2018, 1277 audio dramas were released.
- Added The War Master: Rage of the Time Lords to the guide.
- Renamed the segments, so that they use colons instead of em-dashes (so it’s UNIT: Incursions instead of UNIT — Incursions). Updated the style to make the segment numbers less prominent and the series name more prominent.
- Added segments 302 through to 307.
- (Monthly Adventures Q2 2019, UNIT: Incursions, The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 5, The Tenth Doctor Adventures Volume 3, The Paternoster Gang: Heritage 1, The New Series: The Lives of Captain Jack Volume 2)
- Removed all spoilers from the guide (previously, the “Featuring” column of tables could reveal twists, such as character deaths or the existence of a secret character).
- Modified the tables for boxsets, so that there is only one recommendation for the entire boxset - since you can’t buy the individual stories, it didn’t make sense to recommend them all seperately.
- Listened to The Time of the Daleks and Neverland, thus finishing Segment 13.
- Added Torchwood: Sync and Short Trips: Under ODIN’s Eye to The Flux.
- Added The Tenth Doctor Adventures Volume 3 to The Flux.
- Added Doctor Who: The Moons of Vulpana and The Third Doctor Adventures Volume Five to The Flux.
- Re-arranged the guide into seperate pages. A side effect of this is that there is no more javascript in the guide! Yay!
- Listened to Dalek Empire I: The Human Factor (segment 12).
- Added Audiobook: The Winged Coven to The Flux.
- Listened to Dalek Empire I: Invasion of the Daleks (segment 12).
- Removed the “Featuring” section from Dalek Empire tables, to avoid spoilers.
- Added all the BBC Audiobooks to the guide, under the Misc segments. We are missing Tales from the Tardis, which I am unsure on how to include.
- Added a “New Ranges in year” section under each year heading, and links to navigate between years.
- As of yesterday, Big Finish has renamed the Main Range into “The Monthly Adventues”, which is a much more sensible name. This name change has also been reflected across the guide.
- Added an audio drama I missed: Real Time to segment 19.
- Listened to The Skymines of Karthos, finishing all the audio releases for segment 11.
- Updated the segment titles, so that they’re more flexible when they adapt to different screen sizes.
- Listened to The Extinction Event (segment 11).
- Major Overhaul to the listening order. Visually, it should be almost un-noticeable, but many segments have been changed, many have been added (there are 38 more segments than before). The overall result should be that it’s easier to keep track of where you’re up to - instead of being a continuous stream of segments, segments are now divided into years, and they follow a repeating pattern every 6 months (or every 3 months later on in the guide): A Main Range segment for the period, then segments for all the Big Finish series that were released during that period, then a segment for every BBV release from that period, and then a segment for all the miscellaneous releases that couldn’t be in other segments. (A much-wanted side effect of this is that there are no more “complex” Main Range segments that include a bunch of things that aren’t part of the Main Range).
- As a consequence of the Major Overhaul, updates before this one may not make sense anymore.
- Listened to The Stone’s Lament (segment 11).
- Added Night of the Fendahl and Doctors and Dragons to The Flux.
- Moved as much of The Flux into segments as I can.
- Listened to The Doomsday Manuscript (segment 11).
- Added Gallifrey: Time War 2 to The Flux.
- Updated some behind-the-scenes stuff, so that tables come pre-loaded with the appropriate row colours, rather than relying on your browser to run a script. If you visit this page semi-regularly, you may have to press Ctrl + r (or Cmd + r on MacOS) to convince your browser to update the colours.
- Added The Comic Strip Adaptions Volume 01 to The Flux.
- Updated the list to have “previous in range” links.
- Changed the default background colour of tables to be lighter, to make reading them easier.
- Listened to Wirrn: Race Memory (segment 8).
- Upgraded my rating for Red Dawn from “yes” to “definitely”.
- Added Sword of Orion, The Marian Conspiracy and Red Dawn to my list of favourites.
- Listened to Loups-Garoux (segment 7).
- Added The Astrea Conspiracy to The Flux.
- Added potential segment numbers to The Flux.
- Fixed the Last of the Titans rating to be “yes” rather than “maybe”
- Listened to The Stones of Venice (segment 7).
- Added Torchwood: God Among Us 2 to The Flux.
- Listened to Storm Warning (segment 7).
- Added the Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 8 Volume 2 to The Flux.
- Listened to The Mutant Phase (segment 6).
- Added Black Thursday / Power Game to The Flux.
- Listened to The Shadow of the Scourge (segment 6).
- Downgraded The Sirens of Time (segment 3).
- Updated the Bernice Summerfield jumping-on points section.
- Added Missy to The Flux.
- Listened to Just War (segment 4).
- Finished segment 5 (by listening to The Rani Reaps the Whirlwind).
- Added The First Doctor Adventures Volume 3 to The Flux.
- Listened to Oh No It Isn’t! (segment 4).
- Listened to Silent Warrior and Old Soldiers (segment 5). total so far: 24
- Since some of them are going to be released as audiobooks soon, I added the prose releases to the Bernice Summerfield segments.
- Split up some tables, so the Main Range tables haven’t got Short Trips mixed in (with a couple of exceptions).
- Finished listening to segment 1.
- Added the Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 8 Volume 1 to The Flux.
- Numerous typo and stylistic corrections (thanks to Leslie!)
- Listened to The Paradise of Death (segment 1).
- As part of a site-wide style update, the guide now has a lighter background and a few elements have shadows to help them pop out.
- Added more navigation links (previous, next in range).
- Created this recent updates section.
- Added next segment links.
- Changed the rating for The Marian Conspiracy from “Yes” to “Definitely”.
- Listened to Pescatons, Exploration Earth, and Slipback (segment 1).
- Had to re-add “no” to the rating system, specifically for Pescatons.
- Finished listening to segment 3.
- Updated the rating system so that its “definitely/yes/maybe” instead of “definitely/yes/no”.
How to follow this guide
This guide is organised into years, and each year is divided into “segments” of related stories.
If you just want to listen to everything, then listen to each segment in order.
If you want to listen to just a few things, then I’ve also added some extra information to each story:
- Whether it’s Essential listening for following one of the plotlines,
- Whether it’s Standalone (that is: can you listen to this without listening to anything else first?)
I also mark my favourite stories with a small image of a TARDIS: 
Most stories in the Monthly Adventures are Standalone, but most of the stories in other ranges (like Dalek Empire or Ravenous) need to be listened to in order.
Unless I indicate otherwise, “Essential” means “essential for this range only”, and “Not Standalone” means “listen to the previous episodes in this range first”.
If I haven’t listened to an audio drama myself, I won’t indicate whether it is essential or standalone.
Content Warnings
Some audio dramas include unusually strong content (such as heavy violence), especially within the first few years. I’ve added notes on those dramas to warn of potentially upsetting content. Other than anything noted, you can assume that the content in a typical Doctor Who audio drama is roughly equivalent to what you would see in a new series episode; and content in a spin-off series (like Dalek Empire or The War Master) is slightly darker.
Where to get the Audio Dramas
All of the Big Finish audio dramas are available to purchase from the Big Finish website.
The BBC, BBV, and Magic Bullet dramas are quite a bit harder to find, as they mostly went out of print years ago. Your best bet is to find someone who has a copy, and to ask if they can loan it to you.
Saving money
If you’re just occasionally listening to audio dramas, the best thing to do is to just get things when they’re on sale. Big Finish hold sales very regularly, so just check their news page from time to time. Additionally, every week a random release is put on sale by the Randomoid Selectortron in the Big Finish Podcast.
If you’re listening to a whole series, you probably want to get a bundle. Go to the page for an episode of the series, and there should be a button that says “Bundles”.
If you’re listening to the Monthly Adventures, you almost definitely want to get a subscription - go to the Monthly Adventures page, and then on the right side there should be a “Subscriptions” banner.
The Early Years
Segment 1:
Monthly Adventures (A)
(1999–Q3 2000)
The Monthly Adventures is a series of standalone Doctor Who stories. Each story consists of four half-hour parts, and features one of the classic doctors. In general, you can choose any story and just listen to it – only a few of them are designed to lead into each other.
The Monthly Adventures form the backbone of this guide. Typically, each segment will only have 6 months worth of audio adventures. This segment is longer than usual, because Big Finish had only just begun, so there weren’t many audio dramas being made yet.
Note: The letter (A) in the title of this segment isn’t an official thing, it’s a little indicator I’ve made so you can more easily keep track of where you are up to.
The Marian Conspiracy introduces a new-to-audio companion, Evelyn.
The early Dalek stories in the Monthly Adventures set up the background story elements for the Dalek Empire series. You don’t need to listen to these in order to understand Dalek Empire, but it can be a good idea.
The Sirens of Time
Featuring: the 5th, 6th, and 7th Doctors
Standalone: Yes
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Turlough
Standalone: Yes
Whispers of Terror
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri
Standalone: Yes
The Land of the Dead
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa
Standalone: Yes

The Fearmonger
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, AceStandalone: Yes
The Marian ConspiracyFeaturing: the 6th Doctor, EvelynStandalone: Yes
(plotline: Evelyn)
The Genocide Machine
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Bev, Daleks
Standalone: Yes
(plotline: Dalek Empire)
Red Dawn
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Peri, Ice Warriors
Standalone: Yes
The Spectre of Lanyon Moor
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Evelyn, Brigadier
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes graphic and potentially upsetting scenes of heavy violence.
Winter for the Adept
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa
Standalone: Yes
The Apocalypse Element
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Evelyn, Romana, Time Lords, Daleks
Standalone: Yes
(plotlines: Dalek Empire, Gallifrey)
The Fires of Vulcan
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Mel
Standalone: Yes
Segment 2:
BBC radio dramas
If you’re only just starting your journey into the audio dramas, you may want to skip ahead to the next big finish segment - these radio dramas can be hard to track down, and have a lower standard of quality.
The BBC has produced surprisingly few audio dramas related to Doctor Who – only five of them were made in the 20th century.
The first two existed primarily to try and make some money off the hugely popular Tom Baker. Fun fact: Doctor Who and the Pescatons is one of the only audio dramas in this entire guide which I don’t recommend at all.
The third, Slipback, was made during the hiatus between Season 22 and Season 23.
In the mid-90s, the BBC made The Paradise of Death and The Ghosts of N-Space, featuring Jon Pertwee reprising his role as the Third Doctor.
Doctor Who and the Pescatons
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Sarah Jane
Standalone: Yes
Note: I recommend you skip this one, as it's quite poorly made.
Exploration Earth
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Sarah Jane
Standalone: Yes
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri
Standalone: Yes
The Paradise of Death
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Sarah Jane, Brigadier, Jeremy
Standalone: Yes
The Ghosts of N-Space
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Sarah Jane, Brigadier, Jeremy
Standalone: No
(first listen to: The Paradise of Death)
Segment 3:
BBV: Adventures in a Pocket Universe
Spin-off (1999)
Please note that most of the BBV audio dramas are quite dark and edgy, and contain content that isn’t appropriate for younger listeners.
Bill & Ben Video (BBV) was a company founded to create Doctor Who content for fans during the 16 years that Doctor Who was off the air… but they did not have the rights to Doctor Who itself. On audio, they started by creating a series called The Time Travelers, featuring Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred as “the Professor” and “Ace”. Since these characters are technically not Doctor Who characters, these dramas aren’t included in this guide.
However, certain characters and creatures featured in Doctor Who actually don’t belong to the BBC, but to the writer who introduced them. BBV managed to acquire licenses for a number of characters, and thus these officially-licensed releases will be in the guide.
As an aside: BBV has been repeatedly criticised for various issues: poor treatment of writers, overly edgy storytelling, and not-quite-legal licensing arrangements. As of 2021, their audio dramas are available for purchase on their official website, but I’m only going to recommend their purchase for super-dedicated fans who are ok with janky-ness.
If you’re only just starting your journey into the audio dramas, skip the BBV stuff for now.
Adventures in a Pocket Universe is a two-part sequel to the TV episode Warrior’s Gate, wherein Romana (here referred to as “The Mistress”) and K9 stayed behind in E-space.
The Choice
Featuring: K9, "the Mistress"
Standalone: Yes
The Search
Featuring: K9, "the Mistress"
Standalone: Yes
If you've listened to everything so far, then you've listened to 19 stories (approximately).
Segment 4:
Bernice Summerfield: Series 1
Spin-off (2000)
Please note that Bernice Summerfield audio dramas contain adult material and may not be suited to younger listeners.
Bernice Summerfield is a professor of archaeology from the 27th century. She travelled with the Seventh Doctor in the Virgin New Adventures series of novels, and then went on to have her own series of novels.
When Big Finish were just getting started, they needed something to convince the BBC that they could do Doctor Who audio dramas. And so they chose to adapt six of the Virgin novels to audio. And here they are!
Due to licensing restrictions, the first 11 Bernice Summerfield seasons were only available on CD for quite a long time - but after some behind-the-scenes negotiations, series 1-6 were made available for download in 2020, and series 7-8 followed in 2021.
There are a lot of Bernice Summerfield stories, so you may want to start with one of the more recent starting points:
Other starting points
- Bernice Summerfield: The Story So Far (2018)
A two-volume series that dips into every era of Benny’s life so far.
- The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield (2014–)
The latest era of Benny’s adventures, with the Seventh Doctor in the first two volumes, and an Alternate Universe Doctor in the subsequent volumes. These volumes are sort of a soft reboot for Benny - you don’t need to have listened to the early stuff at all.
- Bernice Summerfield: Epoch (2011–2013)
A set of volumes, starting with Epoch. This era was the start of big finish releasing each series as volumes, rather than distinct releases. It’s a continuation of the original 11 seasons, but presented in a more accessible way.
Or you, could just start here, right at the beginning!
All the stories in this segment are adaptions of previously published novels, except for the Buried Treasures (Making Myths and Closure) which were the first stories to be written specifically for audio.
General warning for this segment: sexual references.
Oh No It Isn't!
Featuring: Benny, Wolsey, Grel
Standalone: Yes
Beyond the Sun
Featuring: Benny, Jason
Standalone: Yes
Walking to Babylon
Featuring: Benny, Jason
Standalone: Yes
(plotline: The Ring of Time Trilogy)
Featuring: Benny, Jason
Standalone: No
(plotline: The Ring of Time Trilogy)
Just War
Featuring: Benny, Jason
Standalone: No
(plotline: The Ring of Time Trilogy)
Note: This drama includes graphic and potentially upsetting depictions of torture
Making Myths
Featuring: Benny, Keri
Featuring: Benny
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes graphic descriptions of various war crimes.
Dragon's Wrath
Featuring: Benny
Standalone: Yes
Segment 5:
BBV: Sontarans, Rani, I Scream
Spin-off (1999–2000)
Please note that most of the BBV audio dramas are quite dark and edgy, and contain content that isn’t appropriate for younger listeners.
Here are the BBV dramas for 2000.
First is a story involving icecream and a terrible conspiracy. It’s narrated and performed by Lisa Bowerman, who also plays Bernice Summerfield.

I Scream
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama contains adult material and may not be appropriate for younger listeners.
Next, is a series of audio dramas about Sontarans.
Silent Warrior
Featuring: Sontarans
Standalone: Yes

Old Soldiers
Featuring: Sontarans, UNITStandalone: Yes
Conduct Unbecoming
Featuring: Sontarans
Standalone: Yes
Finally, The Rani Reaps the Whirlwind, a standalone story featuring The Rani and the Tetraps.
The Rani Reaps the Whirlwind
Featuring: the Rani, tetraps
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes graphic and potentially upsetting depictions of sexual assault and torture
Segment 6:
Monthly Adventures (B)
(Oct–Dec 2000)
The final three Monthly Adventures for 2000 features a couple of “side-steps” – The Shadow of the Scourge steps sideways into the Virgin New Adventures’ canon; and The Holy Terror steps sideways into the comic books.
The Shadow of the Scourge
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Benny
Standalone: Yes

The Holy Terror
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, FrobisherStandalone: Yes
The Mutant PhaseFeaturing: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Thals, DaleksStandalone: Yes
(plotline: Dalek Empire)
If you've listened to everything so far, then you've listened to 35 stories (approximately).
Segment 7:
Monthly Adventures (C)
(First half of 2001)
The first half of 2001 features the first appearance of the Eighth Doctor in audio dramas, accompanied by new companion Charlotte Pollard (Charley for short). It also features the first appearance of The Master, in Dust Breeding.
Storm Warning
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley
Standalone: Yes
(plotline: Charley)
Sword of Orion
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, Cybermen
Standalone: Yes
The Stones of Venice
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley
Standalone: Yes
Minuet in Hell
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, Brigadier
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes graphic and potentially upsetting depictions of sexual assault, human trafficking, medical mistreatment, and mental health.
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Turlough
Standalone: Yes
Dust BreedingFeaturing: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Bev, the MasterStandalone: Yes
(plotline: the Master)
Segment 8:
BBV: The Wirrn, Zygons
Please note that most of the BBV audio dramas are quite dark and edgy, and contain content that isn’t appropriate for younger listeners.
A BBV story featuring the Wirrn from the TV story The Ark in Space.
The Wirrn: Race Memory
Featuring: the Wirrn
Standalone: Yes
Next, a series featuring the zygons:
Featuring: Zygons
Standalone: Yes
Featuring: Zygons
Standalone: Yes
The Barnacled Baby
Featuring: Zygons
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes potentially upsetting discussions of miscarriage
(The guide that inspired me to create this one put The Killing Stone here as well, but I can barely find any information about it, let alone find the audio drama itself.)
Segment 9:
Specials: Last of the Titans
Welcome to the first Miscelaneous segment! This is for all stories that don’t fit in anywhere else – special anniversary releases, bonus releases for subscribers to the Monthly Adventures, self-contained stories that aren’t part of anything else, and so on.
The Last of the Titans is a Big Finish special release, originally released on a free CD with Doctor Who Magazine #300, and currently available for free on the Big Finish website.
The Last of the Titans
Featuring: the 7th Doctor
Standalone: Yes
Segment 10:
Monthly Adventures D
(Second half of 2001)
Now back to the Monthly Adventures, to finish off the remaining stories for 2001.
Project: Twilight introduces a villain who returns in later audio dramas, and The Eye of the Scorpion introduces a new-to-audio companion Erimem.
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Evelyn, Silurians
Standalone: Yes
Project: Twilight
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Evelyn, Nimrod, the Forge
Standalone: Yes
(plotlines: Evelyn, Forge)
Note: This drama includes graphic and potentially upsetting depictions of heavy violence
The Eye of the ScorpionFeaturing: the 5th Doctor, Peri, ErimemStandalone: Yes
(plotline: Erimem)
Note: This drama includes graphic and potentially upsetting depictions of torture
ColditzFeaturing: the 7th Doctor, Ace, KleinStandalone: Yes
(plotlines: Ace, Klein)
Note: This drama includes graphic and potentially upsetting depictions of heavy violence, in addition to implications of sexual assault
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Trakenites
Standalone: Yes
The One Doctor
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Mel
Standalone: Yes
Segment 11:
Bernice Summerfield: Series 2
Spin-off (2001)
Please note that Bernice Summerfield audio dramas contain adult material and may not be suited to younger listeners.
Bernice Summerfield is back! Beginning with this series, Big Finish started creating its own original stories about her, and also published novels and short stories that tie in to the series.
In series 2, the novels were intrinsically linked into the overall storyline of the series, so much so that many listeners who had skipped the books were surprised to learn that Benny was pregnant in The Skymines of Karthos. If you want the full context of the series, reading the novels (or listening to the recently released audiobook versions of them) is a good idea, but if you don’t want to read them, then here’s what you need to know:
Spoilers for the novels
The Braxiatel Collection is a private collection of many artifacts from history, run by Irving Braxiatel (a Time Lord). Home to Professor Bernice Summerfield after her home planet Dellah was destroyed (off-screen between series 1 and series 2). Her ex-husband Jason is presumed to be dead.
During the events of The Squire’s Crystal, Benny is possessed and has sex with Adrian Wall, a Killoran (big dog-person) construction worker. The characters are still reacting to this situation in The Stone’s Lament.
Benny does not find out that she’s pregnant until The Infernal Nexus. Also in the Infernal Nexus: Jason is brought back.
When The Skymines of Karthos starts, Benny is 5 months pregnant.
In The Glass Prison, Benny gives birth to a son, and names him Peter.
Luckily, Big Finish decided to stop making the novels so essential to the storyline in the subsequent series, due to complaints from listeners.
Short Stories: The Dead Men Diaries
Featuring: Various
Standalone: Yes
Note: Out of print
Novel: The Doomsday Manuscript
Featuring: Benny, Brax, Joseph, Adrian, the Fifth Axis
Standalone: Yes
The Secret of Cassandra
Featuring: Benny
Standalone: Yes
Novel: The Gods of the Underworld
Featuring: Benny, Brax, Joseph
Standalone: Yes
Novel: The Squire's Crystal
Featuring: Benny, Adrian, Joseph, Brax, Fenman
Standalone: No
Note: This novel contains a significant amount of transphobia, as well as (potentially) sexual assault. I personally wasn't able to finish this novel - I got about halfway through before getting sick of the uncomfortable humour.
The Stone's Lament
Featuring: Benny, Adrian
Standalone: No
Note: This drama contains a potentially upsetting scene involving sexual assault
The Extinction Event
Featuring: Benny, Brax
Standalone: Yes
Novel: The Infernal Nexus
Featuring: Benny, Jason
Standalone: No
Note: This novel contains some ableist narration.
The Skymines of Karthos
Featuring: Benny, Brax
Standalone: No
Novel: The Glass Prison
Featuring: Benny, Brax, Joseph, Jason, Adrian, Isaac, Peter, the Fifth Axis, Fenman, Chris Cwej
Standalone: No
Segment 12:
Dalek Empire I
Spin-off (2001)
The Dalek Empire series asks the question “What if the Daleks invaded, and the Doctor wasn’t there to stop them?”.
The Dalek Empire stories were set up in a thread through 4 Monthly Adventures (The Genocide Machine, The Apocalypse Element, The Mutant Phase, and The Time of the Daleks), but the series itself can be listened to without that prior context.
Warning: These stories feature a lot of death. Also, since they form a continuous story (unlike most other releases up to this point) you absolutely need to listen to them in order.
Invasion of the DaleksStandalone: Yes
The Human FactorStandalone: No
"Death to the Daleks!"Standalone: No
Project InfinityStandalone: No
If you've listened to everything so far, then you've listened to 66 stories (approximately).
Segment 13:
Monthly Adventures (E)
(First half of 2002)
The first half of 2002’s Monthly Adventures focused on the Eighth Doctor. These stories form a kind of “season”, with a story arc based around Anti-time, so (unlike other Monthly Adventures segments) I highly recommend that you listen to these in order.
Invaders From Mars
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes potentially upsetting use of a homophobic slur
The Chimes of MidnightFeaturing: the 8th Doctor, CharleyStandalone: No
(first listen to: Storm Warning)
(plotline: Anti-time)
Note: This drama includes graphic and potentially upsetting depictions of death, suicide, and self-harm
Seasons of FearFeaturing: the 8th Doctor, CharleyStandalone: No
(listen to the Anti-time plotline in order)
(plotline: Anti-time)
Embrace the DarknessFeaturing: the 8th Doctor, CharleyStandalone: Yes
(plotline: Anti-time)
Note: This drama includes graphic and potentially upsetting body horror involving eyes
The Time of the DaleksFeaturing: the 8th Doctor, Charley, DaleksStandalone: No
(listen to the Anti-time plotline in order)
(plotlines: Anti-time, Dalek Empire)
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, Romana, Time Lords
Standalone: No
(listen to the Anti-time plotline in order)
(plotline: Anti-time)
Segment 14:
BBV: Krynoids, Minds, Mercy
Spin-off (1999-2002)
Please note that most of the BBV audio dramas are quite dark and edgy, and contain content that isn’t appropriate for younger listeners.
First, two audio dramas featuring Krynoids (from the TV story Seeds of Doom)
The Root of All Evil
Featuring: Krynoids
The Green Man
Featuring: Krynoids
Then two standalone stories. One features the Rutans (the mortal enemies of the Sontarans), and the other one features Guy de Carnac, a love interest of Benny’s from the Virgin New Adventures novel Sanctuary.
In 2 Minds
Featuring: Rutans
Standalone: Yes
The Quality of Mercy
Featuring: Guy de Carnac
Segment 15:
Misc: The Ratings War, The Switching, Excelis
At the start of this segment is the special release The Ratings War, which features the villain Beep the Meep (from the Doctor Who Magazine comics).
The Ratings War
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Beep the Meep
Standalone: Yes
A “Short Trip” is a half-hour enhanced audiobook – there’s one narrator (like an audiobook), but it also features sound effects and a soundtrack. Originally, they were released as bonuses for people who subscribed to the Monthly Adventures. These subscriber bonuses were later re-released as “Short Trip: Rarities” in 2016–2018. The Switching is the first of these.
The Switching
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, the Master
Standalone: Yes
Next, the Excelis Saga, a miniseries centred around a mysterious relic, and set in the city of Excelis. Each of the episodes in the saga is set hundreds of years after the previous, and features a different Doctor. The episodes should be listened to in order. The epilogue of this story, featuring Bernice Summerfield, tangentially links in to Bernice Summerfield Series 3.
Excelis Dawns
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Iris Wildthyme
Standalone: Yes
(plotline: Excelis)
Excelis Rising
Featuring: the 6th Doctor
Standalone: No
(plotline: Excelis)
Excelis Decays
Featuring: the 7th Doctor
Standalone: No
(plotline: Excelis)
The Plauge Herds of Excelis
Featuring: Bernice Summerfield, Iris Wildthyme
Standalone: No
(plotline: Excelis)
And finally, Death Comes to Time, which was originally an animated webcast. It’s considered to be an alternate universe story, because it tries to be a series finale for Doctor Who altogether.
Death Comes to Time
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Antimony
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes potentially upsetting torture scenes, as well as use of words that alude to sexual assault
The alternate universe shown in Death Comes to Time continues in a Spin-off series called The Minister of Chance, but since that’s far removed from any actual Doctor Who, it’s not in this guide.
Segment 16:
Monthly Adventures (F)
(Second half of 2002)
And now the final half of the Monthly Adventures for 2002.
Spare Parts is one of Big Finish’s most popular releases.
The Sandman introduces the Galyari to the Doctor Who Universe.

Spare Parts
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, CybermenStandalone: Yes
Note: This drama (like most cybermen stories) includes graphic and potentially upsetting depictions of body horror

Featuring: the 6th Doctor, PeriStandalone: Yes
Note: This drama contains a graphic and potentially upsetting depiction of suicide
The Rapture
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace
Standalone: No
(first listen to: Colditz)

The Sandman
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Evelyn, the GalyariStandalone: Yes
Note: This drama contains a potentially upsetting use of a slur against Romani people
The Church and the Crown
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Peri, Erimem
Standalone: Yes
Note: While it is standalone, it is better to listen to "The Eye of the Scorpion" first. This drama includes a graphic and potentially upsetting depiction of torture
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Mel
Standalone: Yes
Segment 17:
Sarah Jane Smith: Series 1
Spin-off (2002)
And now a new spin-off series starring Sarah Jane Smith, working as an investigative journalist, uncovering corruption and crime wherever she can.
Warning: This is a horror/crime series. It is very dark in tone and contains adult material that may not be suitable for younger listeners.
Featuring: Sarah Jane, Josh, Natalie
Standalone: Yes
The Tao Connection
Featuring: Sarah Jane, Josh, Natalie
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes graphic and potentially upsetting depictions of racism, sexual assault, homophobia, and abusive relationships.
Test of Nerve
Featuring: Sarah Jane, Josh, Natalie
Standalone: No
Note: This drama (might) include a graphic and potentially upsetting depiction of suicide. (as of time of writing this note, I can't quite recall, I will update this when I relisten in the future).
Ghost Town
Featuring: Sarah Jane, Josh
Standalone: No
Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre
Featuring: Sarah Jane, Josh, Natalie
Standalone: No
Note: This drama includes some racist depictions of Indian people.
Segment 18:
Misc: The Maltese Penguin, Real Time
This segment contains a Bonus Release: The Maltese Penguin, as well as the audio version of a BBC animation, Real Time. Despite being animated, the script and audio production were specifically designed so that the story could be followed and understood perfectly as a purely audio production.
The Maltese Penguin
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Frobisher
Standalone: Yes
Real Time
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Evelyn, Cybermen
Standalone: Yes
Note: A sequel was planned, but never made. This drama includes graphic and potentially upsetting heavy violence.
If you've listened to everything so far, then you've listened to 96 stories (approximately).
Segment 19:
Monthly Adventures (G)
(First half of 2003)
The first half of 2003’s Monthly Adventures.
Jubilee was later adapted into the TV episode Dalek.

Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Evelyn, DaleksStandalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes graphic and potentially upsetting depictions of sexism, abusive relationships, heavy violence, and body horror
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Peri, Erimem
Standalone: Yes
Note: This story includes graphic and upsetting depictions of rape, sexism, and heavy violence. It is so abhorrent that the author was banned from writing for Doctor Who ever again, and isn't worth listening to. Please skip it.
The Dark Flame
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Bernice, Joseph
Standalone: Yes

Doctor Who and the Pirates
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, EvelynStandalone: Yes
Note: This drama seriously discusses mental health, depression, self-harm and suicide.
Creatures of Beauty
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa
Standalone: Yes
Project: Lazarus
Featuring: the 6th and 7th Doctors, Evelyn, Nimrod, the Forge
Standalone: No
(first listen to: Project: Twilight)
(plotlines: Evelyn, Forge)
Note: This drama includes graphic and potentially upsetting depictions of heavy violence and torture
Segment 20:
Bernice Summerfield: Series 3
Spin-off (2002–2003)
A third series of Benny’s adventures! Now that Jason has been discovered again, he shows up in a few of these dramas.
Middway through this series is when The Plague Herds of Excelis (the Excelis episode that features Benny) occurs. Originally, I put the Benny adventures in the same segment as Excelis, but that was too confusing (not to mention completely unneccesary, as they don’t impact on each other much.)
The Greatest Shop in the Galaxy
Featuring: Benny, Joseph
Standalone: Yes
The Green-Eyed Monsters
Featuring: Benny, Jason, Adrian, Peter
Standalone: Yes

The Dance of the Dead
Featuring: Benny, Ice WarriorsStandalone: Yes
Note: Occurs shortly after The Plague Herds of Excelis, but isn't tied to that drama's plot.
Short Stories: A Life of Surprises
Featuring: Various
The Mirror Effect
Featuring: Benny, Brax, Jason, Adrian, Joseph
Standalone: No
Note: This drama contains potentially upsetting scenes focusing on pregnancy.
Segment 21:
Dalek Empire II: Dalek War
Spin-off (2003)
The Dalek Empire series continues. Dalek War directly follows on from the ending of Dalek Empire.
Dalek War: Chapter OneStandalone: No
Dalek War: Chapter TwoStandalone: No
Note: This drama contains potentially upsetting depictions of torture and suicide
Dalek War: Chapter ThreeStandalone: No
Dalek War: Chapter FourStandalone: No
Note: This drama contains potentially upsetting depictions of suicide
Segment 22:
Misc: No Place Like Home, The Little Drummer Boy
This segment contains No Place Like Home, a special release, and The Little Drummer Boy, a Short Trip Rarity.
No Place Like Home
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Erimem
Standalone: Yes
The Little Drummer Boy
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Steven, Sara Kingdom
Segment 23:
Monthly Adventures (H)
(Second half of 2003)
We (almost*) finish off 2003’s Monthly Adventures. This includes the 50th release in the Monthly Adventures, Zagreus, which is notable for including every single actor from the classic series of Doctor Who that Big Finish had brought back.
*The December release for 2003 is Scherzo, but since it is the first part of a story arc that continues into the next year, I’ve put it at the start of next year’s stories.
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Mel
Standalone: Yes
Note: While this is one of my favourite time travel/paradox stories, be aware that this story includes antisemitism
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Omega
Standalone: Yes
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Davros
Standalone: Yes
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, the Master
Standalone: Yes
Featuring: the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Doctors
Standalone: No
(first listen to: Neverland)
(plotline: Anti-time)
The Wormery
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Iris Wildthyme
Standalone: Yes
Segment 24:
Doctor Who Unbound
Spin-off (2003)
Doctor Who Unbound is a series focused around alternate universes and “What ifs”. Each story is built around a different alternate scenario, and features a different actor playing the Doctor.
All these stories were released in 2003, but both Auld Mortality and Sympathy for the Devil were popular enough that sequel stories were made in 2005 and 2008.
Auld Mortality
What if... the Doctor and Susan had never left Gallifrey?
Standalone: Yes
Sympathy for the Devil
What if... the Doctor had not been UNIT's scientific advisor?
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes racism.
Full Fathom Five
What if... (hidden due to spoilers)
Standalone: Yes
He Jests at Scars...
What if... the Valeyard had won?
Standalone: No
(watch the trial of a timelord first)
Note: This drama contains a graphic and potentially upsetting description of injury
What if... the TV show had never aired?
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama contains potentially upsetting themes of parental neglect and abuse
What if... the Doctor had escaped the justice of the Time Lords?
Standalone: Yes
Note: This episode includes graphic and upsetting depictions of sexism, transphobia, depression, self-harm, substance abuse (alcohol) and suicide. I do not recommend listening to it.
The writer of Exile had this to say about it in 2017:
“I think I made a lot of bad decisions on that. At the time I thought, ’I don’t want to do the “typical” thing, which is just to do a Doctor who is female and just does Doctor-y things. […] It was appalling, really. I’m quite ashamed of it… It feels like it was from another era. I would never wish anyone to judge me on all those ill-made decisions.
“And it’s such a shame, is it not, that we didn’t do a really good female Doctor who we could have written further adventures for, like we did with David Warner. I’ve regretted that for quite some time.”
Segment 25:
Misc: Living Legend, Shada
We now have 2 more stories: the Big Finish audio play version of Shada, a Fourth Doctor story that was never finished due to a strike (and has since been completed with animation). This audio adaption features the Eighth Doctor instead of the Fourth. Additionally, we have a special release starring the Eighth Doctor and Charley.
Shada (Audio play)
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Romana, K9
Standalone: Yes
Living Legend
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley
Standalone: Yes
If you've listened to everything so far, then you've listened to 127 stories (approximately).
Segment 26:
Monthly Adventures (I)
(First half of 2004)
The Monthly Adventures for 2004 start off with the Divergent Universe arc (featuring the Eighth Doctor, Charley, and C’rizz). The first story of this arc, Scherzo, is actually the December 2003 release but it’s in this segment so that you can listen to the arc all at once.
After those, we have three stories with other Doctors, including Arrangements for War (which continues directly on from the events of Project: Lazarus), and The Harvest which introduces the new companion Hex to the TARDIS team of the 7th Doctor and Ace. The Harvest also later links (very loosely) in to two 2006 audio dramas, The Reaping and The Gathering.
ScherzoFeaturing: the 8th Doctor, CharleyStandalone: No
(first listen to: Zagreus)
(plotline: The Divergent Universe)
Note: This drama includes graphic and potentially upsetting depictions of body horror
The Creed of the Kromon
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizz, Kro'ka
Standalone: No
(plotline: The Divergent Universe)
Note: This drama includes graphic and potentially upsetting depictions of body horror, sexual assault, sexism, suicide, and torture.

The Natural History of Fear
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizzStandalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes graphic and potentially upsetting depictions of suicide, animal cruelty, and torture
The Twilight Kingdom
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizz, Kro'ka
Standalone: No
(plotline: The Divergent Universe)
The Axis of Insanity
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Peri, Erimem
Standalone: Yes
Arrangements for WarFeaturing: the 6th Doctor, Evelyn, RossiterStandalone: No
(first listen to: Project: Lazarus)
(plotline: Evelyn)
The HarvestFeaturing: the 7th Doctor, Ace, HexStandalone: Yes
(plotline: Hex)
Note: Introduces new companion Hex.
Segment 27:
Bernice Summerfield: Series 4
Spin-off (2003–2004)
Bernice Summerfield returns for another series of adventures. Each story in this series features a different creature from Doctor Who.
The Bellotron Incident
Featuring: Benny, Bev, Brax, Joseph, Rutans
Standalone: Yes
Note: While the story itself is standalone, Bev was first introduced in the monthly adventure "Dust Harvesting".
The Draconian Rage
Featuring: Benny, Brax, Draconians
Standalone: No
(first listen to: The Dark Flame)
Note: This drama includes potentially upsetting depictions of sexism, suicide, and invasive medical procedures.
The Poison Seas
Featuring: Benny, Brax, Sea Devils
Standalone: Yes
Short Stories: Life During Wartime
Featuring: Various
Standalone: No
Note: These short stories would be essential, but they are summarised briefly at the start of Death and the Daleks.
Death and the DaleksFeaturing: Benny, Brax, Jason, Adrian, Joseph, Bev, Isaac, the Fifth Axis, DaleksStandalone: No
Segment 28:
Gallifrey Series 1
Spin-off (2004)
Tales of intrigue and political manoeuvring on Gallifrey, starring Romana, Leela, Brax, and many many more - so many more that it was too complex to include a list of featured characters for each story without also spoiling things.
It’s not entirely necessary, but if you want the full background for this series, you should listen to The Apocalypse Element, Neverland, and Zagreus.
Please note: In the Gallifrey audio dramas, characters often refer to Leela using racist anti-indigenous terminology and ideas, such as calling her “s*vage” and dismissing her worth. This is sadly part of many Leela stories, but it is particularly amplified by Time Lords in general being racist themselves in universe. While the Gallifrey stories do have their own dedicated fanbase, they are also often difficult to listen to because of this.
Weapon of Choice
Standalone: Yes
(plotline: Gallifrey)
Square One
Standalone: No
(plotline: Gallifrey)
The Inquiry
Standalone: No
(plotline: Gallifrey)
A Blind Eye
Standalone: No
(plotline: Gallifrey)
Note: This drama contains a potentially upsetting discussion of suicide
Segment 29:
BBV: The Faction Paradox Protocols
Spin-off (2001–2004)
Please note that most of the BBV audio dramas are quite dark and edgy, and contain content that isn’t appropriate for younger listeners.
A series from BBV, focusing on Faction Paradox – a rebelious syndicate of Time Lords, devoted to inducing paradoxes and chaos into the flow of time. Faction Paradox was first introduced in the BBC’s Eighth Doctor Adventures novels.
The Faction Paradox Protocols has a sequel series, The True History of Faction Paradox.
This series is told as 3 chapters, with 2 dramas in each chapter.
The Eleven-Day Empire
Featuring: Justine, Eliza, Sontarans
The Shadow Play
Featuring: Justine, Eliza, Sontarans
Sabbath Dei
Featuring: Justine, Eliza, Sabbath
In the Year of the Cat
Featuring: Justine, Eliza, Sabbath
A Labyrinth of Histories
Featuring: Justine
Segment 30:
Misc: One Small Step…
Next, another Short Trip Rarity. This was re-released for free on the Big Finish Podcast on the 20th of June 2016.
One Small Step...
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Jamie, Zoe
Standalone: Yes
Segment 31:
Monthly Adventures (J)
(Second half of 2004)
The last few Monthly Adventures of 2004. This segment concludes the Divergent Universe arc that started with Scherzo.
After this, the 8th Doctor stories were no longer clumped together into “seasons”, and instead were mixed in with the other Monthly Adventures.
The Roof of the World
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Peri, Erimem
Standalone: No
(plotline: Erimem)
Note: This drama includes depictions of colonialism (and also a strange claim about the doctor liking colonialism)
Medicinal Purposes
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Evelyn, Knox
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes ableism, depictions of abuse of mentally ill people, and sexism.
Faith Stealer
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizz, Kro'ka
Standalone: No
(plotline: The Divergent Universe)
Note: This drama includes a reprise of a scene from The Creed of the Kromon involving suicide.
The Last
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizz, Kro'ka
Standalone: No
(plotline: The Divergent Universe)
CaerdroiaFeaturing: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizz, Kro'kaStandalone: No
(plotline: The Divergent Universe)
The Next Life
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizz, Kro'ka, Rassilon
Standalone: No
(plotline: The Divergent Universe)
Note: This drama includes depictions of colonialism, suicide, and some very sexist writing.
Segment 32:
Dalek Empire III
Spin-off (2004)
A new chapter in the Dalek Empire series, set 2500 years after the Dalek War, with the galaxy preparing for the Daleks to invade once again…
The ExterminatorsStandalone: No
The Healers
Standalone: No
The SurvivorsStandalone: No
The DemonsStandalone: No
The WarriorsStandalone: No
The FutureStandalone: No
Segment 33:
Misc: Lant Land, Silver Lining, Her Final Flight, Tales from the TARDIS
A Short Trip Rarity and two bonus releases:
Lant Land
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Tegan, Turlough
Standalone: Yes
Silver Lining
Featuring: Bernice Summerfield, Cybermen

Her Final Flight
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, PeriStandalone: Yes
We also have our first BBC audiobooks of the guide! This is Tales from the TARDIS, a 2 volume collection of previously released audiobooks. As a general rule, audiobooks of novelisations of TV stories aren’t included in this guide, but this collection is an exception due to the fact that it also has a few Short Trips and original stories.
Tales from the TARDIS Volume 1
- The Curse of Peladon
- Kinda
- Attack of the Cybermen
- Out of the Darkness
- (and 6 Short Trips)
Featuring: the 3rd, 5th, and 6th Doctors, Jo, Adric, Tegan, Nyssa, Peri, CybermenTales from the TARDIS Volume 2
- Planet of the Daleks
- Warriors of the Deep
- Vengeance on Varos
- The TV Movie
- Earth and Beyond
Featuring: the 3rd, 5th, 6th, and 8th Doctors, Jo, Tegan, Turlough, Peri, Sam
If you've listened to everything so far, then you've listened to 175 stories (approximately).
Segment 34:
Monthly Adventures (K)
(First half of 2005)
The first half of 2005’s Monthly Adventures. Midway through this segment, Doctor Who returned to television. This was unfortunately a difficult time for Big Finish, as people abandoned the audio dramas in droves (out of a perception of illegitimacy).
The Juggernauts features the Mechanoids from the TV story The Chase.
Three’s a Crowd references many past events of Erimem’s life (in particular The Eye of the Scorpion and The Roof of the World), so you should listen to the previous Erimem stories for the full context.

The Juggernauts
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Mel, Daleks, Davros, MechanoidsStandalone: Yes
The Game
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes potentially upsetting depictions of heavy violence and sexism.
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Hex
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama very heavily (and clumsily) appropriates the imagery and ideas of Aboriginal culture and spirituality. I cannot recommend listening to this.
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Mel
Standalone: Yes
Three's a Crowd
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Peri, Erimem
Standalone: No
(plotline: Erimem)

Featuring: the 7th Doctor, MelStandalone: Yes
Segment 35:
Bernice Summerfield: Series 5
Spin-off (2004-2005)
This series of Bernice Summerfield brings back a few old enemies: the Grel (first introduced in the very first episode of Bernice Summerfield Oh No It Isn’t!), the Galyari (first introduced in the Monthly Adventures story The Sandman), and the K1 robot (from the TV story Robot).
Novel: The Big Hunt
Featuring: Benny
The Grel Escape
Featuring: Benny, Jason, Peter, Joseph, the Grel
Standalone: Yes
Short Stories: A Life Worth Living
The Bone of Contention
Featuring: Benny, the Galyari
Standalone: No
(first listen to: The Sandman)
Note: This drama includes the use of the g-slur
The Relics of Jegg-Sau
Featuring: Benny, K1
Standalone: Yes
Short Stories: A Life in Pieces

The Masquerade of Death
Featuring: Benny, AdrianStandalone: Yes
Segment 36:
Spin-off (2004-2005)
UNIT is a self-contained mini series, which sees a retired Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart advising a new UNIT team.
The last story features Colonel Brimmicombe-Wood, played by David Tennant and introduced in the Unbound story Sympathy for the Devil. As the Unbound stories are set in an alternate universe, you don’t need to listen to Sympathy for the Devil first, but there are a few references that you might enjoy if you do.
The Coup
Featuring: Brigadier, Chaudhry
Standalone: Yes
Time Heals
Featuring: Brigadier, Chaudhry, Dalton
Standalone: No
Snake Head
Featuring: Chaudhry, Dalton
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama deals with the topic of immigration and people smuggling
The Longest Night
Featuring: Chaudhry, Dalton, Hoffman
Standalone: No
Note: This drama depicts suicide, racism, and bigotry.
The Wasting
Featuring: Chaudhry, Brigadier, Brimmicombe-Wood
Standalone: No
For more UNIT tales, you can check out the Unit Dominion boxset, released in 2012 and featuring the Seventh Doctor, and the new UNIT series, released from 2015 onwards and featuring Kate Stewart and Osgood.
Segment 37:
Monthly Adventures (L)
(Second half of 2005)
The last Monthly Adventures releases of 2005:

The Council of Nicaea
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Peri, ErimemStandalone: Yes
Terror FirmaFeaturing: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizz, Daleks, DavrosStandalone: No
(plotline: The Divergent Universe)
Thicker than WaterFeaturing: the 6th Doctor, Mel, Evelyn, RossiterStandalone: No
(first listen to: Arrangements for War)
(plotline: Evelyn)

Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, HexStandalone: Yes
Scaredy Cat
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizz
Standalone: Yes
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Turlough
Standalone: Yes
Other Lives
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizz
Standalone: Yes
Segment 38:
Gallifrey Series 2
Spin-off (2005)
More stories from Gallifrey.
Standalone: No
Standalone: No
Note: This drama includes a potentially upsetting depiction of severe injuries.
Standalone: No
Note: This drama includes a potentially upsetting depiction of severe injuries.
Standalone: No
Standalone: No
Segment 39:
Iris Wildthyme: Series 1
Spin-off (2005)
Iris Wildthyme, the transtemporal adventuress who travels the multiverse in a double decker bus, gets her own series. She first appeared in a short story called Old Flames, and her previous audio appearances were in the Excelis saga and The Wormery.
The Iris dramas are marked as Essential and not Standalone, as they all link in to each other, but there are not many links to the broader Doctor Who universe.
Wildthyme at Large
Featuring: Iris, Tom, Panda
Standalone: Yes
The Devil in Ms. Wildthyme
Featuring: Iris, Tom, Panda
Standalone: No
Segment 40:
Misc: Neptune, Cryptobiosis, Audiobooks
A Bonus Release:
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri
Standalone: Yes
And a Short Trip Rarity. This release can only be gotten with a Monthly Adventures subscription that includes either The Doomsday Quatrain or The House of Blue Fire (both of which are significantly later in the guide). Note: while the audio drama was released in 2011, it is a reading of a story that was written in 2005.
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Sarah Jane
Since the show was revived in 2005, BBC Books also released a number of books, most of which had an audiobook version. I’ve hidden these away so they don’t take up too much space.
Audiobooks (2005)
This set of audiobooks features the Ninth Doctor:
The Clockwise Man
Featuring: the 9th Doctor, Rose
The Monsters Inside
Featuring: the 9th Doctor, Rose, Slitheen
Winner Takes All
Featuring: the 9th Doctor, Rose
The Deviant Strain
Featuring: the 9th Doctor, Rose, Jack
Only Human
Featuring: the 9th Doctor, Rose, Jack
The Stealers of Dreams
Featuring: the 9th Doctor, Rose, Jack
If you've listened to everything so far, then you've listened to 215 stories (approximately).
Segment 41:
Monthly Adventures (M)
(First half of 2006)
The first half of 2006’s Monthly Adventures. Fun fact: every audio drama in this segment features original-to-audio companions.
Pier Pressure
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Evelyn
Standalone: Yes

Night Thoughts
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, HexStandalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes potentially upsetting depicitions of body horror and suicide

Time Works
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizzStandalone: Yes

The Kingmaker
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Peri, ErimemStandalone: Yes
The Settling
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Hex
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama is very dark and centres around a historical massacre.
Something Inside
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizz
Standalone: Yes
Segment 42:
Cyberman: Series 1
Spin-off (2005-2006)
A series about… Cybermen!
This series is set during the Orion War, which was first introduced in the 8th Doctor drama Sword of Orion.
Featuring: Karen, Liam, Cybermen
Standalone: Yes
Featuring: Karen, Liam, Cybermen
Standalone: No
Featuring: Karen, Liam, Cybermen
Standalone: No
Featuring: Karen, Liam, Cybermen
Standalone: No
Segment 43:
Sarah Jane Smith: Series 2
Spin-off (2006)
The second series of Sarah Jane Smith. The final episode of this series was released only a few weeks before Elizabeth Sladen returned to TV, and the subsequent creation of the spin off TV series The Sarah Jane Adventures meant that the audio dramas had to be cancelled.
Unfortunately, this means that the series ends with a cliffhanger. Aside from the cliffhanger, this series does wrap up most of its plot threads quite well.
Buried Secrets
Featuring: Sarah Jane, Josh, Natalie, Will
Standalone: No
Snow Blind
Featuring: Sarah Jane, Josh, Will
Standalone: No
Fatal Consequences
Featuring: Sarah Jane, Josh, Will
Standalone: No
Featuring: Sarah Jane, Josh, Natalie
Standalone: No
Segment 44:
Bernice Summerfield: Series 6
Spin-off (2005–2006)
Bernice Summerfield returns for another season.
In this series, the prose releases began to alternate between collections of short stories and groupings of three novellas.
This series has some (minor) linking to the events of Gallifrey Series 2.
The Heart's Desire
Featuring: Benny
Standalone: Yes
Novel: The Tree of Life
Featuring: Benny, Joseph
The Kingdom of the Blind
Featuring: Benny, Jason, Monoids
Standalone: Yes
The Lost Museum
Featuring: Benny, Jason
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes potentially upsetting depictions of war crimes, torture, and very severe injuries.
Short Stories: Something Changed
The Goddess Quandary
Featuring: Benny, Keri
Standalone: Yes
The Crystal of Cantus
Featuring: Benny, Brax, Jason, Cybermen, Peter
Standalone: No
Note: This drama includes potentially upsetting depictions of body horror.
Segment 45:
Misc: Veiled Leopard
A Special Release, featuring four companions on two conflicting missions…
The Veiled Leopard
Featuring: Peri, Erimem, Ace, Hex
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama contains characters with sexist and racist attitudes
Segment 46:
Monthly Adventures (N)
(Second half of 2006)
The final half of 2006’s Monthly Adventures.
Of special note is The Reaping and The Gathering. Together, these 2 stories form one larger one, and so they should both be listened to together. They also link loosely to The Harvest (Hex’s first story, released in 2004) so I also recommend you listen to that.
The Gathering is also somewhat unique, in that it brings back Tegan, albeit at a much later point in her life. At the time, Janet Fielding was not interested in returning to the role, and only agreed to do one special episode. She did eventually return to portray the original Tegan, but only several years later.

The Nowhere Place
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, EvelynStandalone: Yes
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Mel
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes strong violence.
The ReapingFeaturing: the 6th Doctor, Peri, CybermenStandalone: No
Note: The Reaping and The Gathering form one big story. This drama includes depictions of grief.
The Gathering
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Tegan, Cybermen
Standalone: No
(first listen to: The Reaping)
Note: The Reaping and The Gathering form one big story. This drama includes depictions of body horror.
Memory Lane
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizz
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes some occasional sexist and ableist dialogue, as well as the use of a slur against Romani people.
No Man's Land
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Hex
Standalone: No
(plotline: Hex)
Note: This drama includes scenes of war crimes, torture, and sexism.
Year of the Pig
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri
Standalone: Yes
Segment 47:
Gallifrey Series 3
Spin-off (2006)
The third series of Gallifrey brings all the plot-threads of the series so far to a conclusion (sort of).
This was the last series of Gallifrey for 5 years.
Standalone: No
Note: This drama includes depictions of severe injuries.
Standalone: No
Standalone: No
Standalone: No
Standalone: No
Note: This drama includes scenes of sexism, harrassment, a pandemic, and slurs against indigenous people.
Segment 48:
Bernice Summerfield: Series 7
Spin-off (2006)
Bernice Summerfield returns once again!
This series was released very shortly after the previous one.
The Tartarus Gate
Featuring: Benny, Jason, Joseph
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes scenes of torture.

Timeless Passages
Featuring: BennyStandalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes sexism and anti-indigenous language.
The Worst Thing in the World
Featuring: Benny, Jason
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes strong and crass sexual content, violence, animal death, references to suicide and self-harm, transphobia, homophobia, ableism.
Summer of Love
Featuring: Benny, Jason, Bev, Adrian, Doggles, Joseph, Hass
Standalone: No
Note: This drama includes many, many sex scenes and other explicit content. It is not appropriate for children or for listening to in a public place. It also includes some dodgy ideas around consent.
Short Stories: Collected Works
The Oracle of Delphi
Featuring: Benny, Jason
Standalone: No
Note: This drama includes sexism and a plague.
The Empire StateFeaturing: Benny, Jason, Maggie, BraxStandalone: No
Note: This drama contains some racist and transphobic dialogue.
Segment 49:
I, Davros
Spin-off (2006)
These dramas chart the rise to surpemacy of the infamous Davros
Featuring: Davros, Thals, Kaleds, Daleks
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama contains scenes of body horror, suicide, and medical experimentation.
Featuring: Davros, Thals, Kaleds, Daleks
Standalone: No
Note: This drama contains scenes of body horror, suicide, and medical experimentation.
Featuring: Davros, Thals, Kaleds, Daleks
Standalone: No
Note: This drama contains scenes of body horror, suicide, and medical experimentation.
Featuring: Davros, Thals, Kaleds, Daleks
Standalone: No
Note: This drama contains scenes of body horror, suicide, and medical experimentation.
Segment 50:
Misc: Return of the Daleks, Museum Peace, Audiobooks
This segment has a Bonus Release, then a Short Trip Rarity. Both of them are linked to the Dalek Empire series.
Return of the Daleks
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Susan Mendes, Kalendorf, Daleks
Standalone: No
(first listen to: Dalek Empire Series 1 and 2)

Museum Peace
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Kalendorf, DaleksStandalone: No
(first listen to: Return of the Daleks)
Audiobooks (2006)
And six audiobooks from the BBC New Series Adventures, featuring the Tenth Doctor:
The Stone Rose
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Rose, Mickey, Jackie
The Feast of the Drowned
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Rose, Mickey, Jackie
The Resurrection Casket
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Rose
The Nightmare of Black Island
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Rose
The Art of Destruction
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Rose
The Price of Paradise
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Rose
If you've listened to everything so far, then you've listened to 271 stories (approximately).
Segment 51:
Monthly Adventures (O)
(First half of 2007)
This segment sees a number of format experiments with the Monthly Adventures.
Firstly, Circular Time is an anthology of 4 short stories, rather than one long story. Due to it’s popular success, this format was repeated yearly.
Secondly, I.D. (a three episode story) was paired with Urgent Calls (a one episode story). This pattern would appear a few more times in the next few years, but ultimately did not catch on long term.
Circular Time
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, NyssaStandalone: Yes

Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, HexStandalone: Yes
Renaissance of the Daleks
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Daleks
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama contains weird amounts of military-focused scenes.

I.D.; Urgent Calls
Featuring: the 6th DoctorStandalone: Yes

Exotron; Urban Myths
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, PeriStandalone: Yes
Note: This drama contains body horror.
Featuring: the 7th Doctor
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes insects.
Segment 52:
Companion Chronicles: Series 1
The Companion Chronicles delves into the past to tell stories of the Doctor as seen through the eyes of their companions. These stories are partial-cast audio dramas – they generally feature a companion and one other actor, performing all the roles of the story.
The first series was released as an anthology, but the episodes are all available individually.
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Vicki, Steven
Fear of the Daleks
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Zoe, Jamie
The Blue Tooth
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Liz, Brigadier, Yates, Benton, Cybermen
The Beautiful People
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana, K9
Segment 53:
Monthly Adventures (P)
(Second half of 2007)
This segment includes 100, another anthology of 4 stories (and also the 100th release in the Monthly Adventures).
The Eighth Doctor’s stories with Charley and C’rizz come to a conclusion in this segment. The Eighth Doctor’s Adventures continue with a new companion in The Eighth Doctor Adventures.
The Wishing Beast; The Vanity Box
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Mel
Standalone: Yes
Frozen Time
Featuring: the 7th Doctor
Standalone: Yes
Son of the Dragon
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Peri, Erimem
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama contains a potentially upsetting use of a slur against Romani people
- 100 BC
- My Own Private Wolfgang
- Bedtime Story
- The 100 Days of the Doctor
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, EvelynStandalone: Yes
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, C'rizz
Standalone: No
(plotline: The Divergent Universe)
Note: This drama contains body horror and religious references.
The Mind's Eye; Mission of the Viyrans
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Peri, Erimem, Viyrans
Standalone: No
(first listen to: Other stories in Erimem's arc.)
The Girl Who Never WasFeaturing: the 8th Doctor, Charley, CybermenStandalone: No
(plotline: Charley)
Note: This drama includes some anti-asian dialogue.
Segment 54:
Eighth Doctor Adventures: Series 1
At last – a series just for the Eighth Doctor! With a brand new companion Lucie Miller, this series forms an excellent jumping on point for new listeners.
Both Blood of the Daleks and Human Resources are 2-part stories.
Blood of the DaleksFeaturing: the 8th Doctor, Lucie, DaleksStandalone: Yes
Horror of Glam Rock
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes graphic and potentially upsetting violence.
Immortal Beloved
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes references to suicide
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
Standalone: Yes

No More Lies
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, LucieStandalone: Yes
Human ResourcesFeaturing: the 8th Doctor, Lucie, CybermenStandalone: No
Segment 55:
Misc: Return to the Web Planet, Audiobooks
A bonus release:
Return to the Web Planet
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Zarbi, Menoptra
Audiobooks (2007)
Next, some audiobooks featuring the 10th Doctor and Martha:
Sting of the Zygons
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Martha, Zygons
The Last Dodo
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Martha
Wooden Heart
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Martha
Forever Autumn
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Martha
Sick Building
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Martha
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Martha
Wishing Well
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Martha
The Pirate Loop
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Martha
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Martha
And two made-for-audio audio books from the Sarah Jane Adventures:
The Glittering Storm
Featuring: Sarah Jane
The Thirteenth Stone
Featuring: Sarah Jane
If you've listened to everything so far, then you've listened to 312 stories (approximately).
Segment 56:
Monthly Adventures (Q)
(First half of 2008)
Another Monthly Adventures segment:
The Bride of Peladon
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Peri, Erimem, Peladonians, Ice Warriors
Standalone: No
(plotline: Erimem)
The CondemnedFeaturing: the 6th Doctor, Charley, DI MenziesStandalone: No
(plotline: Charley)
The Dark Husband
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Hex
Standalone: Yes
Note: This drama includes some mild sexism.
The Haunting of Thomas BrewsterFeaturing: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, BrewsterStandalone: Yes
(plotlines: Brewster, Evelyn, Hex)
Note: This drama includes references to suicide, depictions of physical abuse. While it doesn't yet tie in to Evelyn and Hex's arcs, it will be important later on.
Assassin in the Limelight
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Evelyn, Knox
The Death Collectors; Spider's Shadow
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Dar Traders
Segment 57:
Bernice Summerfield: Series 8
Spin-off (2007–2008)
Yet another season of Bernice!
The Tub Full of Cats
Featuring: Benny, Maggie, Brax, the Mim
The Judas Gift
Featuring: Benny, Bev, the Mim, Draconians
Freedom of Information
Featuring: Benny, Hass, the Mim, Draconians
Novellas: Nobody's Children
The End of the World
Featuring: Benny, Jason, Brax, Adrian
Novel: The Two Jasons
Featuring: Benny, Jason
The Final Amendment
Featuring: Benny, Kadiatu
Short Stories: Missing Adventures
The Wake
Featuring: Benny, Peter, Brax, Adrian, Bev, Doggles, Joseph, Hass
Segment 58:
Dalek Empire IV: The Fearless
Spin-off (2007–2008)
The final series of Dalek Empire, set at the same time as the first two series, but from a different perspective.
If you haven’t, you might want to listen to the 2006 special releases Return of the Daleks and Museum Peace, both of which are linked to the Dalek Empire series.
Segment 59:
Companion Chronicles: Series 2
More partial-cast adventures.
Unlike the first Companion Chronicles series, these stories were released episodically.
Mother Russia
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Steven, Dodo
Helicon Prime
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Jamie
Old Soldiers
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Brigadier
The Catalyst
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
Segment 60:
Misc: Cuddlesome
A Special Release, currently only available on soundcloud.
Featuring: the 5th Doctor
Segment 61:
Monthly Adventures (R)
(Second half of 2008)
Then a few more Monthly Adventures:
The Boy that Time Forgot
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa
The Doomwood Curse
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Charley
Kingdom of Silver; Keepsake
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Cybermen
Time Reef; A Perfect World
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Brewster
Brotherhood of the Daleks
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Charley, Daleks, Thals
- False Gods
- Order of Simplicity
- Casualties of War
- The Word Lord
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Hex, the Forge, Nobody No-OneThe Raincloud Man
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Charley, DI Menzies
Segment 62:
Eighth Doctor Adventures: Series 2
The Eighth Doctor’s second series of adventures with Lucie.
Dead London
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
Max Warp
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
Brave New Town
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
The Skull of Sobek
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
Grand Theft Cosmos
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie, the Headhunter
The Zygon Who Fell to Earth
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie, Pat, Zygons
Sisters of the Flame
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie, Morbius, Sisterhood of Karn, Straxus
The Vengeance of Morbius
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie, Morbius, Sisterhood of Karn, Straxus
Segment 63:
Bernice Summerfield: Series 9
Spin-off (2008)
Note: as of September 2021, series 9-11 of Bernice Summerfield are only available on CD. As series 1 through 8 were recently made available as downloads, I would recommend waiting a little while to see if the remaining episodes will become available too.
Summerfield returns for another Series (10 years after her first!)
This series starts to see the prose releases tapering off.
Beyond the Sea
Featuring: Benny, Peter
The Adolescence of Time
Featuring: Benny, Peter
The Adventure of the Diogenes Damsel
Featuring: Benny, Mycroft, Straxus, Cwejen
Novellas: The Vampire Curse
The Diet of Worms
Featuring: Benny, Peter
Segment 64:
Doctor Who Unbound (sequel stories)
Spin-off (2005–2008)
Due to the popularity of both Geoffrey Bayldon and David Warner’s portrayals of the Doctor in previous Unbound stories (Auld Mortlity and Sympathy for the Devil), two sequel stories were released.
(David Warner’s popularity even extends beyond this series, and he returns in The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield, from Volume 3 onwards).
A Storm of Angels
What if... the Doctor really had changed history, even just the tiniest bit?
Masters of War
A sequel to Sympathy for the Devil
Segment 65:
Torchwood: Lost Souls
Spin-off (2008)
The BBC produced a number of Radio plays for Torchwood, the first of which celebrated the switching on of CERN’s Large Hadron Collider.
Lost Souls
Featuring: Captain Jack, Gwen, Ianto, Martha Jones
Segment 66:
Misc: Stageplays, Return of the Krotons, Some Short Trips: Rarities, Audiobooks
The Stageplays was a one-off audio series from Big Finish, based on theatrical plays from the 60s and 80s.
The Ultimate Adventure
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Daleks, Cybermen
Seven Keys to Doomsday
Featuring: a non-canon Doctor, Daleks
The Curse of the Daleks
Featuring: Daleks
Next we have a whole bunch of Short Trip Rarities:
Lepidoptery for Beginners
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Jamie, Zoe
Twilight's end
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Nimrod
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana
Only Connect
Featuring: the 4th Doctor
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Peri
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa
A bonus release:
Return of the Krotons
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Charley, Krotons
Audiobooks (2008)
Some New Series Adventures audiobooks:
Martha in The Mirror
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Martha
Snowglobe 7
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Martha
The Many Hands
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Martha
The Ghosts of India
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Donna
The Doctor Trap
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Donna
Shining Darkness
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Donna
The Story of Martha
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Martha, the Master
Beautiful Chaos
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Donna, Wilf, Sylvia
The Eyeless
Featuring: the 10th Doctor
Then, some Original to Audio audiobooks:
Pest Control
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Donna
The Forever Trap
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Donna
Some Sarah Jane Adventures audiobooks:
And some Torchwood audiobooks:
If you've listened to everything so far, then you've listened to 387 stories (approximately).
Segment 67:
Monthly Adventures (S)
(First half of 2009)
The first half of the Monthly Adventures in 2009. The first 3 of these form a trilogy of adventures, called The Key 2 Time (and hence being a sequel to Season 16 of Doctor Who, The Key to Time). The new characters introduced in these stories, Amy and Zara, would go on to have stories of their own.
The Key 2 Time also initiated a format change to the monthly adventures - they’re now trilogies of adventures featuring a particular TARDIS team.
The Key 2 Time - The Judgement of Isskar
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Amy, Zara, Ice Warriors
The Key 2 Time - The Destroyer of Lights
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Amy, the Guardians of Time
The Key 2 Time - The Chaos Pool
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Amy, Zara, Romana, the Guardians of Time
The Magic Mousetrap
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Hex
Enemy of the Daleks
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Hex, Daleks
The Angel of Scutari
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Hex
Segment 68:
Iris Wildthyme: Series 2
Spin-off (2009)
Iris’s adventures continue. Unlike series 1, this series is available as a download.
The Sound of Fear
Featuring: Iris, Panda
The Land of Wonder
Featuring: Iris, Panda
The Two Irises
Featuring: Iris, Panda
The Panda Invasion
Featuring: Iris, Panda
Segment 69:
Companion Chronicles: Series 3
The Companion Chronicles got many more stories in this series, and for the first time included stories from Doctors after the Fourth.
Here There Be Monsters
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Susan, Ian, Barbara
The Great Space Elevator
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Victoria, Jamie
The Doll of Death
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Jo, Brigadier, Mike Yates, Benton
Empathy Games
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
Home Truths
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Sara Kingdom, Steven, Robert
The Darkening Eye
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Adric, Tegan, Dar Traders
The Transit of Venus
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara, Susan
The Prisoner's Dilemna
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Zara
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Polly, Ben, Jamie
The Magician's Oath
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Mike Yates, Jo, Brigadier, Benton
The Mahogany Murderers
Featuring: Jago & Litefoot
Standalone: Yes
(plotline: Jago & Litefoot)
Note: This drama includes characters expressing racist attitudes
The Stealers from Saiph
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana I
Segment 70:
BBC Torchwood Audio Dramas
Spin-off (2009)
Originally broadcast on BBC Radio, these stories are set just before Series 3 of the TV show.
Featuring: Captain Jack, Gwen, Ianto
Golden Age
Featuring: Captain Jack, Gwen, Ianto
The Dead Line
Featuring: Captain Jack, Gwen, Ianto
Segment 71:
Bernice Summerfield: Series 10
Spin-off (2009)
The 10th series of Bernice Summerfield’s adventures.
Glory Days
Featuring: Benny, Peter, Bev, Adrian, Brax
Featuring: Benny, Peter
Venus Mantrap
Featuring: Benny, Adrian, Peter
Secret Origins
Featuring: Benny, Peter, Robyn, Brax
Short Stories: Secret Histories
Segment 72:
Monthly Adventures (T)
(Second half of 2009)
The second half of Monthly Adventures in 2009 featured an Eighth Doctor anthology release, The Company of Friends; then a trilogy focused on the Sixth Doctor attempting to discover Charley’s origins; and finally a trilogy featuring the Fifth Doctor and Nyssa.
The Company of Friends
- Benny's Story
- Fitz's Story
- Izzy's Story
- Mary's Story
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Benny, Fitz, Izzy, Mary ShelleyPatient Zero
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Charley, Daleks, Viyrans
Paper Cuts
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Mila, Draconians
Blue Forgotten Planet
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Mila, Charley, Viyrans
Castle of Fear
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa
The Eternal Summer
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Edison
Plague of the Daleks
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Daleks
Segment 73:
Eighth Doctor Adventures: Series 3
The Eighth Doctor’s third series of adventures with Lucie.
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie, Krynoids
The Beast of Orlok
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
Wirrn Dawn
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie, Wirrn
The Scapegoat
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
The Cannibalists
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
The Eight Truths
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie, Eight Legs
Worldwide Web
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie, Eight Legs
Segment 74:
The True History of Faction Paradox
Spin-off (2005–2009)
This is the first of two series in this list from Magic Bullet Productions, another fan-made spin-off producer of audio dramas.
These stories continue on after The Faction Paradox Protocols, and features a deeper exploration into Sutekh and the Osirians from the TV story The Pyramids of Mars.
Coming to Dust
Featuring: Justine, Eliza
The Ship of a Billion Years
Featuring: Justine, Eliza, Sutekh
Body Politic
Featuring: Justine, Eliza, Sutekh, the War King, Horus
Words from Nine Divinities
Featuring: Justine, Eliza, Sutekh, the War King, Horus
Featuring: Justine, Horus, Sutekh
The Judgement of Sutekh
Featuring: Justine, Horus, Sutekh
Segment 75:
The Nest Cottage Chronicles: Hornet’s Nest
The first series of audio dramas produced by the BBC for Doctor Who in a very long time, featuring Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor for the first time in audio since 1976.
This is part of a 3 series story line titled The Nest Cottage Chronicles. The Nest Cottage Chronicles all link together in their own little continuity, isolated from the other audio dramas.
Note that this series prominently features hornets, so if you don’t like insects you will probably want to skip it.
The Stuff of Nightmares
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Mike Yates, Mrs Wibbsey, Hornets
Standalone: Yes
The Dead Shoes
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Mike Yates, Mrs Wibbsey, Hornets
Standalone: No
The Circus of Doom
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Mike Yates, Mrs Wibbsey, Hornets
Standalone: No
Note: This drama includes the use of a slur against Romani people.
A Sting in The Tale
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Mike Yates, Mrs Wibbsey, Hornets
Standalone: No
Hive of Horror
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Mike Yates, Mrs Wibbsey, Hornets
Standalone: No
Segment 76:
Eighth Doctor Adventures: Series 4 "Christmas Special”
The first story of Series 4 of the Eighth Doctor Adventures was released as a Christmas Special – the rest of the series didn’t start for another 7 months. Also included here is An Earthly Child. While it’s not technically part of the Eighth Doctor Adventures, it is essential to the plotline.
Death in Blackpool
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie, Pat, Zygons
An Earthly Child
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Susan
Segment 77:
Cyberman: Series 2
Spin-off (2009)
The second (and final) series in the Big Finish Cyberman spin-off, released as a box set.
Cyberman 2- Outsiders
- Terror
- Machines
- Extinction
Featuring: Samantha, Liam, Paul, Cybermen Standalone: No
Note: This drama includes scenes of torture, body horror, and suicide.
This was one of the first box set releases. Over the next few years, most of the audio dramas transitioned into being released as boxsets, rather than isolated episodes.
Segment 78:
Misc: Iris Wildthyme, Audiobooks
An Iris Wildthyme Christmas Episode:
Iris Wildthyme and the Claws of Santa
Featuring: Iris
Audiobooks (2009)
Then, some New Series Adventures audiobooks:
Judgement of the Judoon
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Judoon
The Slitheen Excursion
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Slitheen
Prisoner of the Daleks
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Daleks
The Taking of Chealsea 426
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Sontarans, Rutans
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Nestene, Autons
The Krillitane Storm
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Krillitane
Some original-to-audio audiobooks:
The Nemonite Invasion
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Donna
The Rising Night
Featuring: the 10th Doctor
The Day of the Troll
Featuring: the 10th Doctor
Some Sarah Jane Smith audiobooks:
The Shadow People
Featuring: Sarah Jane
The White Wolf
Featuring: Sarah Jane
And some Torchwood audiobooks:
If you've listened to everything so far, then you've listened to 466 stories (approximately).
Segment 79:
Monthly Adventures (U)
(First half of 2010)
Some more Monthly Adventures! The first 3 feature the return of Klein, the villain of the 25th Monthly Adventure Colditz. The other 3 feature the Sixth Doctor meeting up with Jamie again.
A Thousand Tiny Wings
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Klein
Survival of the Fittest/Klein's Story
Featuring: the 7th and 8th Doctors, Klein
The Architects of History
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Klein, Selachians
City of Spires
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Jamie
The Wreck of the Titan
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Jamie
Legend of the Cybermen
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Jamie, Zoe, Cybermen
Segment 80:
Companion Chronicles: The Specials
A collection of three special releases from the Companion Chronicles range. These were released as a collection in 2011.
The Mists of Time
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Jo, Time Lords
The Three Companions
Featuring: Polly, Brigadier, Brewster
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Turlough
Segment 81:
Companion Chronicles: Series 4
The next 12 Companion Chronicles.
The Drowned World
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Sara Kingdom, Steven, Robert
The Glorious Revolution
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Jamie, Zoe
The Prisoner of Peladon
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, King Peladon, Alpha Centuri, Ice Warriors
The Pyralis Effect
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Turlough, Tegan, Huxley
Bernice Summerfield and the Criminal Code
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Bernice
The Suffering
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Vicki, Steven
The Emperor of Eternity
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Jamie, Victoria
Shadow of the Past
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Liz, Brigadier, Mike Yates
The Time Vampire
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela, K9
Night's Black Agents
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Jamie
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, Celestial Toymaker
Segment 82:
Jago & Litefoot: Series 1
Spin-off (2010)
Jago & Litefoot is a series by Big Finish, focusing on the titular characters (introduced in The Talons of Weng-Chiang) solving mysteries in 1890s London. Each Jago & Litefoot series was released as a single box set.
Jago & Litefoot Series 1- The Bloodless Soldier
- The Bellova Devil
- The Spirit Trap
- The Similarity Engine
Featuring: Jago, Litefoot, Quick, Ellie Standalone: No
(first listen to: The Mahogany Murderers)
Note: This boxset includes graphic and potentially upsetting depictions of heavy violence and suicide, in addition to the use of a slur against Romani people and a racist depiction of Indian people.
Segment 83:
The Lost Stories: Series 1
Another Big Finish series. It took scripts that had been officially proposed to the BBC during the Classic era, converted them to audio dramas, and recorded them. It lasted for 4 seasons (until they had run out of unmade scripts to convert).
This series included canceled stories for season 22, as well as proposed stories for the original version of season 23 (before they decided to make it The Trial of a Timelord instead).
The Nightmare Fair
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri, Celestial Toymaker
Mission to Magnus
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri, Sil, Ice Warriors
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri
The Hollows of Time
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri, Tractators
Paradise 5
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri
Point of Entry
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri
The Song of Megaptera
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri
The Macros
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri
Segment 84:
Monthly Adventures (V)
(Second half of 2010)
And now the final Monthly Adventures for 2010. The first three feature the Fifth Doctor with Nyssa, Tegan, and Turlough – a TARDIS team which had never appeared in audio before. The next three stories feature the Seventh Doctor with Ace and Hex, as well as the Forge and the Sixth Doctor’s companion Evelyn. Finally, December’s release was an anthology story.
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough
The Whispering Forest
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough
The Cradle of the Snake
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough, Mara
Project: Destiny
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Hex, Nimrod, the Forge
Note: The novel Project: Valhalla is set before this drama and after the previous entry in the Project: Subtitle series
A Death in the Family
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Hex, Evelyn, Nobody No-One, the Forge
Lurkers at Sunlights Edge
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Hex
The Demons of Red Lodge and Other Stories
- The Demons of Red Lodge
- The Entropy Composition
- Doing Time
- Special Features
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, NyssaSegment 85:
Short Trips: Volume I
Short Trips Volumes contain 8 short stories, featuring each of the 8 Doctors that Big Finish had the license to use.
These are, essentially, enhanced audiobooks - there’s one narrator, accompanied by sound effects and background music.
Short Trips Volume 1
- Rise and Fall
- A Stain of Red in the Sand
- A True Gentleman
- Death-Dealer
- The Deep
- The Wings of a Butterfly
- Police and Shreeves
- Running Out of Time
Segment 86:
Graceless I
Spin-off (2010)
Graceless is a spin-off sequel to The Key 2 Time, starring the two tracers introduced in that story (Abby and Zara).
Graceless I
Featuring: Abby, ZaraSegment 87:
Bernice Summerfield: Series 11
Spin-off (2010)
The last series-style release of Bernice Summerfield – the subsequent releases were as named box sets.
Video: Dead and Buried
Featuring: Benny, Brax
Resurrecting the Past
Featuring: Benny, Peter, Brax, Bev, Adrian, Robyn, Doggles, Joseph, Hass
Short Stories: Present Danger
Featuring: Various
Escaping the Future
Featuring: Peter, Brax, Bev, Adrian, Doggles, Joseph, Hass
Year Zero
Featuring: Benny
Dead Man's Switch
Featuring: Benny
Segment 88:
The Nest Cottage Chronicles: Demon Quest
The second Nest Cottage Chronicles series featuring the Fourth Doctor.
The Relics of Time
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Mrs Wibbsey, the Demon
The Demon of Paris
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Mrs Wibbsey, the Demon
A Shard of Ice
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Mike Yates, Mrs Wibbsey, the Demon
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Mike Yates, Mrs Wibbsey, the Demon
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Mike Yates, Mrs Wibbsey, the Demon
Segment 89:
Misc: The Four Doctors, Audiobooks
A Bonus Release:
The Four Doctors
Featuring: the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Doctors, Daleks
Audiobooks (2010)
First, the last few original-to-audio books featuring the 10th Doctor:
The Last Voyage
Featuring: the 10th Doctor
Dead Air
Featuring: the 10th Doctor
Then, two Sarah Jane Adventures audiobooks:
Deadly Download
Featuring: Sarah Jane
Wraith World
Featuring: Sarah Jane
Then, a number of New Series Adventures audiobooks featuring the 11th Doctor:
Apollo 23
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy
Night of the Humans
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy
The Forgotten Army
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy
Nuclear Time
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory
The Kings Dragon
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory
The Glamour Chase
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory
The Coming of the Terraphiles
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy
And finally, two Original-to-Audio books:
The Ring of Steel
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy
The Runaway Train
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy
If you've listened to everything so far, then you've listened to 545 stories (approximately).
Segment 90:
Monthly Adventures (W)
(First half of 2011)
The first quarter of 2011’s Monthly Adventures features the re-introduction of Thomas Brewster, and the introduction of Flip. The second quarter features more adventures with Nyssa, Tegan, and Turlough.
The Crimes of Thomas Brewster
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Evelyn, Brewster, Flip, DI Menzies
The Feast of Axos
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Evelyn, Brewster, Axons
Industrial Evolution
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Evelyn, Brewster
Heroes of Sontar
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough, Sontarans
Kiss of Death
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough
Rat Trap
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough
Segment 91:
Jago & Litefoot: Series 2
Spin-off (2011)
Jago & Litefoot return for a second series.
Jago & Litefoot Series 2- Litefoot and Sanders
- The Necropolis Express
- The Theatre of Dreams
- The Ruthven Inheritance
Featuring: Jago, Litefoot, Sanders, Dr SackerStandalone: No
Note: This boxset includes graphic and potentially upsetting heavy violence
Segment 92:
Short Trips: Volume II
The second Short Trips anthology, once again featuring each of the first 8 Doctors.
Short Trips Volume II
- 1963
- The Way forwards
- Walls of Confinement
- Chain Reaction
- Sock Pig
- The Doctor's Coat
- Critical Mass
- Letting Go
Segment 93:
Gallifrey IV
Spin-off (2011)
The Gallifrey series returns, after a long break. It features Romana II, Leela, K9 II, and more, and is now in boxset format!
Gallifrey Series 4
- Reborn
- Disassembled
- Annihilation
- Forever
Segment 94:
Eighth Doctor Adventures: Series 4
The final series of the Eighth Doctor Adventures, introducing new companion Tamsin Drew. This series also features the return of the Monk, from the TV story The Time Meddler.
Note that this segment doesn’t include story 1 of Series 4, since that was released as a Christmas episode.
Before listening to the rest of these stories, make sure you’ve listened to Death in Blackpool, the Christmas episode, and An Earthly Child.
Situation Vacant
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Tamsin
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Tamsin
The Book of Kells
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Tamsin
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Tamsin, Ice Warriors
The Resurrection of Mars
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Tamsin, Lucie, Ice Warriors
Relative Dimensions
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Susan, Alex
Prisoner of the Sun
Featuring: the 8th Doctor
Lucie Miller
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Tamsin, Lucie, Susan, Alex, Daleks
To the Death
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Tamsin, Lucie, Susan, Alex, Daleks
After these stories, the Eighth Doctor Adventures continue in Dark Eyes, and Lucie Miller’s adventures continue in The Further Adventures of Lucie Miller (coming in July 2019).
Fans of the 8th Doctor might also like to check out the 3 Monthly Adventures from late 2011 which starred the 8th Doctor and Mary Shelley.
Segment 95:
Short Trips: Volume III
The third Short Trips anthology.
Short Trips Volume III
- Seven to One
- The Five Dimensional Man
- Pop-up
- The Wondrous Box
- Wet Walls
- The Murmurs of Earth
- The Riparian Ripper
- All the Fun of the Fair
Segment 96:
Companion Chronicles: Series 5
The Guardian of the Solar System
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Sara Kingdom, Steven, Bret, Mavic Chen, Robert
Echos of Grey
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Zoe, Jamie
Find and Replace
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Jo, Iris Wildthyme, Huxley, Brigadier, Benton
The Invasion of E-Space
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana, Adric
A Town Called Fortune
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Evelyn
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Susan
Peri and the Piscon Paradox
Featuring: the 5th and 6th Doctors, Peri
The Perpetual Bond
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Steven, Oliver
The Forbidden Time
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Polly, Ben, Jamie
The Sentinels of the New Dawn
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Liz
Ferril's Folly
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana I
The Cold Equations
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Steven, Oliver
Segment 97:
Jago & Litefoot: Series 3
Spin-off (2011)
Jago & Litefoot return for a third series! This series features Leela returning to Victorian London and joining the pair.
Jago & Litefoot Series 3
- Dead Men's Tales
- The Man at the End of the Garden
- Swan Song
- Chronoclasm
Featuring: Jago, Litefoot, LeelaSegment 98:
Monthly Adventures (X)
(Second half of 2011)
The second half of 2011’s Monthly Adventures, which includes an anthology story, three stories where the Seventh Doctor is travelling alone (although he does meet some characters who return in the future), and three of the Eighth Doctor’s adventures with Mary Shelley.
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Liv, Kaldor Robots
Recorded Time and Other Stories
- Recorded Time
- Paradoxicide
- A Most Excellent Match
- Question Marks
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, PeriThe Doomsday Quatrain
Featuring: the 7th Doctor
House of Blue Fire
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Sally
The Silver Turk
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Mary Shelley, Cybermen
The Witch from the Well
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Mary Shelley
Army of Death
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Mary Shelley
Segment 99:
The Lost Stories: Series 2
More of the Lost stories. This Series features First and Second Doctor stories, which (due to missing actors) are halfway between a Companion Chronicle and a full cast drama.
The Destroyers was not originally intended to be part of Doctor Who - it was to be the pilot for a Dalek TV show by Terry Nation, that was unfortunately cancelled at the last minute.
Farewell, Great Macedon
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Susan, Ian, Barbara
The Fragile Yellow Arc of Fragrance
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Susan, Ian, Barbara
Prison in Space
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Jamie, Zoe
The Destroyers
Featuring: Sara Kingdom, Daleks
Thin Ice
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Ice Warriors
Crime of the Century
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Raine
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Raine, Brigadier Bambera, UNIT
Earth Aid
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Raine
Segment 100:
Torchwood: The Lost Files
Spin-off (2011)
The second set of Torchwood audio dramas. The first two take place before Series 3 of the TV show, and the last one takes place afterwards.
The Devil and Miss Carew
Featuring: Captain Jack, Gwen, Ianto
Featuring: Captain Jack, Gwen, Ianto
The House of the Dead
Featuring: Captain Jack, Gwen, Ianto
Segment 101:
Short Trips: Volume IV
The fourth Short Trips anthology.
Short Trips Volume 4
- A Star is Born
- Penny Wise, Pound Foolish
- Lost in the Wakefield Triangle
- The Old Rogue
- The Lions of Trafalgar
- To Cut a Blade of Glass
- The Shadow Trader
- Quantum Heresy
Segment 102:
Bernice Summerfield: Epoch
Spin-off (2011)
A new era for Bernice Summerfield begins, in the lost city of Atlantis…
This is the first boxset format release for Bernice Summerfield, and is the first set which is available for download.
- The Kraken's Lament
- The Temple of Questions
- Private Enemy No. 1
- Judgement Day
Featuring: Benny, Ruth, Leonidas, JackSegment 103:
The Nest Cottage Chronicles: Serpent Crest
The third and final series of The Nest Cottage Chronicles.
Tsar Wars
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Mrs Wibbsey
The Broken Crown
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Mrs Wibbsey
Aladdin Time
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Mrs Wibbsey, the Scarf
The Hexford Invasion
Featuring: the 4th and 2nd Doctors, Mrs Wibbsey, Mike Yates
Survivors in Space
Featuring: the 4th and 2nd Doctors, Mrs Wibbsey, Mike Yates
Segment 104:
Graceless II
Spin-off (2011)
Abby and Zara return for a second series.
Graceless II
- The Line
- The Flood
- The Dark
Featuring: Abby, ZaraSegment 105:
Misc: The Five Companions, Audiobooks
A Bonus Release:
The Five Companions
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Ian, Steven, Sara Kingdom, Polly, Nyssa
And then the audiobooks for 2011
Audiobooks (2011)
First some Torchwood audiobooks:
Next, some New Series Adventures audiobooks:
Dead of Winter
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory
The Way Through the Woods
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory
Hunters Moon
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory
Touched by an Angel
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory, Weeping Angels
Paradox Lost
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory
Borrowed Time
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory
The Silent Stars Go By
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory, Ice Warriors
Then, some original-to-audio audiobooks:
The Jade Pyramid
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy
The Gemini Contagion
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy
The Hounds of Artemis
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy
The Eye of the Jungle
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory
And then the last two Sarah Jane Adventures audiobooks:
Children of Steel
Featuring: Sarah Jane
Judgement Day
Featuring: Sarah Jane
If you've listened to everything so far, then you've listened to 658 stories (approximately).
Segment 106:
Monthly Adventures (Y)
(First quarter of 2012)
Starting with 2012, our Monthly Adventures segments are now going to be in Quarters Of A Year, instead of Halves Of A Year. This is because the number of other releases has increased drastically.
This quarter features the Sixth Doctor, with new-ish companion Flip.
The Curse of Davros
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Flip, Davros, Daleks
The Fourth Wall
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Flip
Wirrn Isle
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Flip, Wirrn
Segment 107:
I, Davros: The Davros Mission
Spin-off (2012)
And now a special release, originally released as a bonus on the Complete Davros Collection DVD box set, and then re-released in 2012 online. The re-release was rebranded to be part of the I, Davros series, but it’s really a sequel to the TV story Revelation of the Daleks.
The Davros Mission
Featuring: Davros, Daleks
Standalone: Yes
Segment 108:
The Lost Stories: The Fourth Doctor Box Set
A special box set release of Lost stories, featuring the 4th Doctor!
The Foe from the Future
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
The Valley of Death
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
Segment 109:
Bernice Summerfield: Road Trip
Spin-off (2012)
Road Trip begins a pattern of three audio stories and one tie in novel per box set. In this set, Bernice is searching for her lost son, Peter.
Road Trip
- Brand Management
- Bad Habits
- Novel: The Weather on Vesimmon
- Paradise Frost
Featuring: Benny, RuthSegment 110:
Jago & Litefoot: Series 4
Spin-off (2012)
More tales of mystery.
Jago & Litefoot Series 4
- Jago in Love
- Beautiful Things
- The Longely Clock
- The Hourglass Killers
Featuring: Jago, Litefoot, Leela, EllieSegment 111:
Monthly Adventures (Z)
(Second quarter of 2012)
A few more Monthly Adventures releases, featuring the 5th Doctor.
The Emerald Tiger
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough
The Jupiter Conjunction
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough
The Butcher of Brisbane
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough, Magnus Greel
Segment 112:
Companion Chronicles: Series 6
Tales from the Vault
Featuring: the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Doctors, Matheson, Sato, Steven, Dodo, Zoe, Jamie, Jo, Romana I
The Rocket Men
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara, Vicki, Rocket Men
The Memory Cheats
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Zoe, Jamie
The Many Deaths of Jo Grant
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Jo
The First Wave
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Steven, Oliver, Vardans
Beyond the Ultimate Adventure
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Crystal, Jason
The Anachronauts
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Steven, Sara Kingdom
The Selachian Gambit
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Zoe, Jamie, Selachians
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Liz
The Wanderer
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Ian, Susan, Barbara
The Jigsaw War
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Jamie
The Rings of Ikiria
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Yates, Brigadier, Benton
Segment 113:
Fourth Doctor Adventures: Series 1
At last – Big Finish creates a series with Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor.
Destination: Nerva
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
The Renaissance Man
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
The Wrath of the Iceni
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
Energy of the Daleks
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela, Daleks
Trail of the Whtie Worm
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela, the Master
The Oseidon Adventure
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela, the Master, Kraals
Segment 114:
Misc: The Revenants
A special release from the Companion Chronicles series
The Revenants
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Barbara, Ian
Standalone: Yes
Segment 115:
Monthly Adventures (AA)
(Third quarter of 2012)
A few more Monthly Adventures releases, this time with the Seventh Doctor travelling with Ace and Hex, and introducing new companions Sally and Lysandra.
Protect and Survive
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Hex
Black and White
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Hex, Sally, Lysandra
Gods and Monsters
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Hex, Sally, Lysandra, Fenric
Segment 116:
Counter-Measures: Series 1
Spin-off (2012)
This series involves several characters from the Remembrance of the Daleks (Group Captain Ian Gilmore, Professor Rachel Jenson, and Allison Williams), solving mysteries relating to the paranormal or alien in Britain in 1964, as part of the Intrusion Countermeasures Group.
Counter-Measures Series 1
- Threshold
- Artificial Intelligence
- The Pelage Project
- State of Emergency
Segment 117:
Kaldor City
Spin-off (2001–2012)
Another series from Magic Bullet Productions, focusing around Kaldor City (the city from the TV serial The Robots of Death and the novel Corpse Marker). The writer of the original stories was heavily involved in the production. The stories involve a character called Carnell, who was originally in a Blake’s 7 episode, which makes this series technically a cross over.
The series proper is 6 parts long, but there are 2 special releases (The Prisoner and Metafiction).
For a long time, this was the last of the “officially” licensed fan productions - the next several years of the guide contains only Big Finish and BBC releases.
Segment 118:
Iris Wildthyme: Series 3
Spin-off (2012)
Iris Wildthyme returns again, after a three year absence, and now in a box set format.
Iris Wildthyme Series 3
- Iris Wildthyme Appreciation Society
- Iris Rides Out
- Midwinter Murders
Featuring: Iris, PandaSegment 119:
The Lost Stories: Series 3
More of the Lost stories.
The Elite
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan
The Children of Seth
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan
The Guardians of Prophecy
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri, Melkur
Power Play
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri, Victoria
The First Sontarans
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri, Sontarans
The Masters of Luxor
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Susan, Ian, Barbara
The Rosemariners
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Jamie, Zoe
Segment 120:
Bernice Summerfield: Legion
Spin-off (2012)
Benny’s adventures continue.
- Vesuvius Falling
- Novel: The Slender-Fingered Cats of Bubastis
- Shades of Gray
- Everybody Loves Irving
Featuring: Benny, Peter, Ruth, Jack, Brax, Dorian GrayFans of Benny should check out the novel adaptions range, as well as the special release Many Happy Returns
Segment 121:
Monthly Adventures (BB)
(Fourth quarter of 2012)
Finishing off 2012’s Monthly Adventures, we have 3 stories set in the galaxy-spanning Drashani Empire, and then an anthology release 1001 Nights.
The Burning Prince
Featuring: the 5th Doctor
The Acheron Pulse
Featuring: the 6th Doctor
The Shadow Heart
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Vienna
1001 Nights
- 1001 Nights
- My Brother's Keeper
- The Interplanetarian
- Smuggling Tales
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, NyssaVienna went on to have her own boxset of adventures, but they are generally considered not to be part of the Doctor Who universe.
Segment 122:
Novel Adaptions: Love and War
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Bernice Summerfield’s introduction, Big Finish started a new range: Novel Adaptions, adapting various stories from the Virgin New Adventures and Virgin Missing Adventures to audio. The first release in this range is Love and War, an adaption of the novel that introduced Benny.
Love and War
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Benny
Segment 123:
Dark Eyes 1
The Eighth Doctor resumes his adventures, except instead of in a series format they’re in a brand new format: each series is spread over 4 boxsets.
The Doctor and new companion Molly find themselves thrust into a series of dangerous and terrifying adventures, with the Daleks never far behind them…
Dark Eyes 1
- The Great War
- Fugitives
- Tangled Web
- X and the Daleks
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Molly, daleksSegment 124:
Jago & Litefoot’s Voyage
Spin-off (2012)
Jago & Litefoot travel with the 6th Doctor on 2 adventures.
Voyage to Venus
Featuring: Jago, Litefoot, the 6th Doctor
Voyage to the New World
Featuring: Jago, Litefoot, the 6th Doctor
Segment 125:
Misc: Many Happy Returns, Dominion, Audiobooks
There were 2 very special releases in 2012. One was for Benny:
Many Happy Returns
Featuring: Benny, Joseph, Brax, Adrian, Bev, Peter, Ruth, Jack, Leonidas, Iris Wildthyme, Panda
And the other was an epic 4-hour adventure featuring a mysterious unknown Doctor…
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Raine, Klein, the Other Doctor
And then the audiobooks for 2012:
Audiobooks (2012)
The final few Torchwood audiobooks:
One New Series Adventures audiobook:
Dark Horizons
Featuring: the 11th Doctor
Several Original-to-Audio books:
The Art of Death
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory
Darkstar Academy
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory
Day of the Cockroach
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory
The Nu-Humans
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory
The Empty House
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory
Sleepers in the Dust
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory
Snake Bite
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory
Two New Series tie-in novels:
The Angel's Kiss: A Melody Malone Mystery
Featuring: River Song
Devil in the Smoke
Featuring: the Paternoster Gang
And finally, an audiobook from the “Past Doctors New Novels” series:
The Wheel of Ice
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Jamie, Zoe
If you've listened to everything so far, then you've listened to 755 stories (approximately).
New Ranges in 2013:
Segment 126:
Monthly Adventures (CC)
(First quarter of 2013)
The first few Monthly Adventures of 2013, featuring the Sixth Doctor and Mel.
The Wrong Doctors
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Mel
Spaceport Fear
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Mel
The Seeds of War
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Mel, the Eminence
Segment 127:
Gallifrey V
Spin-off (2013)
The Gallifrey series returns. It features Romana II, Leela, Narvin, and more.
Gallifrey Series 5
- Emancipation
- Evolution
- Arbitration
Segment 128:
Jago & Litefoot: Series 5
Spin-off (2013)
More tales of mystery, but this time set in the wrong century…
Jago & Litefoot Series 5
- The Age of Revolution
- The Case of the Gluttonous Guru
- The Bloodchild Codex
- The Final Act
Featuring: Jago, Litefoot, EllieSegment 129:
Monthly Adventures (DD)
(Second quarter of 2013)
The second quarter of 2013 featured the 5th Doctor.
Eldrad Must Die!
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough, Eldrad
The Lady of Mercia
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough
Prisoners of Fate
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough
Segment 130:
Bernice Summerfield: New Frontiers
Spin-off (2013)
Tensions heat up for Benny’s family…
New Frontiers
- A Handful of Dust
- Novel: Filthy Lucre
- HMS Surprise
- The Curse of Fenman
Featuring: Benny, Peter, Ruth, Jack, Brax, FenmanSegment 131:
Companion Chronicles: Series 7
The Time Museum
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Ian
The Uncertainty Principle
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Zoe, Jamie
Project: Nirvana
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Lysandra, Sally
The Last Post
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Liz, Emily Shaw, Brigadier
Return of the Rocket Men
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Steven, Dodo, Rocket Men
The Child
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
The Flames of Cadiz
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Ian, Susan, Barbara
House of Cards
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Polly, Jamie, Ben
The Scorchies
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Jo, Brigadier, Scorchies
The Library of Alexandria
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Ian, Susan, Barbara
The Apocalypse Mirror
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Zoe, Jamie
Council of War
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Benton, Brigadier
Segment 132:
Graceless III
Spin-off (2013)
Abby and Zara return for a third series.
Graceless III
- The Edge
- The Battle
- Consequences
Featuring: Abby, ZaraSegment 133:
Counter-Measures: Series 2
Spin-off (2013)
The continuing adventures of the ICMG.
Counter-Measures Series 2
- Manhunt
- The Fifth Citadel
- Peshka
- Sins of the Fathers
Segment 134:
Monthly Adventures (EE)
(Third quarter of 2013)
This segment features the 7th Doctor and Klein.
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Klein, Will
Starlight Robbery
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Klein, Will, Sontarans, Garundel
Daleks Among Us
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Klein, Will, Davros, Daleks
Segment 135:
Fourth Doctor Adventures: Series 2
The Fourth Doctor’s adventures continue, this time with Romana I. Sadly, this is the only series of audio adventures recorded with Mary Tamm before she passed away.
The Auntie Matter
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana I
The Sands of Life
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana I, K9, Cuthbert, Laan
War Against the Laan
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana I, Cuthbert, Laan
The Justice of Jalxar
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana I, Jago, Litefoot
Phantoms of the Deep
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana I, K9
The Dalek Contract
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana I, K9, Daleks, Cuthbert
The Final Phase
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana I, K9, Daleks, Cuthbert
Segment 136:
Iris Wildthyme: Series 4
Spin-off (2013)
Iris Wildthyme returns for her final numbered series.
Iris Wildthyme Series 4
- Whatever Happened to Iris Wildthyme
- Iris at the Oche
- A Lift in Time
Featuring: Iris, PandaSegment 137:
Monthly Adventures (FF)
(Fourth quarter of 2013)
This segment includes the 1963 trilogy, a celebration for the 50th anniversary of doctor who.
1963: Fanfare for the Common Men
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa
1963: The Space Race
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri
1963: The Assassination Games
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Counter-Measures
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Hex, Sally
Segment 138:
Jago & Litefoot: Series 6
Spin-off (2013)
More tales of mystery, with Jago and Litefoot now back in Victorian London.
Jago & Litefoot Series 6
- The Skeleton Quay
- Return of the Repressed
- Military Intelligence
- The Trial of George Litefoot
Featuring: Jago, Litefoot, the Colonel, Ellie, Quick, AgathaSegment 139:
Gallifrey VI
Spin-off (2013)
The Gallifrey series continues…
Gallifrey Series 6
- Extermination
- Renaissance
- Ascension
Segment 140:
50th anniversary specials
First, the Big Finish 50th anniversary release, featuring the Fourth through to Eighth Doctors (as well as minor parts for the first three doctors), all caught in a trap layed out by the Master…

The Light at the End
Featuring: the 1st through 8th Doctors, Charley, Leela, Nyssa, Peri, Ace, the MasterStandalone: Yes
Next, The Destiny of the Doctor – A collaboration between AudioGO (a subsidiary of the BBC) and Big Finish productions. It was released each month between January and November 2013, to celebrate the 50th anniversary. It’s similar to the Companion Chronicles, in that there are generally only one or two voice actors.
Hunters of Earth
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Susan
Shadow of Death
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Jamie, Zoe
Vengeance of the Stones
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Brigadier, Mike Yates
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana
Smoke and Mirrors
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa, Tegan, Harry Houdini
Trouble in Paradise
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace
Enemy Aliens
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley
Night of the Whisper
Featuring: the 9th Doctor, Rose, Jack
Death's Deal
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Donna
The Time Machine
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Alice
The release of The Destiny of the Doctors was somewhat disrupted by AudioGO going into administration in October 2013, but the last story was released by Big Finish.
Segment 141:
The Lost Stories: Series 4
The final series of Lost Stories (until the upcoming 2019 continuation).
The Dark Planet
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Ian, Barabara, Vicki
The Queen of Time
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Jamie, Zoe
Lords of the Red Planet
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Jamie, Zoe, Ice Warriors
The Mega
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Jo, Brigadier, Yates, Benton
Segment 142:
Bernice Summerfield: Missing Persons
Spin-off (2013)
The odds are stacked against Benny, and this seems undoubtedly like the end for her…
Missing Persons
- Novel: Adorable Illusion
- Big Dig
- The Revenant's Carnival
- The Brimstone Kid
- The Winning Side
- In Living Memory
Featuring: Ruth, Jack, Adrian, Bev, Fenman, Brax, PeterThis is the conclusion of the “standard” Bernice Summerfield series. Benny returns in The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield.
Segment 143:
Misc: Night of the Stormcrow, Trial of the Valeyard, Audiobooks
Two bonus releases: A Fourth Doctor adventure Night of the Stormcrow, then Trial of the Valeyard (which is a sequel to the TV story Trial of a Time Lord).

Night of the Stormcrow
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, LeelaStandalone: Yes
Trial of the ValeyardFeaturing: the 6th Doctor, the ValeyardStandalone: No
Watch Trial of a Timelord first
(plotline: the 6th Doctor's Last Adventure)
And then the audiobooks for 2013:
Audiobooks (2013)
The last few Eleventh Doctor Novels:
Plague of the Cybermen
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Cybermen
The Dalek Generation
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Daleks
Standalone: Yes
Shroud of Sorrow
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Clara
A tie-in:
Summer Falls
Featuring: the 11th Doctor
A Past Doctors New Novels story:
Harvest of Time
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Jo, Brigadier, the Master
If you've listened to everything so far, then you've listened to 844 stories (approximately).
Segment 144:
Monthly Adventures (GG)
(First quarter of 2014)
The first quarter of 2014 focused on the Sixth Doctor and Flip.
Antidote to Oblivion
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Flip, Sil
The Brood of Erys
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Flip
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Flip
Segment 145:
Dark Eyes 2
The Eighth Doctor’s Adventures continue, and now the Doctor must face off against a new incarnation of the Master…
Dark Eyes 2
- The Traitor
- The White Room
- Time's Horizon
- Eyes of the Master
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Liv, Molly, Daleks, the MasterSegment 146:
Monthly Adventures (HH)
(Second quarter of 2014)
Three more Monthly Adventures.
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Hannah
Tomb Ship
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Hannah
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Hannah
Segment 147:
Jago & Litefoot: Series 7
Spin-off (2014)
More stories featuring the investigators of infernal incidents.
Jago & Litefoot Series 7
- The Monstrous Menagerie
- The Night of 1000 Stars
- Murder at Moorsey Manor
- The Wax Princess
Featuring: Jago, Litefoot, Ellie, LeelaSegment 148:
Charlotte Pollard: Series 1
Spin-off (2014)
Charlotte Pollard’s adventures with the Doctor are over, but now, in service of the Viyrans, she feels stifled, and will take any chance to escape…
Charlotte Pollard Series 1
- The Lamentation Cipher
- The Shadow at the Edge of the World
- The Fall of the House of Pollard
- The Viyran Solution
Featuring: CharleySegment 149:
The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield
Spin-off (2014)
A new box set of adventures, featuring Benny and her friends the Doctor and Ace!
The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield Volume 1
- The Revolution
- Good Night, Sweet Ladies
- Random Ghosts
- The Lights of Skaro
Featuring: Benny, the 7th Doctor, Ace, SkaroThis new era of Benny’s adventures was started because sales of Benny’s dramas had hit rock bottom, and so they needed to refresh the series to bring people back. And it worked!
Segment 150:
Companion Chronicles: Series 8
The final series under the Companion Chronicles name – but the series would live on in The First Doctor and The Second Doctor.
Featuring: the Master, Matheson, Sato
The Alchemists
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Susan
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Vicki, Steven
Ghost in the Machine
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Jo
The Beginning
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Sisan, Stoyn
The Dying Light
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Jamie, Zoe, Stoyn
Luna Romana
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana I, Romana II, Romana III, Stoyn
The Sleeping City
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara, Vicki
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara, Vicki
The War to End All Wars
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Steven, Dodo, Sida
The Elixir of Doom
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Jo, Iris
Second Chances
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Zoe, Jamie
Segment 151:
Monthly Adventures (II)
(Third quarter of 2014)
An anthology featuring the Sixth Doctor and Peri, and then three stories with the Seventh Doctor, Ace, and Hex.
Breaking Bubbles and Other Stories
- Breaking Bubbles
- Of Chaos Time The
- An Eye for Murder
- The Curious Incident of the Doctor in the Night-time
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, PeriRevenge of the Swarm
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Hex
Mask of Tragedy
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Hex
Signs and Wonders
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Hex, Sally
Segment 152:
Counter-Measures: Series 3
Spin-off (2014)
The continuing adventures of the ICMG.
Counter-Measures Series 3
- Changing of the Guard
- The Concrete Cage
- The Forgotten Village
- Unto the Breach
Segment 153:
Fourth Doctor Adventures: Series 3
The Fourth Doctor’s adventures continue, with Leela again.
The King of Sontar
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela, Sontarans
White Ghosts
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
The Crooked Man
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
The Evil One
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela, the Master
Lost of the Colophon
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
Destroy the Infinite
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela, the Eminence
The Abandoned
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
Zygon Hunt
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela, Zygons
Segment 154:
Philip Hinchcliffe Presents Part 1
This is the first part of a series of audio dramas written by Hinchcliffe (the producer of the show for the first 3 seasons of Tom Baker’s tenure), starring the Fourth Doctor and Leela.
This isn’t actually part of the Fourth Doctor Adventures range, but I’ve connected them together with the prev/next in range links, to make it a little more discoverable.
Phillip Hinchcliffe Presents
- The Ghosts of Gralstead
- The Devil's Armada
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, LeelaSegment 155:
Misc: Fifth Doctor Box Set, Worlds of Doctor Who
First is the Fifth Doctor Box Set, a full cast audio anthology featuring the Fifth Doctor, Tegan, Nyssa, and Adric (played by Matthew Waterhouse for the first time since 1984).
The Fifth Doctor Adventures Volume 1
- Psychodrome
- Iterations of I
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Adric, Tegan, NyssaAnd then the Worlds of Doctor Who, a special release to celebrate the 15th anniversary of The Sirens of Time, the first Doctor Who release from Big Finish. It features the crossover of a number of the Big Finish spin off ranges: Jago & Litefoot, Counter-Measures, Gallifrey, and UNIT.
The Worlds of Doctor Who
- Mind Games
- The Reesinger Process
- The Screaming Skull
- Second Sight
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Jago, Litefoot, Counter-Measures group, Ruth, Sato, Yates, UNIT, Romana, LeelaSegment 156:
Monthly Adventures (JJ)
(Fourth quarter of 2014)
The last stories of 2014 featured the 6th Doctor and Peri.
The Widow's Assassin
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri
Masters of Earth
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri, Daleks
The Rani Elite
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri, the Rani
Segment 157:
Jago & Litefoot: Series 8
Spin-off (2014)
More tales of mystery.
Jago & Litefoot Series 8
- Encore of the Scorchies
- The Backwards Men
- Jago & Litefott & Patsy
- Higson & Quick
Featuring: Jago, Litefoot, Ellie, Scorchies, Quick, PatsySegment 158:
Dark Eyes 3
The Dark Eyes storyline, featuring the Eighth Doctor, continues…
Dark Eyes 3
- The Death of Hope
- The Reviled
- Masterplan
- Rule of the Eminence
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Molly, Liv, the MasterSegment 159:
Novel Adaption: The Highest Science
And now, a Novel Adaption:
The Highest Science
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Benny, Chelonians
Segment 160:
The Early Adventures: Series 1
The Early Adventures continued telling stories from the first two doctors, like The Companion Chronicles did, but the format was pushed to make it as close to a full cast drama as possible.
The first series features stories from the First Doctor.
Domain of the Voord
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Susan, Barbara, Ian, Voords
The Doctor's Tale
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Vicki, Barbara, Ian
The Bounty of Ceres
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Vicki, Steven
An Ordinary Life
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Steven, Sara Kingdom
Segment 161:
Misc: Some more Subscriber Short Trips, Audiobooks
Some Subscriber Short Trips:
A Room With No View
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Peri
The Piltdown Men
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, H.G. Wells
Late Night Shopping
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
Waiting for Gadot
Featuring: the 4th Doctor
Standalone: Yes
The Doctors First XI
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana
Sound the Siren and I'll Come to You Comrade
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Mel
Standalone: Yes
A Home From Home
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Liz, Benton
And the audiobooks for 2014:
Audiobooks (2014)
An anthology of short stories:
Tales of Trenzalore
Featuring: the 11th Doctor
A tie-in:
Engines of War
Featuring: the War Doctor, Daleks, Time Lords
Some New Series Adventures, featuring the Twelfth Doctor:
The Blood Cell
Featuring: the 12th Doctor, Clara
Featuring: the 12th Doctor, Clara, the Paternoster Gang
The Crawling Terror
Featuring: the 12th Doctor, Clara
If you've listened to everything so far, then you've listened to 934 stories (approximately).
Segment 162:
Monthly Adventures (KK)
(First quarter of 2015)
The first releases of 2015 focused on the Fifth Doctor revisiting E-Space.
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough, Marshmen
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough
The Entropy Plague
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough
Segment 163:
Novel Adaptions: The Romance of Crime, The English Way of Death
Two Novel Adaptions:
The Romance of Crime
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana, K9, Ogrons
The English Way of Death
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana, K9, Ogrons
Segment 164:
Gallifrey VII
Spin-off (2015)
The Gallifrey series returns for a single epic story.
Segment 165:
Dark Eyes 4
The conclusion of the Eighth Doctor storyline Dark Eyes.
Dark Eyes 4
- A Life in the Day
- The Monster of Montmarte
- Master of the Daleks
- Eye of Darnkess
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Liv, Daleks, the MasterSegment 166:
Misc: Even more Subscriber Short Trips
The Young Lions
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
Crystal Ball
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace
String Theory
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
Segment 167:
Monthly Adventures (LL)
(Second quarter of 2015)
A small collection of Monthly Adventures, featuring Doctors travelling with previous companions.
The Defectors
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Jo, Yates
Last of the Cybermen
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Jamie, Zoe, Cybermen
The Secret History
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Steven, Vicki
Segment 168:
Novel Adaptions: The Well-Mannered War, Damaged Goods
The Well-Mannered War
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana, K9, Chelonians
Damaged Goods
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Chris, Roz
Segment 169:
Jago & Litefoot: Series 9
Spin-off (2015)
More tales of mystery.
Jago & Litefoot Series 9
- The Flying Frenchmen
- The Devil's Dicemen
- Island of Death
- Return of the Nightmare
Featuring: Jago, LitefootSegment 170:
Companion Chronicles: The First Doctor: Volume One
The continuation of the Companion Chronicles after the end of the monthly releases, focusing on the first doctor.
The First Doctor Volume 1
- The Sleeping Blood
- The Unwinding World
- The Founding Fathers
- The Locked Room
Featuring: 1st Doctor, Susan, Ian, Barbara, Vicki, Steven, SidaSegment 171:
The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield: The Triumph of Sutekh
Spin-off (2015)
This series sees the return of Sutekh from The Pyramids of Mars.
The Triumph of Sutekh
- The Pyramid of Sutekh
- The Vaults of Osiris
- The Eye of Horus
- The Tears of Isis
Featuring: 7th Doctor, Ace, SutekhSegment 172:
Misc: Worlds of Big Finish, Sphinx Lightning
And now The Worlds of Big Finish, which is a crossover between many Big Finish releases, some of them in the Doctor Who Universe:
The Worlds of Big Finish
- Graceless: The Archive
- Sherlock Holmes: The Adventure of the Bloomsbury Bomber
- The Confessions of Dorian Gray: The Feast of Magog
- Iris Wildthyme: Kronos Vad's History of Earth (Vol. 36,379)
- Vienna: The Lady from Callisto Rhys
- Bernice Summerfield: The Phantom Wreck
Featuring: Bernice, Sherlock, Zara, Abby, Iris Wildthyme, Vienna, Dorian GrayAnd also a Subscriber Short Trip
Sphinx Lightning
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Jo
Segment 173:
Monthly Adventures (MM)
(Third quarter of 2015)
We are the Daleks
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Mel, Daleks
The Warehouse
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Mel
Terror of the Sontarans
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Mel, Sontarans
Segment 174:
Counter-Measures: Series 4
Spin-off (2015)
The final series of Counter-Measures (before it was replaced with The New Counter-Measures)
Counter-Measures Series 4
- New Horizons
- The Keep
- Rise and Shine
- Clean Sweep
Segment 175:
Wildthyme Reloaded
Spin-off (2015)
Iris Wildthyme returns for eight half-hour episodes!
As of writing, this is the last Iris Wildthyme release.
Wildthyme Reloaded
- Comeback of the Scorchies
- Dark Side
- Oracle of the Supermarket
- Murder at the Abbey
- The Slots of Giza
- High Spirits
- An Extraterrestial Werewolf in Belgium
- Looking for a Friend
Featuring: Iris, Edwin TurnerSegment 176:
Fourth Doctor Adventures: Series 4
The Fourth Doctor’s adventures continue, with Leela.
The Exxilons
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela, K9, Exxilons
The Darkness of Glass
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
Requiem for the Rocket Men
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela, K9, Rocket Men, the Master
Death Match
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela, K9, the Master
Suburban Hell
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
The Cloisters of Terror
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela, Emily Shaw
The Fate of Krelos
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela, K9
Return to Telos
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela, K9, Jamie, Cybermen
Segment 177:
The Third Doctor Adventures: Volume 1
The Third Doctor Adventures stars the Third Doctor, played by Tim Treloar, and Jo Grant, played by Katy Manning.
The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 1
- Prisoners of the Lake
- The Havoc of Empires
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Jo, Mike Yates, BrigadierSegment 178:
Misc: The Last Adventure
A very special release: The Last Adventure, the stories that reveal the events leading up to the Sixth Doctor’s regeneration.

The Last Adventure
- The End of the Line
- The Red House
- Stage Fright
- The Brink of Death
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Constance, Charley, Flip, Jago, Litefoot, Mel, the ValeyardStandalone: No
Watch Trial of a Timelord first
Segment 179:
Monthly Adventures (NN)
(Fourth quarter of 2015)
Some Monthly Adventures, featuring the Sixth Doctor, and another featuring the Seventh.
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Constance
Planet of the Rani
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Constance
Shield of the Jötunn
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Constance
You are the Doctor and Other Stories
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace
Segment 180:
Doom Coalition 1
Doom Coalition is another series of adventures featuring the Eighth Doctor and companions Liv and Helen, and introducing a brand new villain.
Doom Coalition 1
- The Eleven
- The Red Lady
- The Galileo Trap
- The Satanic Mill
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Liv, Helen, the ElevenSegment 181:
Jago & Litefoot: Series 10
Spin-off (2015)
More tales of mystery.
Jago & Litefoot Series 10
- The Case of the Missing Gasogene
- The Year of the Bat
- The Mourning After
- The Museum of Curiosities
Featuring: Jago, Litefoot, Ellie, QuickSegment 182:
UNIT: Extinction
Spin-off (2015)
The new UNIT series focuses on the exploits of UNIT under the command of Kate Stewart and Petronella Osgood.
In Extinction, UNIT confront an invasion by the Nestene Consciousness.
UNIT Extinction
- Vanguard
- Earthfall
- Bridgehead
- Armageddon
Featuring: Kate, Osgood, Autons, Nestene ConciousnessSegment 183:
Short Trips: Series 5
In 2015, the Short Trips series changed to be monthly individual downloads, instead of being in a boxset. Here are all the Short Trips from 2015:
Flywheel Revolution
Featuring: the 1st Doctor
Little Doctors
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Jamie, Zoe
Time Tunnel
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Jo, Brigadier, Yates, Benton
The Ghost Trap
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
The King of the Dead
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan
The Shadows of Serenity
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri
Dark Convoy
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley, Yates
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Vicki, Steven
The Way of the Empty Hand
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Jamie, Zoe
The Other Woman
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Jo, Brigadier
Black Dog
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
Segment 184:
Novel Adaptions: Theatre of War, All-Consuming Fire
Theatre of War
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Benny, Brax
All-Consuming Fire
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Benny, Holmes, Watson
Segment 185:
The War Doctor: Only the Monstrous
The War Doctor series depicts the events of the Time War and the War Doctor’s role in them.
The War Doctor Only the Monstrous
- The Innocent
- The Thousand Worlds
- The Heart of the Battle
Featuring: the War Doctor, Ollistra, DaleksSegment 186:
The Diary of River Song: Series 1
Spin-off (2015)
The Diary of River Song involves River Song teaming up with Classic era doctors. Series 1 features the Eighth Doctor.
The Diary of River Song Series 1
- The Boundless Sea
- I Went to a Marvellous Party
- Signs
- The Rulers of the Universe
Featuring: River Song, the 8th DoctorSegment 187:
Misc: Subscriber Short Trips, Jago & Litefoot & Strax, Audiobooks
First, three Subscriber Short Trips:
The Warren Legacy
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana
The Toy
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Adric, the Master
The Caves of Erith
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
Then a special release featuring Jago & Litefoot alongside Strax from the new series.
The Haunting (Jago & Litefoot & Strax)
Featuring: Jago, Litefoot, Strax, Ellie, Quick
And finally, the audiobooks for 2015:
Audiobooks (2015)
An anthology:
A Past Doctors audiobook:
The Drosten's Curse
Featuring: the 4th Doctor
Some New Series Adventures:
Royal Blood
Featuring: the 12th Doctor, Clara
Big Bang Generation
Featuring: the 12th Doctor, Benny, Peter, Ruth, Jack
Deep Time
Featuring: the 12th Doctor, Clara
If you've listened to everything so far, then you've listened to 1046 stories (approximately).
Segment 188:
Monthly Adventures (OO)
(First quarter of 2016)
These releases feature the 5th Doctor.
The Waters of Amsterdam
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Tegan, Nyssa
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Tegan, Nyssa
The Peterloo Massacre
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Tegan, Nyssa
Segment 189:
The Early Adventures: Series 2
The second series of Early Adventures features the Second Doctor.
The Yes Men
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Ben, Polly, Jamie
The Foresaken
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Ben, Polly, Jamie
The Black Hole
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Jamie, Victoria
The Isos Network
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Jamie, Zoe, Cybermen
Segment 190:
Torchwood Monthly Range: Stories 1–6
Spin-off (2015–2016)
The first series to use Big Finish’s expanded license for new era content, Torchwood returns. The first set of adventures focuses on the Committee.
The Conspiracy
Featuring: Jack
Fall to Earth
Featuring: Ianto
Forgotten Lives
Featuring: Gwen, Rhys, Jack
One Rule
Featuring: Yvonne
Uncanny Valley
Featuring: Jack
More Than This
Featuring: Gwen, Andy
Segment 191:
The War Doctor: Infernal Devices
The War Doctor’s tale continues…
The War Doctor Infernal Devices
Featuring: the War Doctor, Ollistra, Daleks
Segment 192:
Doom Coalition 2
Doom Coalition, featuring the Eighth Doctor, Liv, and Helen, continues…
Doom Coalition 2
- Beachhead
- Scenes From Her Life
- The Gift
- The Sonomancer
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Liv, Helen, River Song, the ElevenSegment 193:
Misc: Churchill and the Horror at Bletchington Station
Firstly we have a New Who spin-off series, starring the version of Winston Churchill established in the TV show.
The Churchill Years Volume 1
- The Oncoming Storm
- Hounded
- Living History
- The Chartwell Metamorphosis
Featuring: Churchill, the 9th, 10th, and 11th Doctors, DaleksA Subscriber Short Trip:
The Horror at Bletchington Station
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Dodo
Segment 194:
Monthly Adventures (PP)
(Second quarter of 2016)
A few Monthly Adventures, featuring the Master:
And You Will Obey Me
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, the Master
Vampire of the Mind
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, the Master
The Two Masters
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, the Master
Segment 195:
Novel Adaption: Nightshade
And now a novel adaption:
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace
Segment 196:
Jago & Litefoot: Series 11
Spin-off (2016)
More tales of mystery.
Jago & Litefoot Series 11
- Jago & Son
- Maurice
- The Woman in White
- Masterpiece
Featuring: Jago, Litefoot, Ellie, Quick, the MasterSegment 197:
The Tenth Doctor Adventures: Volume 1
David Tennant returns to the role of the Tenth doctor in this series of audio dramas, alongside Donna
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Donna

Time Reaver
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, DonnaStandalone: Yes
Death and the Queen
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Donna
Segment 198:
Gallifrey VIII
Spin-off (2016)
The Gallifrey series returns for another story.
Segment 199:
Companion Chronicles: The Second Doctor: Volume One
More Companion Chronicles, focusing on the second doctor.
Companion Chronicles The Second Doctor Volume 1
- The Mouthless Dead
- The Story of Extinction
- The Integral
- The Edge
Featuring: 2nd Doctor, Jamie, Polly, Ben, Victoria, ZoeSegment 200:
UNIT: Shutdown
Spin-off (2016)
The exploits of UNIT under the command of Kate Stewart and Petronella Osgood continue.
UNIT Shutdown
- Power Cell
- Death in Geneva
- The Battle of the Tower
- Ice Station Alpha
Featuring: Kate, OsgoodSegment 201:
Misc: The Monkey House
A Subscriber Short Trip:
The Monkey House
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough
Segment 202:
Monthly Adventures (QQ)
(Third quarter of 2016)
Some more Monthly Adventures, featuring Mel reuniting with an older Doctor and Ace…
A Life of Crime
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Mel
Fiesta of the Damned
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Mel
Maker of Demons
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Mel
Segment 203:
The New Counter-Measures: Who Killed Toby Kinsella?
Spin-off (2016)
Who Killed Toby Kinsella? is a special feature-length release, forging a new era for the Counter-Measures group - the 70s…
Who Killed Toby Kinsella?
- Who Killed Toby Kinsella?
- The Dead Don't Rise
Segment 204:
Torchwood Monthly Range: Stories 7–12
Spin-off (2016)
Torchwood returns for a second series of adventures, continuing the Committee arc.
The Victorian Age
Featuring: Jack, Queen Victoria
Ghost Mission
Featuring: Andy, Norton Folgate
Moving Target
Featuring: Suzie
Featuring: Jack, Ianto
Made You Look
Featuring: Gwen Rhys
Segment 205:
Fourth Doctor Adventures: Series 5
The Fourth Doctor’s adventures continue, with Romana II.
Wave of Destruction
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana, K9
The Labyrinth of Buda Castle
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana
The Paradox Planet
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana, K9
Legacy of Death
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana, K9
Gallery of Ghouls
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana
The Trouble with Drax
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana, K9, Drax
The Pursuit of History
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana, K9
Casualties of Time
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana, K9
Segment 206:
The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield: The Unbound Universe
Spin-off (2016)
For this box set, Bernice joins a version of the doctor from a parallel universe (the one from Sympathy for the Devil in Unbound).
The Unbound Universe
- The Library in the Body
- Planet X
- The Very Dark Thing
- The Emporium At The End
Featuring: Benny, the Unbound Doctor, the Unbound MasterSegment 207:
Philip Hinchcliffe Presents Part 2
The second story from Philip Hinchcliffe, featuring the Fourth Doctor and Leela.
The Genesis Chamber
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
Segment 208:
Doom Coalition 3
Doom Coalition, featuring the Eighth Doctor, Liv, and Helen, continues…
Doom Coalition 3
- Absent Friends
- The Eighth Piece
- The Doomsday Chronometer
- The Crucible of Souls
Featuring: Liv, Helen, River SongSegment 209:
Misc: Classic Doctors, New Monsters, and The Shrine of Sorrows
Classic Doctors, New Monsters (unsurprisingly) features Doctors from the classic series, alongside aliens from the revived era.
Classic Doctors, New Monsters Volume 1
- Fallen Angels
- Judoon in Chains
- Harvest of the Sycorax
- The Sontaran Ordeal
Featuring: the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Doctors, Weeping Angels, Judoon, Sycorax, SontaransA Subscriber Short Trip:
The Shrine of Sorrows
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace
Segment 210:
Monthly Adventures (RR)
(Fourth quarter of 2016)
The final few Monthly Adventures of 2016:
The Memory Bank and Other Stories
- The Memory Bank
- The Last Fairy Tale
- Repeat Offender
- The Becoming
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, TurloughOrder of the Daleks
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Constance, Daleks
Absolute Power
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Constance
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Constance, Flip
Segment 211:
The War Doctor: Agents of Chaos
The War Doctor’s tale continues…
The War Doctor Agents of Chaos
- The Shadow Vortex
- The Eternity Cage
- Eye of Harmony
Featuring: Ollistra, Daleks, SontaransSegment 212:
Jago & Litefoot: Series 12
Spin-off (2016)
More tales of mystery.
Jago & Litefoot Series 12
- Picture This
- The Flickermen
- School of Blood
- Warm Blood
Featuring: Jago, Litefoot, Ellie, QuickSegment 213:
The Third Doctor Adventures: Volume 2
Two more adventures of the Third Doctor and Jo.
The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 2
- The Transcendence of Ephros
- The Hidden Realm
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, JoSegment 214:
Torchwood: Specials
Spin-off (2016)
Two Torchwood specials were released in 2016
The Torchwood Archive
Featuring: Various
Featuring: Jack, Gwen, Ianto, Ryhs, Andy
Segment 215:
UNIT: Silenced
Spin-off (2016)
The exploits of UNIT under the command of Kate Stewart and Petronella Osgood continue, this time featuring the Silents.
UNIT Silenced
- House of Silents
- Square One
- Silent Majority
- In Memory Alone
Featuring: Kate, Osgood, SilentsSegment 216:
The Early Adventures: Series 3
The third series of The Early Adventures features the First doctor again.
The Age of Endurance
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Susan, Barbara, Ian
The Fifth Traveller
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Vicki, Barbara, Ian
The Ravelli Conspiracy
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Vicki, Steven
The Sontarans
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Steven, Sara Kingdom, Sontarans
Segment 217:
Novel Adaptions: Original Sin, Cold Fusion
The last two novel adaptions from Big Finish:
Original Sin
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Benny, Chris, Roz
Cold Fusion
Featuring: the 5th and 7th Doctors, Adric, Nyssa, Tegan, Chris, Roz, Patience
Segment 218:
The New Counter-Measures: Series 1
Spin-off (2016)
After the special release Who Killed Toby Kinsella?, Big Finish created a series of stories for the New Counter-Measures.
The New Counter-Measures Series 1
- Nothing to See Here
- Troubled Waters
- The Phoenix Strain
- A Gamble With Time
Segment 219:
The Diary of River Song: Series 2
Spin-off (2016)
Series 2 of River Song’s adventures with classic doctors, featuring the Seventh and Sixth Doctors.
The Diary of River Song Series 2
- The Unknown
- Five Twenty-Nine
- World Enough and Time
- The Eye of the Storm
Featuring: River Song, the 6th and 7th DoctorsSegment 220:
Short Trips: Series 6
Gardens of the Dead
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough, Black Guardian
Prime Winder
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri
Washington Burns
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace
The Curse of the Fugue
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
This Sporting Life
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Steven, Dodo
Lost and Found
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Ben, Polly
The Blame Game
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Liz, the Monk
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Jeremy Thorpe, Jo, UNIT
A Full Life
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Adric, Romana, K9
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Peri
The Man Who Wasn't There
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley
The Hesitation Deviation
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Benny
Forever Fallen
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace
Segment 221:
Misc: The Christmas Dimension, Collector’s Item, Audiobooks
And then, some Subscriber Short Trips:
The Christmas Dimension
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Liz
Collector's Item
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Sarah Jane
And the audiobooks for 2016:
Audiobooks (2016)
A Past Doctors novel (strangely, featuring the 10th Doctor):
In the Blood
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Donna, Wilf, Sylvia
Some Original-to-Audio books:
The Gods of Winter
Featuring: the 12th Doctor, Clara
The House of Winter
Featuring: the 12th Doctor, Clara
The Sins of Winter
Featuring: the 12th Doctor, Clara
The Memory of Winter
Featuring: the 12th Doctor, Clara
If you've listened to everything so far, then you've listened to 1179 stories (approximately).
Segment 222:
Monthly Adventures (SS)
(First quarter of 2017)
The Star Men
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa, Tegan
The Contingency Club
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa, Tegan
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa, Tegan
Segment 223:
Torchwood One: Before the Fall
Spin-off (2017)
Big Finish starts another Torchwood series, focusing on Torchwood One before the Battle of Canary Wharf (featured in the TV episode Doomsday).
Torchwood One Before the Fall
- New Girl
- Through the Ruins
- Uprising
Featuring: Yvonne, IantoSegment 224:
Graceless IV
Spin-off (2017)
Abby and Zara return for a final series.
Graceless IV
- The Bomb
- The Room
- The Ward
- The Dance
Featuring: Abby, ZaraSegment 225:
The War Doctor: Casualties of War
The War Doctor and Cardinal Ollistra are stranded… but can Leela help?
Sadly, John Hurt passed away in 2017 (not long before this boxset was released), ending the series… until 2021 when the prequel series The War Doctor Begins was released.
Casualties of War
- Pretty Lies
- The Lady of Obsidian
- The Enigma Dimension
Featuring: the War Doctor, Ollistra, Leela, DaleksSegment 226:
Doom Coalition 4
Doom Coalition, featuring the Eighth Doctor, Liv, and Helen, concludes.
Doom Coalition 4
- Ship in a Bottle
- Songs of Love
- The Side of the Angels
- Stop the Clock
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Liv, Helen, Ollistra, the Monk, Weeping AngelsSegment 227:
Charlotte Pollard: Series 2
Spin-off (2017)
Charlotte Pollard’s adventures continue… (as of writing, this is the last series of Charlotte Pollard).
Charlotte Pollard Series 2
- Embankment Station
- Ruffling
- Seed of Chaos
- The Destructive Quality of Life
Featuring: Charley, Robert, ViyransSegment 228:
Monthly Adventures (TT)
(Second quarter of 2017)
Each release in this quarter is two 2-part adventures.
Alien Heart/Dalek Soul
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Daleks
Vortex Ice/Cortex Fire
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Flip
Shadow Planet/World Apart
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Flip
Segment 229:
Philip Hinchcliffe Presents Part 3
The third story from Philip Hinchcliffe, featuring the Fourth Doctor and Leela.
The Helm of Awe
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
Segment 230:
Jago & Litefoot: Series 13
Spin-off (2017)
The final full series of Jago & Litefoot, as unfortunately Trevor Baxter (the actor for Litefoot) passed away.
Jago & Litefoot Series 13
- The Stuff of Nightmares
- Chapel of Night
- How the Other Half Lives
- Too Much Reality
Featuring: Jago, Litefoot, Ellie, QuickSegment 231:
The Ninth Doctor Chronicles
The Doctor Chronicles are a series of enhanced audio books, rather than full cast dramas. The Ninth Doctor Chronicles was read by Nicholas Briggs.
The Ninth Doctor Chronicles
- The Bleeding Heart
- The Window on the Moor
- The Other Side
- Retail Therapy
Featuring: the 9th Doctor, Rose, Adam, Jackie TylerSegment 232:
UNIT: Assembled
Spin-off (2017)
The exploits of UNIT under the command of Kate Stewart and Petronella Osgood continue, featuring the Silurians.
UNIT Assembled
- Call to Arms
- Tidal Wave
- Retrieval
- United
Featuring: Kate, Osgood, Benton, Mike Yates, Jo Jones, SiluriansSegment 233:
The Lives of Captain Jack
Spin-off (2017)
Another spin off series from Big Finish, featuring Jack Harkness’ adventures outside of Torchwood.
The Lives of Captain Jack
- The Year After I Died
- Wednesdays for Beginners
- One Enchanted Evening
- Month 25
Featuring: Captain JackSegment 234:
Companion Chronicles: The First Doctor: Volume Two
The First Doctor’s stories continue.
Companion Chronicles The First Doctor Volume 2
- Fields of Terror
- Across the Darkened City
- The Bonfires of the Vanities
- The Plague of Dreams
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Vicki, Steven, Polly, Ben, DaleksSegment 235:
Misc: The Horror of Hy-Brasil
A Subscriber Short Trip:
The Horror of Hy-Brasil
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Jamie, Zoe
Segment 236:
Monthly Adventures (UU)
(Third quarter of 2017)
A few Monthly Adventures:
The High Price of Parking
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Mel
The Blood Furnace
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Mel
The Silurian Candidate
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Mel
Time in Office
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Tegan, Leela, Time Lords
Segment 237:
The Third Doctor Adventures: Volume 3
Two more adventures of the Third Doctor and Jo.
The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 3
- The Conquest of Far
- Storm of the Horofax
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Jo, DaleksSegment 238:
Torchwood Monthly Range: Stories 13–18
Spin-off (2017)
Unlike the previous sets of Torchwood Monthly adventures, which focused on the Committee, this series has no overall arc.
Visiting Hours
Featuring: Rhys
Corpse Day
Featuring: Owen, Andy
Featuring: Sato
The Office of Never Was
Featuring: Ianto
If you’re a fan of Torchwood, you’ll want to check out Aliens Among Us, which is the next segment…
Segment 239:
Torchwood: Aliens Among Us 1
Spin-off (2017)
Important Note: This is not the same series as the previous segment – the Monthly releases are set randomly during the TV show’s continuity (much like the Monthly Adventures is for Doctor Who), whereas Aliens Among Us is set after the TV show.
Big Finish began releasing a series of Torchwood adventures in box sets, set after the events of the TV series and previous Big Finish audio stories set after the Miracle Day. It’s sometimes advertised as Series 5 of Torchwood.
Aliens Among Us 1
- Changes Everything
- Aliens & Sex & Chips & Gravy
- Orr
- Superiority Complex
Featuring: Jack, Gwen, Tyler, OrrSegment 240:
The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield: Ruler of the Universe
Spin-off (2017)
Bernice’s Adventures in the Unbound Universe continue.
Ruler of the Universe
- Short Stories: True Stories
- The City and the Clock
- Asking for a Friend
- Truant
- The True Saviour of the Universe
Featuring: Benny, the Unbound Doctor, the Unbound MasterSegment 241:
Fourth Doctor Adventures: Series 6
The Fourth Doctor’s adventures continue, with Romana II.
The Beast of Kravenos
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana, K9, Jago, Litefoot
The Eternal Battle
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana, K9, Sontarans
The Silent Scream
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana, K9
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana
The Haunting of Malkin Place
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana
The Movellan Grave
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana, Movellans
The Skin of the Sleek
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana
The Thief Who Stole Time
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana
Segment 242:
Misc: More Classic Doctors, New Monsters
Following the success of the previous volume, another volume of Classic Doctors, New Monsters was released:
Classic Doctors New Monsters Volume 2
- Night of the Vashta Nerada
- Empire of the Racnoss
- The Carrionite Curse
- Day of the Vashta Nerada
Featuring: the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th Doctors, Vashta Nerada, Racnoss, CarrioniteSegment 243:
Monthly Adventures (VV)
(Fourth quarter of 2017)
The final Monthly Adventures of 2017.
The Behemoth
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Constance, Flip
The Middle
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Constance, Flip
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Constance, Flip
Segment 244:
Torchwood: Aliens Among Us 2
Spin-off (2017)
The second box set of Aliens Among Us.
Aliens Among Us 2
- Love Rat
- A Kill to a View
- Zero Hour
- The Empty Hand
Featuring: Jack, Gwen, Rhys, Andy, Tyler, OrrSegment 245:
The Eighth Doctor: The Time War 1
A prequel to The War Doctor, this series features the Eighth Doctor attempting to avoid the horrors of the Time War…
Time War 1
- The Starship of Theseus
- Echoes of War
- The Conscript
- One Life
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Bliss, Ollistra, DaleksSegment 246:
The Tenth Doctor Adventures: Volume 2
Three more stories featuring the Tenth Doctor, this time with Rose as his companion.
Infamy of the Zaross
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Rose, Jackie
The Sword of the Chevalier
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Rose
Cold Vengeance
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Rose, Ice Warriors
Segment 247:
UNIT: Encounters
Spin-off (2017)
The exploits of UNIT under the command of Kate Stewart and Petronella Osgood continue.
UNIT Encounters
- The Dalek Transaction
- Invocation
- The Sontaran Project
- False Negative
Featuring: Kate, Osgood, Daleks, SontaransSegment 248:
The New Counter-Measures: Series 2
Spin-off (2017)
The New Counter Measures Series 2
- The Splintered Man
- The Ship of Sleepwalkers
- My Enemy's Enemy
- Time of the Intelligence
Segment 249:
Short Trips: Series 7
The World Beyond the Trees
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Liv, Molly
Gardener's Worlds
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Jo, Yates
The Jago & Litefoot Revival
Featuring: the 10th and 11th Doctors, Jago, Litefoot, Ellie
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Ben, Polly
How to Win Planets and Influence People
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, the Monk, Sarah Jane, Harry
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie
The British Invasion
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Jamie, Zoe
A Heart on Both Sides
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Nyssa
All Hands on Deck
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Susan
The Ingenious Gentleman Adric of Alzarius
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa, Tegan
O Tannenbaum
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Steven
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor
Segment 250:
The War Master: Only the Good
Spin-off (2017)
The War Master stars the Master, played by Derek Jacobi.
The War Master 1 Only the Good
- Beneath the Viscoid
- The Good Master
- The Sky Man
- The Heavenly Paradigm
Featuring: the War Master, Daleks, ColeSegment 251:
The Early Adventures: Series 4
The fourth series of The Early Adventures features the Second Doctor again.
The Night Witches
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Ben, Polly, Jamie
The Outliers
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Ben, Polly, Jamie
The Morton Legacy
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Ben, Polly, Jamie
The Wreck of the World
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Jamie, Zoe
Segment 252:
The First Doctor Adventures: Volume One
Big Finish productions created another series starring the first Doctor. Using the cast of An Adventure in Space and Time, they began producing full-cast adventures with the Doctor and the original set of companions. This series also introduces a new incarnation of the Master.
The First Doctor Adventures Volume 1
- The Destination Wars
- The Great White Hurricane
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Susan, Ian, Barbara, the MasterA note on the Master
Unfortunately, the person cast as the Master ended up saying a bunch of transphobic and alt-right stuff on twitter. As of 2019: he shows up in a few more dramas, but it’s apparent that Big Finish is going to be dropping him as soon as his contract is over.
Segment 253:
Misc: Subscriber Short Trips, Audiobooks
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Steven
The Night Before Christmas
Featuring: the 7th Doctor
And the Audiobooks:
Audiobooks (2017)
Some New Series Adventures:
The Shining Man
Featuring: the 12th Doctor, Bill
Diamond Dogs
Featuring: the 12th Doctor, Bill
Plauge City
Featuring: the 12th Doctor, Bill, Nardole
Some Original-to-Audio books:
The Lost Angel
Featuring: the 12th Doctor, Alex, Brandon, Weeping Angels
The Lost Planet
Featuring: the 12th Doctor, Alex, Brandon
The Lost Magic
Featuring: the 12th Doctor, Alex, Brandon
The Lost Flame
Featuring: the 12th Doctor, Alex, Brandon, Ohila
Death Among the Stars
Featuring: the 12th Doctor
Rhythm of Destruction
Featuring: the 12th Doctor
If you've listened to everything so far, then you've listened to 1314 stories (approximately).
Segment 254:
Monthly Adventures (WW)
(First quarter of 2018)
The first few stories of 2018.
Kingdom of Lies
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa, Tegan
Ghost Walk
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa, Tegan
Serpent in the Silver Mask
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa, Tegan
Segment 255:
The Diary of River Song: Series 3
Spin-off (2018)
Series 3 of River Song’s adventures with classic doctors, featuring the Fifth Doctor.
The Diary of River Song Series 3
- The Lady in the Lake
- A Requiem for the Doctor
- My Dinner with Andrew
- The Furies
Featuring: River Song, the 5th Doctor, Madame KovarianSegment 256:
Gallifrey: Time War: Volume One
Spin-off (2018)
The Gallifrey series returns for stories set during the Time War…
Gallifrey Time War Volume 1
- Celestial Intervention
- Soldier Obscura
- The Devil You Know
- Desperate Measures
Segment 257:
Torchwood: Aliens Among Us 3
Spin-off (2017)
The final box set of Aliens Among Us.
Aliens Among Us 3
- Poker Face
- Tagged
- Escape Room
- Herald of the Dawn
Featuring: Jack, Gwen, Rhys, Andy, Tyler, OrrSegment 258:
The Third Doctor Adventures: Volume 4
Two more adventures of the Third Doctor and Jo.
The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 4
- The Rise of the New Humans
- The Tyrants of Logic
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Jo, the Monk, CybermenSegment 259:
Misc: Churchill and Tales from New Earth
Spin-off (2018)
The second volume of stories centering around Churchill.
The Churchill Years Volume 2
- Young Winston
- Human Conflict
- I Was Churchill's Double
- Churchill Victorious
Featuring: Churchill, 9th, 10th, and 11th Doctors, VastraThis box set focused around New Earth (as shown in the TV episodes New Earth and Gridlock):
Tales from New Earth
- Escape from New New York
- Death in the New Forest
- The Skies of New Earth
- The Cats of New Cairo
Featuring: Devon, Novice Hame, 10th DoctorSegment 260:
Monthly Adventures (XX)
(Second quarter of 2018)
This segment goes one month further than usual - this is because the first and last stories are somewhat related, so we’ve extended this “quarter” to preserve the relation between them.
The Helliax Rift
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Daniel Hopkins, UNIT
The Lure of the Nomad
Featuring: the 6th Doctor
Iron Bright
Featuring: the 6th Doctor
Hour of the Cybermen
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Daniel Hopkins, UNIT, Cybermen
Segment 261:
Ravenous 1
Another series of Eighth Doctor adventures, following on from the events of Doom Coalition.
Ravenous 1
- Their Finest Hour
- How to Make a Killing in Time Travel
- World of Damnation
- Sweet Salvation
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Liv, Helen, the Eleven, ChurchillSegment 262:
Torchwood: Special
Spin-off (2018)
One Torchwood special was released in 2018.
Featuring: Jack, Gwen, Ianto, Tosh, Owen
Segment 263:
The Tenth Doctor Chronicles
Featuring Jacob Dudman as both Narrator and as the voice of the Tenth Doctor.
The Tenth Doctor Chronicles
- The Taste of Death
- Backtrack
- Wild Pastures
- Last Chance
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Rose, Martha, Sylvia, Lady Christina de SouzaSegment 264:
Jago & Litefoot Forever
Spin-off (2018)
The conclusion of the Jago & Litefoot series. Due to Trevor Baxter’s passing, Litefoot’s lines were taken from archive recordings.
Jago & Litefoot Forever
Featuring: Jago, Litefoot, Ellie, Quick
Segment 265:
UNIT: Cyber-Reality
Spin-off (2018)
The exploits of UNIT under the command of Kate Stewart and Petronella Osgood continue. This series focuses on technology and cybermen, and also features the War Master…
UNIT Cyber-Reality
- Game Theory
- Telepresence
- Code Silver
- Master of Worlds
Featuring: Kate, Osgood, Cybermen, the War MasterSegment 266:
Fourth Doctor Adventures: Series 7
The Fourth Doctor’s adventures continue, with Leela.
The Sons of Kaldor
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela, Kaldor robots
The Crowmarsh Experiment
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
The Mind Runners/The Demon Rises
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela, K9
The Shadow of London
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
The Bad Penny
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
Kill The Doctor/The Age of Sutekh
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela, Sutekh
Segment 267:
Companion Chronicles: The Second Doctor: Volume Two
The second volume of Second Doctor stories.
Companion Chronicles The Second Doctor Volume 2
- The Curator's Egg
- Dumb Waiter
- The Iron Maid
- The Tactics of Defeat
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Ben, Polly, Jamie, VictoriaSegment 268:
Torchwood One: Machines
Spin-off (2018)
The tales of Torchwood One continue.
Torchwood One - Machines
- The Law Machines
- Through the Ruins
- Uprising
Featuring: Yvonne, IantoSegment 269:
The Eighth Doctor: The Time War 2
The continuation of the Eighth Doctor’s time in the Time War.
Time War 2
- The Lords of Terror
- Planet of the Ogrons
- In the Garden of Death
- Jonah
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Bliss, Daleks, OllistraSegment 270:
The First Doctor Adventures: Volume Two
The second volume of adventures using the cast of An Adventure in Space and Time.
The First Doctor Adventures Volume 2
- The Invention of Death
- The Barbarians and the Samurai
Featuring: Susan, Ian, BarbaraSegment 271:
Misc: Jenny
A boxset focusing on the exploits of Jenny after the events of the TV episode The Doctor’s Daughter.
Jenny - The Doctor's Daughter
- Stolen Goods
- Prisoner of the Ood
- Neon Reign
- Zero Space
Featuring: Jenny, Noah, OodSegment 272:
Monthly Adventures (YY)
(Third quarter of 2018)
As mentioned above, this is one month offset from the actual third quarter of 2018, because these stories are all related.
Red Planets
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Mel
The Dispossessed
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Mel
The Quantum Possibility Engine
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Mel
Segment 273:
Torchwood Monthly Range: Stories 19–24
Spin-off (2018)
Another set of (mostly) standalone Torchwood releases:
The Death of Captain Jack
Featuring: Jack, John Hart, Gwen, Ianto, Rhys, Andy, Norton Folgate, Queen Victoria
The Last Beacon
Featuring: Owen, Ianto
We Always Get Out Alive
Featuring: Gwen, Rhys
Goodbye Picadilly
Featuring: Andy, Norton Folgate
Instant Karma
Featuring: Sato
Deadbeat Escape
Featuring: Bilis Manger
Segment 274:
Class: The Audio Adventures Volumes 1 and 2
Spin-off (2018)
This was a series of audio stories centred around the TV show Class (a Doctor Who spin-off). The license was acquired before its cancellation, so the audio dramas can’t develop the cliffhanger at the end of season 1 of the show, so instead they all take place during the show’s first (and only) season.
Class Volume 1
- Gifted
- Life Experience
- Tell Me You Love Me
Featuring: Charlie, Ram, April, Tanya, Matteusz, Miss QuillClass Volume 2
- Everybody Loves Reagan
- Now You Know...
- In Remembrance
Featuring: Charlie, Ram, April, Tanya, Matteusz, Miss Quill, Ace, DaleksSegment 275:
The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles
Featuring Jacob Dudman as both Narrator and as the voice of the Eleventh Doctor.
The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles
- The Calendar Man
- The Top of the Tree
- The Light Keepers
- False Coronets
Featuring: Amy, Kazran, Dorium, Clara, Jane AustenSegment 276:
The Diary of River Song: Series 4
Spin-off (2018)
Series 4 of River Song’s adventures with classic doctors, featuring the Fourth Doctor.
The Diary of River Song Series 4
- Time in a Bottle
- Kings of Infinite Space
- Whodunnit?
- Someone I Once Knew
Featuring: River Song, 4th DoctorSegment 277:
Ravenous 2
The Eighth Doctor storyline Ravenous continues…
Ravenous 2
- Escape from Kaldor
- Better Watch Out
- Fairytale of Salzburg
- Seizure
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Liv, Helen, the ElevenSegment 278:
Torchwood: God Among Us 1
Spin-off (2018)
The first box set of God Among Us, which follows after the events of Aliens Among Us. (God Among Us is also known as Series 6 of Torchwood).
God Among Us
- Future Pain
- The Man Who Destroyed Torchwood
- See No Evil
- Night Watch
Segment 279:
Misc: Lady Christina de Souza
The tales of thief Lady Christina de Souza, the character introduced in the TV episode Planet of the Dead.
Lady Christina
- It Takes a Thief
- Skin Deep
- Portrait of a Lady
- Death on the Mile
Featuring: Lady ChristinaSegment 280:
Monthly Adventures (ZZ)
(Fourth quarter of 2018)
The last Monthly Adventures from 2018:
Warlock's Cross
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Elizabeth Klein, Daniel Hopkins, UNIT
Muse of Fire
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Hex, Iris, Panda
The Hunting Ground
Featuring: the 6th Doctor
Segment 281:
The Seventh Doctor New Adventures: Volume One
This series is set in the continuity of the New Adventures novels, featuring the companions Roz Forrester and Chris Cwej.
The Seventh Doctor New Adventures Volume 1
- The Trial of a Time Machine
- Vanguard
- The Jabari Countdown
- The Dread of Night
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Roz, ChrisSegment 282:
UNIT: Revisitations
Spin-off (2018)
The exploits of UNIT under the command of Kate Stewart and Petronella Osgood continue.
UNIT Revisitations
- Hosts of the Wirrn
- Breach of Trust
- Open the Box
Featuring: Kate, Osgood, Wirrn, Chin LeeSegment 283:
Bernice Summerfield: The Story So Far, and Treasury
Spin-off (2018)
To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Benny on audio, Big Finish made a few special releases:
First, the two volumes of The Story So Far, summarising the different eras of Bernice’s life:
The Story So Far Volume 1
- Ever After Happy
- The Grel Invasion of Earth
- Braxiatel in Love
Featuring: Benny, Jason, Brax, GrelThe Story So Far Volume 2
- Every Dark Thought
- Empress of the Drahvins
- The Angel of History
Featuring: Benny, the Valeyard, Ruth, Drahvins, the Unbound DoctorAnd then two anthologies of Short Stories - one featuring all new stories, and the other featuring older (out of print) stories. Both were read by Lisa Bowerman.
Short Stories: In Time
Featuring: Benny
Segment 284:
Short Trips: Series 8
The Authentic Experience
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Mel
The Turn of the Screw
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Sato, Matheson
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Adric, Narvin
Trap for Fools
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Turlough
The Siege of Big Ben
Featuring: the meta-crisis 10th Doctor, Jackie
The Darkened Earth
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Constance
Flight Into Hull!
Featuring: the meta-crisis 10th Doctor, Jackie
A Small Semblance of Home
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Susan, Ian, Barbara
I Am The Master
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, the Master
The Mistpuddle Murders
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan
The Devil's Footprints
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Mel
The Last Day at Work
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Jamie
Segment 285:
The Early Adventures: Series 5
The fifth series of The Early Adventures features the First doctor again.
The Dalek Occupation of Winter
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Steven, Vicki, Daleks
An Ideal World
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Steven, Vicki
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Steven, Vicki
The Crash of the UK-201
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Steven, Vicki
Segment 286:
The War Master: The Master of Callous
Spin-off (2018)
The War Master series continues…
The War Master 2 The Master of Callous
- Call for the Dead
- The Glittering Prize
- The Persistence of Dreams
- Sins of the Father
Featuring: the War Master, OodSegment 287:
Misc: Subscriber Short Trips, Audiobooks
A few Subscriber Short Trips.
Mission Improbable
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Evelyn
Taken for Granted
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Jo
The Smallest Battle
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Harry
Starting in March 2018, the BBC started producing a new series of narrated stories, somewhat similar to [The Nest Cottage Chronicles] from a few years earlier:
The Thing from the Sea
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Fenella Wibbsey
Men of War
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Steven, Sara Kingdom
Horrors of War
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Jo
The Fortunes of War
Featuring: the 6th Doctor
And then the Audiobooks for 2018:
Audiobooks (2018)
A novelisation:
Doctor Who and the Krikkitmen
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana, K9
And some New Series Adventures novels featuring the Thirteenth Doctor:
The Good Doctor
Featuring: the 13th Doctor, Ryan, Yaz, Graham
Molten Heart
Featuring: the 13th Doctor, Ryan, Yaz, Graham
Combat Magicks
Featuring: the 13th Doctor, Ryan, Yaz, Graham
If you've listened to everything so far, then you've listened to 1466 stories (approximately).
Segment 288:
Monthly Adventures (AAA)
(First Quarter of 2019)
The first quarter of Monthly Adventures from 2019 featured the reintroduction of Kamelion!
Devil in the Mist
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Tegan, Turlough, Kamelion
Black Thursday / Power Game
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Tegan, Turlough, Kamelion
The Kamelion Empire
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Tegan, Turlough, Kamelion
Segment 289:
The New Counter-Measures: The Hollow King
Spin-off (2019)
At the time of release, this appeared to be the final story for The New Counter-Measures, but fortunately the series continued to a more satisfying conclusion the next year!
The Legacy of Time features an episode with the Counter Measure’s team, so go check that out once you’re done with this.
Segment 290:
The Diary of River Song: Series 5
Spin-off (2019)
Series 5 of The Diary of River Song features several incarnations of the Master.
The Diary of River Song Series 5
- The Bekdel Test
- Animal Instinct
- The Lifeboat and the Deathboat
- Concealed Weapon
Featuring: River Song, Missy, the Beevers, Roberts, and Jacobi MastersSegment 291:
The First Doctor Adventures: Volume 3
The First Doctor Adventures Volume 3
- The Phoenicians
- Tick-Tock World
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Susan, Ian, BarbaraSegment 292:
Spin-off (2019)
A series of adventures starring Michelle Gomez as Missy.
- A Spoonful of Mayhem
- Divorced, Beheaded, Regenerated
- The Broken Clock
- The Belly of the Beast
Featuring: Missy, the MonkStandalone: Yes
Segment 293:
Fourth Doctor Adventures: Series 8
The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 8 features a brand new companion, WPC Ann Kelso.
It also features an overarching story, titled The Syndicate Master Plan.
Please note: you may want to avoid looking at the tardis wiki for this series, or for Ann Kelso - the pages contain major spoilers.
Additionally, this series is the first of the 4das to be released as 2 boxsets (instead of just individual episodes).
The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 8 Volume 1- The Sinestran Kill
- Planet of the Drashigs
- The Enchantress of Numbers
- The False Guardian
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Ann Kelso, K9, Drashigs, Ada LovelaceStandalone: Yes
The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 8 Volume 2- Time's Assassin
- Fever Island
- The Perfect Prisoners
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Ann Kelso, K9Standalone: No
Note: This story includes potentially upsetting scenes of suicide and plague.
Segment 294:
Torchwood: God Among Us 2
Spin-off (2019)
Part 2 of God Among Us.
God Among Us 2
- Flight 405
- Hostile Environment
- Another Man's Shoes
- Eye of the Storm
Featuring: Yvonne, Andy, Norton Folgate, Tyler, JackSegment 295:
Gallifrey: Time War: Volume Two
Spin-off (2019)
The Gallifrey series returns for a second series of stories set during the Time War, focusing on the consequences of the resurrection of Rassilon.
Gallifrey Time War 2
- Havoc
- Partisans
- Collateral
- Assassins
Segment 296:
Ravenous 3
The Eighth Doctor’s plight with the Ravenous continues…
Ravenous 3
- Deeptime Frontier
- Companion Piece
- L.E.G.E.N.D
- The Odds Against
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Liv, Helen, the Eleven, the Nine, River Song, Bliss, CharleySegment 297:
Misc: The Eighth of March and Comic Strips
A Special release for International Women’s Day, the stories in this release are written and directed by women; and centered around the women in the Doctor Who Universe.
The story Inside Every Warrior features the Paternoster Gang, who got their own series a few months later.

The Eighth of March
- Emancipation
- The Big Blue Book
- Inside Every Warrior
- Narcissus
Featuring: River Song, Leela, Benny, Ace, Vastra, Jenny, Strax, Kate, OsgoodStandalone: Yes
A Fourth Doctor series, adapted from the comic strips in the 70s and 80s. Much wackier than your typical Doctor Who.
The Comic Strip Adaptions Volume 1
- Doctor Who and the Iron Legion
- Doctor Who and the Star Beast
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Sharon, K9, Beep the MeepSegment 298:
Monthly Adventures (BBB)
(Second Quarter of 2019)
The second quarter of Monthly Adventures from 2019 brings back Mags, the werewolf from the psychic circus in The Greatest Show in the Galaxy.
The Monsters of Gokroth
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Mags
The Moons of Vulpana
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Mags
An Alien Werewolf in London
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Mags, Ace
Segment 299:
UNIT: Incursions
Spin-off (2019)
The continued exploits of UNIT under Kate Stewart and Osgood. The last story in this boxset features River Song… as an antagonist!
The first story in the box set is a direct sequel to the December 2017 Monthly Adventure, Static.
UNIT Incursions
- This Sleep of Death
- Tempest
- The Power of River Song
Featuring: Kate, Osgood, the Static, River SongSegment 300:
The Third Doctor Adventures: Volume 5
This boxset sees the return of the Brigadier and Liz Shaw to the Third Doctor Adventures.
The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 5
- Primord
- The Scream of Ghosts
Featuring: Jo, Liz Shaw, Brigadier, BentonSegment 301:
The Tenth Doctor Adventures: Volume 3
The Tenth Doctor and Donna return for three more adventures. And this time, they’re taking the family with them…
No Place
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Donna, Wilf, Sylvia
One Mile Down
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Donna
The Creeping Death
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Donna
Segment 302:
The Paternoster Gang: Heritage 1
Spin-off (2019)
Victorian London harbours many secrets: alien visitors, strange phenomena and unearthly powers. But a trio of investigators stands ready to delve into such mysteries – the Great Detective, Madame Vastra, her resourceful spouse, Jenny Flint, and their loyal valet, Strax.
The Paternoster Gang were prominent characters in the TV stories The Snowmen, The Crimson Horror, and Deep Breath; and now they have their own spin off series!
Heritage 1
- The Cars that Ate London!
- A Photograph to Remember
- The Ghosts of Greenwhich
Featuring: Vastra, Jenny Flint, StraxSegment 303:
The Lives of Captain Jack: Volume 2
Spin-off (2019)
The omnisexual Time Agent is back…
The Lives of Captain Jack Volume 2
- Piece of Mind
- What Have I Done?
- Driving Miss Wells
Featuring: Captain Jack, 6th DoctorSegment 304:
Torchwood: God Among Us 3
Spin-off (2019)
The final adventures in the God Among Us series…
God Among Us 3
- A Mother's Son
- ScrapeJane
- Day Zero
- Thoughts and Prayers
Featuring: Jack, Yvonne, Tyler, OrrSegment 305:
The War Master: Rage of the Time Lords
Spin-off (2019)
With all of space and time in chaos, the Master plots his most audacious project yet. Only one other Time Lord has ever been able to stop him. But where is that Time Lord when the universe needs him?
The War Master 3 Rage of the Time Lords
- The Survivor
- The Coney Island Chameleon
- The Missing Link
- Darkness and Light
Featuring: the War Master, the 8th DoctorSegment 306:
Monthly Adventures (CCC)
(Third Quarter of 2019)
This set of Monthly Adventures features the 6th Doctor and Peri, a TARDIS team we haven’t seen for a while.
Memories of a Tyrant
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri
Emissary of the Daleks
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri, Daleks
Harry Houdini's War
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri, Houdini
Segment 307:
The Eighth Doctor: The Time War 3
The Doctor keeps to the fringes of the Time War, but his friends and enemies are drawing him ever close to his destiny…
Time War 3
- State of Bliss
- The Famished Lands
- Fugitive in Time
- The War Valeyard
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Bliss, Daleks, Time Lords, the ValeyardSegment 308:
Torchwood Monthly Range: Stories 25–30
Spin-off (2018)
The first four of these dramas feature Torchwood encountering monsters from Doctor Who.
Night of the Fendahl
Featuring: Gwen, the Fendahl
The Green Life
Featuring: Jack, Jo Jones, the Maggots
Featuring: Suzie, Margaret Blaine
Featuring: Rhys, the Autons
Featuring: Jack, Ianto
The Hope
Featuring: Owen, Andy
Segment 309:
The Diary of River Song: Series 6
Spin-off (2019)
This series is focused around River Song slipping in at the fringes of stories with the Doctor, and dealing with problems on the sidelines.
The Diary of River Song Series 6
- An Unearthly Woman
- The Web of Time
- Peepshow
- The Talents of Greel
Featuring: River Song, Ian, Barbara, Susan, the Yeti, the Great Intelligence, Drashigs, JagoSegment 310:
The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield Volume 5: Buried Memories
Spin-off (2019)
Bernice Summerfield is back in four new adventures with a Time Lord you could bring home to meet your universe.
Buried Memories
- Pride of the Lampian
- Clear History
- Dead and Breakfast
- Burrowed Time
Featuring: Benny, the Unbound DoctorSegment 311:
Misc: The Legacy of Time
An epic six-part adventure celebrating 20 years of Doctor Who at Big Finish!

The Legacy of Time
- Lies in Ruins
- The Split Infinitive
- The Sacrifice of Jo Grant
- Relative Time
- The Avenues of Possibility
- Collision Course
Featuring: the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Doctors, Benny, River Song, the Counter-Measures group, Ace, UNIT, Kate Stewart, Jo Jones, Osgood, Jenny (the Doctor's Daughter), the Nine, DI Patricia Menzies, Charley, Romana, LeelaStandalone: Yes
Rose Tyler’s World is ending, so she travels across dimensions in search of the Doctor…
(This set of adventures is set between Rose getting stuck in an alternate universe in Series 2 of Doctor Who, and when she manages to break through into our universe in Series 4 of Doctor Who.)
Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon
- The Endless Night
- The Flood
- Ghost Machines
- The Last Party on Earth
Featuring: Rose, Jackie, PeteSegment 312:
Monthly Adventures (DDD)
(Fourth quarter of 2019)
The final set of Monthly Adventures for 2019 centres around the 5th Doctor with Tegan and Nyssa, and a companion from the past…
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Cicero
Interstitial / Feast of Fear
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Tegan, Nyssa, Marc
Warzone / Conversion
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Marc
Blood on Santa's Claw and Other Stories
- Blood on Santa's Claw
- The Baby Awakes
- I Wish it Could Be Christmas Every Day
- Brightly Shone the Moon that Night
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, PeriSegment 313:
The Companion Chronicles: The First Doctor: Volume 3
The Companion Chronicles returns for another set of First Doctor stories.
The Companion Chronicles The First Doctor Volume 3
- E is for...
- Daybreak
- The Vardan Invasion of Mirth
- The Crumbling Magician
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Susan, Ian, Barbara, Vicki, Steven, Ben, PollySegment 314:
Torchwood One Latter Days
Spin-off (2019)
Torchwood One continues to save the world from alien threats.
Torchwood One Latter Days
- Retirement Plan
- Locker 15
- The Rockery
Featuring: Yvonne, IantoSegment 315:
Ravenous 4
The thrilling conclusion of the Ravenous series…
Ravenous 4
- Whisper
- Planet of Dust
- Day of the Master
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Liv, Helen, the Eleven, Missy, the MasterSegment 316:
The Paternoster Gang: Heritage 2
Spin-off (2019)
The Paternoster Gang continue to delve into strange mysteries…
Heritage 2
- Dining With Death
- The Screaming Ceiling
- Spring-Heeled Jack
Featuring: Vastra, Jenny, StraxSegment 317:
The Early Adventures: Series 6
Two more early adventures - including a multi-doctor story!
The Home Guard
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Ben, Polly, Jamie, the Master
The Daughter of the Gods
Featuring: the 1st and 2nd Doctors, Steven, Katarina, Jamie, Zoe
Segment 318:
The Lost Stories: Series 5
The Lost Stories return after a 6 year absence.
Nightmare Country
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Tegan, Turlough
The Ultimate Evil
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri
Segment 319:
The Robots 1
Spin-off (2019)
During the events of Ravenous 2, Liv Chenka left the Doctor and the TARDIS behind. Just for one year. A year during which she would live on Kaldor, and get to know her sister Tula all over again.
The Robots
- The Robots of Life
- The Sentient
- Love Me Not
Featuring: Liv, Tula, Kaldor RobotsSegment 320:
The War Master: Anti-Genesis
Spin-off (2019)
In a Time War, there is a crime that not even the Daleks would dare consider. But the Master has more than considered – and he is ready to commit…
The War Master 4 Anti-Genesis
- From the Flames
- The Master's Dalek Plan
- Shockwave
- He Who Wins
Featuring: the War Master, the Unbound MasterSegment 321:
The Further Adventures of Lucie Miller
Four new adventures featuring the 8th Doctor and Lucie Miller, set between Series 1 and Series 2 of the Eighth Doctor Adventures.
The Further Adventures of Lucie Miller
- The Dalek Trap
- The Revolution Game
- The House on the Edge of Chaos
- Island of the Fendahl
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Lucie Miller, Daleks, the Static, FendahlNote: This boxset was originally released in the middle of 2019, but it’s been moved to the end here so that it doesn’t break up the Ravenous series.
Segment 322:
Short Trips: Series 9
And now the short trips for 2019:
The Revisionists
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela, Brigadier
The Astrea Conspiracy
Featuring: the 12th Doctor
Doctors and Dragons
Featuring: the 7th Doctor
Year of the Drex Olympics
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Jamie, Victoria
Under ODIN's Eye
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri
The Same Face
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Jo
Battle Scars
Featuring: the 9th Doctor
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Sarah Jane, Harry
Dead Media
Featuring: the 12th Doctor
The Second Oldest Question
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa
Hall of the Ten Thousand
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Charley
Peace in Our Time
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Steven
The Best-Laid Plans
Featuring: the 12th Doctor
Standalone: Yes
Segment 323:
Misc: Subscriber Short Trips and Audiobooks
The subscriber short trips for 2019:
Loud and Proud
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Mel
Still Life
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Jo
An Ocean of Sawdust
Featuring: the 8th Doctor
And some more of the BBC’s narrated stories:
The Elysian Blade
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Jamie, Victoria
The Winged Coven
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Mrs Wibbsey
The Scent of Blood
Featuring: the 8th Doctor
The Flight of the Sun God
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri
If you've listened to everything so far, then you've listened to 1616 stories (approximately).
Segment 324:
Monthly Adventures (EEE)
(First quarter of 2020)
A set of adventures following the 7th Doctor, in the later years of his life:
Dark Universe
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, the Eleven
The Psychic Circus
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, the Psychic Circus, the Master
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, the Monk, Churchill
Segment 325:
The Diary of River Song: Series 7
Spin-off (2020)
River Song finds many amusements away from the Doctor. Not least of them is solving impossible mysteries, cracking insoluble crimes.
Sometimes she’s Melody, sometimes she’s River, but she’ll always unravel the case…
The Diary of River Song Series 7
- Colony of Strangers
- Abbey of Heretics
- Barrister to the Stars
- Carnival of Angels
Featuring: River Song, Weeping AngelsSegment 326:
Torchwood: The Sins of Captain John
Spin-off (2020)
From zombies in Restoration London, to Hell gatecrashing a funeral, rogue Time Agent Captain John Hart leads the universe to rack and ruin in four new adventures written by David Llewellyn.
The Sins of Captain John
- The Restored
- Escape from Nebazz
- Peach Blossom Heights
- Darker Purposes
Featuring: Captain John, Captain JackSegment 327:
The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 9
A series of 4th Doctor adventures, set during the time when the Doctor, Romana, and Adric were searching for a way out of E-Space.
This series exchanges the previous standard of “8 stories, 1 hour each” with “4 stories, 2 hours each”.
Purgatory 12
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana, Adric
Chase the Night
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana, Adric
The Planet of Witches
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana, Adric
The Quest of the Engineer
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana, Adric
Segment 328:
The Twelfth Doctor Chronicles
Four stories set in the Twelfth Doctor era, narrated by Jacob Dudman.
The Twelfth Doctor Chronicles Volume 1
- The Charge of the Night Brigade
- War Wounds
- Distant Voices
- Field Trip
Featuring: the 12th Doctor, Danny Pink, OsgoodSegment 329:
Torchwood Monthly Range: Stories 31-36
Spin-off (2019-2020)
Another set of 6 Torchwood adventures. This segment is notable for including the first appearance of Martha Jones in a Big Finish story, in Dissected.
Dead Man's Switch
Featuring: Bilis Manger
Featuring: Queen Victoria
Featuring: Gwen, Martha Jones
Segment 330:
Gallifrey Time War: Volume 3
Spin-off (2020)
Romana and Narvin, exiled from Gallifrey, desperately search for their friend Leela.
Gallifrey Time War 3
- Hostiles
- Nevermor
- Mother Tongue
- Unity
Segment 331:
The First Doctor Adventures Volume 4
The 1st Doctor and friends revisit Skaro…
The First Doctor Adventures Volume 4
- Return to Skaro
- Last of the Romanovs
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Susan, Ian, Barbara, Daleks, ThalsSegment 332:
The Lives of Captain Jack: Volume 3
Spin-off (2020)
Captain Jack meets up with River Song and Jackie Tyler…
The Lives of Captain Jack Volume 3
- Crush
- Mighty and Despair
- R&J
Featuring: Captain Jack, River Song, Jackie TylerSegment 333:
Misc: Donna Noble
Donna Noble has come home. But she’s about to be whisked away by aliens – and they’re not as friendly as the Doctor!
Donna Noble: Kidnapped
Featuring: Donna, Nat, Sylvia
Segment 334:
Monthly Adventures (FFF)
(Second Quarter of 2020)
This segment sees the 6th Doctor travelling with Flip and Constance, and spends time exploring the group’s personalities in detail.
The Lovecraft Invasion was delayed by a few months due to production issues, but I’ve placed it here because it’s part of this storyline.
Cry of the Vultriss
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Flip, Constance, Ice Warriors
Scorched Earth
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Flip, Constance
The Lovecraft Invasion
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Flip, Constance, Lovecraft
Segment 335:
The New Counter-Measures: Series 3
Spin-Off (2020)
The final series of The New Counter Measures is a 2 part story featuring both the Movellans and the Daleks.
The Movellan Manoeuvre
Featuring: the Counter-Measures Group, Movellans
The Dalek Gambit
Featuring: the Counter-Measures Group, Daleks
Segment 336:
Class: The Audio Adventures Volumes 3 and 4
Spin-off (2020)
The adventures of Class on audio continue. Much like the previous volumes, Big Finish did not have the license to write stories set after Series 1 of the TV show, so this is still set in Series 1. Additionally, two of the actors were recast.
Class Volume 3
- The Soers' Ditch
- Catfish
- Sweet Nothings
Featuring: Charlie, April, Ram, Matteusz, Tanya, QuillClass Volume 4
- Mock
- The Creeper
- Queen of Rhodia
Featuring: Quill, Charlie, Matteusz, AprilSegment 337:
The Paternoster Gang: Heritage 3
Spin-off (2020)
The mystery of the Heritage series deepens…
Heritage 3
- Family Matters
- Whatever Remains
- Truth and Bone
Featuring: Madame vastra, Jenny Flint, StraxSegment 338:
The Third Doctor Adventures: Volume 6
This series of the Third Doctor Adventures sees the return of Seargant Benton and the Brigadier!
The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 6
- Poison of the Daleks
- Operation Hellfire
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Jo, the Brigadier, BentonSegment 339:
Stranded 1
The TARDIS is gone. Stranded in one time and place, the 8th Doctor, Liv and Helen seek refuge in Baker Street. But the house has changed: they now have neighbours – not all of them welcoming. And someone has a dire warning for the future.
The Doctor and friends face their greatest challenge yet: living one day after another, in 2020 London.
Stranded 1
- Lost Property
- Wild Animals
- Must-See TV
- Divine Intervention
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Liv, Helen, Tania, Sergeant AndySegment 340:
Missy Series 2
Spin-off (2020)
Missy… alone, unleashed and unfettered. What does she get up to when the Doctor isn’t around? It’s time for a second series of Missy
Missy Series 2
- The Lumiat
- Brimstone and Terror
- Treason and Plot
- Too Many Masters
Featuring: Missy, the Meddling Monk, StraxSegment 341:
Misc: Susan’s War and Shadow of the Sun
Susan’s been called to join the time war, and unlike her grandfather she is willing to join.
Susan's War
- Sphere of Influence
- The Uncertain Shore
- Assets of War
- The Shoreditch Intervention
Featuring: Susan, Ian, Time Lords, Daleks, SensoritesPlus, a bonus 4th Doctor and Leela story recorded and released during the pandemic in 2020.
Shadow of the Sun
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela, K9
Segment 342:
Monthly Adventures (GGG)
(Third Quarter of 2020)
This segment of monthly adventures features several shorter stories. This set was intended to be focused around the 5th Doctor, but due to production issues, a 7th doctor release had to be added instead.
Time Apart
- Ghost Station
- The Bridge Master
- What Lurks Down Under
- The Dancing Plague
Featuring: the 5th DoctorThin Time / Madquake
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Marc
The Flying Dutchman / Displaced
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, Hex
Segment 343:
The Robots 2
Spin-off (2020)
Kaldor is going through a period of tumultuous change. Technology is changing at an advanced rate - the robots are evolving, artificial intelligence is adapting, and with these changes so politics is altering too. Dangerously.
The Robots 2
- Robots of War
- Toos and Poul
- Do No Harm
Featuring: Liv Chenka, Kaldor robotsSegment 344:
The Sixth Doctor and Peri Volume 1
Four new adventures featuring the 6th Doctor and Peri. This is the start of Big Finish’s migration of the Monthly Adventures into something more accessible, and more in line with their more usual productions.
The Sixth Doctor and Peri Volume 01
- The Headless Ones
- Like
- The Vanity Trap
- Conflict Theory
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, PeriSegment 345:
Torchwood Soho - Parasite
Spin-off (2020)
Enter the world of 1950s Torchwood!
Torchwood Soho - Parasite
Featuring: the 1950s Torchwood team, Norton Folgate
Segment 346:
The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield Volume 6: Lost in Translation
Spin-off (2020)
Bernice Summerfield is back with 4 new adventures with the Doctor from another universe.
The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield Volume 6 - Lost in Translation
- Have I Told You Lately?
- The Undying Truth
- Inertia
- Gallifrey
Featuring: Benny, the Unbound Doctor, NarvinSegment 347:
The Eighth Doctor: The Time War 4
The 8th Doctor and Bliss are dragged into the Time War as the Daleks replenish their army, using Davros himself.
Time War 4
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Bliss, Davros, Daleks
Segment 348:
Torchwood Monthly Range: Stories 37-42
Spin-off (2020)
Another selection of Torchwood Monthly stories.
Tropical Beach Sounds and Other Relaxing Seascapes #4
Dinner and a Show
Featuring: Owen, Toshiko
Save Our Souls
Featuring: Queen Victoria
Red Base
Featuring: Sergeant Andy Davidson
Ex Machina
Featuring: Ianto
Segment 349:
Specials: Out of Time 1
The beginning of a trilogy, featuring the 10th doctor meeting up with classic doctors. The stories of the trilogy are mostly unrelated.

Out of Time 1
Featuring: the 4th and 10th Doctors, DaleksStandalone: Yes
Segment 350:
Monthly Adventures (HHH)
(Fourth Quarter of 2020)
This segment starts with Shadow of the Daleks, an experimental 8-part story, followed by 2 Christmas-y specials.
Shadow of the Daleks 1
- Aimed at the Body
- Lightspeed
- The Bookshop at the End of the World
- Interlude
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, DaleksShadow of the Daleks 2
- Echo Chamber
- Towards Zero
- Castle Hydra
- Effect and Cause
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, DaleksPlight of the Pimpernel
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri
The Grey Man of the Mountain
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace, the Brigadier
Segment 351:
The Paternoster Gang: Heritage 4
Spin-off (2020)
The finale of the Heritage series.
Heritage 4
- Merry Christmas, Mr Jago
- The Ghost Writers
- Rulers of Earth
Featuring: Madame Vastra, Jenny Flint, Strax, JagoSegment 352:
The War Master: Hearts of Darkness
Spin-off (2020)
“Find the Doctor… stop the Doctor… and if necessary, kill the Doctor!”
The War Master: Hearts of Darkness
- The Edge of Redemption
- The Scaramancer
- The Castle of Kurnos 5
- The Cognition Shift
Featuring: The War Master, 8th DoctorSegment 353:
The Tenth Doctor and River Song
The 10th Doctor and River Song adventures that we never saw on TV.
Expiry Dating
Featuring: the 10th and 5th Doctors, River
Precious Annihilation
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, River
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, River
Segment 354:
The Robots 3
Spin-off (2020)
Can Liv and Tula make a difference during the most turbulent time in the world’s history?
The Robots 3
- The Mystery of Sector 13
- Circuit Breaker
- A Matter of Conscience
Featuring: Liv, Kaldor robotsSegment 355:
Short Trips: Series 10
The short trips released throughout 2020:
The Infinite Today
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Jo Jones
Deleted Scenes
Featuring: the 2nd Doctor, Jamie
Decline of the Ancient Mariner
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Sarah Jane
Dead Woman Walking
Featuring: the 7th Doctor, Ace
Regeneration Impossible
Featuring: the 11th and 12th Doctors
Out of the Deep
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Steven
Downward Spiral
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa
These Stolen Hours
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Charley
Her Own Bootstraps
Featuring: the 9th Doctor
The Meaning of Red
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Peri
Blue Boxes
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Liz
The Shattered Hourglass
Featuring: the 10th Doctor
Free Speech
Featuring: the 10th Doctor
Segment 356:
Specials: Wicked Sisters and Audiobooks
The Fifth Doctor is recruited… to track down Abby and Zara (the main characters from Graceless).
Wicked Sisters
- The Garden of Storms
- The Moonrakers
- The People Made of Smoke
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Leela, Abby, Zara, SontaransWe have a collection of Bernice Summerfield tales:
The Christmas Collection
Featuring: Benny
The (almost) final set of subscriber-only short trips:
Not Forgotten
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Peri
Home Again, Home Again
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Susan, Ian, Barbara
The Beast of Muir
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
Crime at the Cinema
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith
And finally the audiobooks, one a reading and one an audio-exclusive:
At Childhood's End
Featuring: the 13th Doctor, Ace, Ryan, Graham, Yaz
Paradise Lost
Featuring: the 11th Doctor, Clara
If you've listened to everything so far, then you've listened to 1752 stories (approximately).
Segment 357:
Quarter 1, 2021
(Summary Section)
Quarter 1 2021 sees several exciting things on audio: the conclusion of the Monthly Adventures, special releases for the 50th Anniversary of the Master, and the final parts of the multi-platform event Time Lord Victorious.
And with the conclusion of the Monthly Adventures, along with it comes a change to the structure of this guide, and the introduction of these quarterly summary sections! (I will be retroactively adding these summary sections to earlier years of the guide, but I won’t be changing the order of the segments that have already been published.)
The releases in this quarter are:
Doctor Who
Segment 358:
Monthly Adventures (III)
(First Quarter of 2021)
The conclusion of the Monthly Adventures.
Colony of Fear
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, Constance
The Blazing Hour
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Turlough
The End of the Beginning
Featuring: the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Doctors
The monthly adventures were brought to an end for a variety of reasons, but one of the main ones was: it was confusing to newcomers. It was never clear when you could just jump in, or what you had to listen to first, or why the 5th, 6th, and 7th doctors didn’t have their own sections and were just bundled in together.
In fact, this guide mostly came about because I had to do a lot of research to figure out what the heck was going on, and this change will overall be wonderful (plus, it’ll give Big Finish the opportunity to do more experimental things with the 5th-7th Doctors).
Segment 359:
The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 10
Another set of adventures with the Fourth Doctor and Leela.
The World Traders
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
The Day of the Comet
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
The Tribulations of Thadeus Nook
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
The Primeval Design
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Leela
Segment 360:
Stranded 2
The TARDIS is still stranded but the healing process has begun. After living in Baker Street for months, the Doctor, Liv and Helen find their new friends becoming curious about who they really are.
But is it wise to tell them, when their future – and their past – are filled with danger?
And in the shadows, the Curator is watching.
Stranded 2
- Dead Time
- Unit Dating
- Baker Street Irregulars
- The Long Way Round
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Liv, Helen, Andy, Tania, the Brigadier, the CuratorSegment 361:
Time Lord Victorious
Time Lord Victorious was a multi-platform Doctor Who story set within the Dark Times at the start of the universe, following the 8th, 9th, and 10th Doctors. From the producer’s words, “Just pick what you fancy - audio, books, comics, or digital - have an amazing time exploring that adventure and then maybe it’ll lead you onto something else”.
I have created what (I think) is a fairly reasonable ordering for each of the actual stories available. I am not including the Live Experiences (as they are UK only, and thus innaccessible to me), the merchandise (as it’s unclear how to order the story that’s associated with a figurine), and the Doctor Who Annual 2021 (which contains a “Guide to the Dark Times”).
First, the opening novel:
Novel: The Knight, the Fool and the Dead
Featuring: the 10th Doctor
Next, some short trips:
Master Thief
Featuring: the Master
Standalone: Yes
Lesser Evils
Featuring: the Master
Standalone: Yes
Then, the comics, one from Titan Comics and the other from the Doctor Who Magazine:
Comic: Defender of the Daleks
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Daleks
Comic: Monstrous Beauty
Featuring: the 9th Doctor, Rose
Standalone: Yes
Then, the main Big Finish audios (which form a 3-episode long story):
He Kills Me, He Kills Me Not
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Brian the Ood
Standalone: Yes
The Enemy of My Enemy
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Daleks
Standalone: No
Mutually Assured Destruction
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Daleks
Standalone: No
Then, the audio which forms a bridge between the main audios and the Escape room:
Genetics of the Daleks
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Daleks
Standalone: Yes
Then, the BBC audio:
The Minds of Magnox
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Brian the Ood
Then, the animation (available on the Doctor Who youtube channel):
Animation: Daleks!
Featuring: Daleks
Then, the concluding novel:
Novel: All Flesh is Grass
Featuring: the 8th, 9th, and 10th Doctors, Daleks
And finally, the bonus audio (which acts as both a prequel and an epilogue to the series):
Echoes of Extinction
Featuring: the 8th and 10th Doctors
Standalone: No
Segment 362:
The Lost Stories: Series 6
The Lost Stories series returns.
The original story that was then heavily edited to become Revenge of the Cybermen:
Return of the Cybermen
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Sarah Jane, Harry Sullivan, Cybermen
And an abandoned story from season 17:
The Doomsday Contract
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Romana, K9
Segment 363:
Torchwood Monthly Range: Stories 43-48
Spin-off (2020-2021)
Another bundle of six torchwood tales.
The Three Monkeys
Featuring: Sergeant Andy, Owen, and another monkey
Rhys and Ianto's Excellent Barbecue
Featuring: Rhys, Ianto
The Crown
Featuring: Queen Victoria
Featuring: Ianto Jones
Featuring: Toshiko Sato
Lease of Life
Featuring: Owen Harper
Segment 364:
The Diary of River Song: Series 8
Spin-off (2021)
This series of River Song links (very loosely) to the Dalek Universe plotline, which started a few months later.
The Diary of River Song Series 8
- Slight Glimpses of Tomorrow
- A Brave New World
- A Forever Home
- Queen of the Mechanoids
Featuring: River Song, K9, Mechanoids, Anya Kingdom, Mark SevenSegment 365:
Gallifrey: Time War 4
Spin-off (2021)
Everything Ends.
Gallifrey Time War 4
- Deception
- Dissolution
- Beyond
- Homecoming
Segment 366:
Masterful & Master!
Spin-off (2021)
2021 was the 50th anniversary of the Master’s first appearance, so to celebrate: a special release from January, starring 9 different incarnations of the villanous Time Lord:

Featuring: 9 Masters (including Missy), Kamelion, Jo GrantStandalone: Yes
Note: This is overall standalone, but being familiar with the voices of each of the masters is very helpful.
Plus (included in the limited edition version of Masterful) an audiobook:
Terror of the Master
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, the Master, UNIT
Standalone: Yes
And then in March, a boxset of adventures with the Eric Roberts Master:
Featuring: the Eric Roberts Master, Vienna, DaleksUnrelatedly to the Master, we also have the final Subscriber Short Trip:
Soul Music
Featuring: the 10th Doctor
Segment 367:
Quarter 2, 2021
(Summary Section)
An exciting quarter: Christopher Eccleston returns! The War Doctor’s early life is unveiled! Rory gets a series of his own!
Doctor Who
Segment 368:
The First Doctor Adventures Volume 5
The 1st Doctor’s adventures continue, going to a slightly weirder place this volume.
The First Doctor Adventures Volume 5
- For the Glory of Urth
- The Hollow Crown
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Susan, Ian, BarbaraSegment 369:
Dalek Universe 1
Dalek Universe is a 3-boxset series of 10th Doctor adventures where the TARDIS is missing, the Daleks are ready to strike, and the only help comes from two Space Security Service agents.
While it’s not essential, I recommend listening to The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 8: The Syndicate Master Plan, which sets up one of the characters, and The Diary of River Song Series 8 which links in to this series (slightly).
First, there’s the Prequel story, featuring the 4th Doctor:
Dalek Universe - The Dalek Protocol
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, Daleks, Leela, K9, Mark Seven, Anya Kingdom
And then the first volume of Dalek Universe proper:
Dalek Universe 1
- Buying Time
- The Wrong Woman
- The House of Kingdom
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Daleks, Mark Seven, Anya KingdomSegment 370:
The Ninth Doctor Adventures - Ravagers
After 16 years, Christopher Eccleston returns to the role of the Ninth Doctor!
This boxset of stories centres around time distortions.
The Ninth Doctor Adventures - Ravagers
- Sphere of Freedom
- Cataclysm
- Food Fight
Featuring: the 9th Doctor, RavagersStandalone: Yes
Segment 371:
The Third Doctor Adventures: Volume 7
The Third Doctor’s Adventures continue, one with Liz Shaw and one with Sadie Miller returning as Sarah Jane Smith - the first appearance of Sarah Jane in the Third Doctor Adventures!
The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 7
- The Unzal Incursion
- The Gulf
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Liz, the Brigadier, Sarah JaneSegment 372:
The War Doctor Begins - Forged in Fire
A prequel series to the first batch of War Doctor stories, this series starts just after the regeneration of the 8th Doctor into the War Doctor in The Night of the Doctor.
The War Doctor in these stories is played by Jonathon Carley, and as this follows a different era of the War Doctor’s life, it does feel distinct to the original sets.
The War Doctor Begins - Forged in Fire
- Light the Flame
- Lion Hearts
- The Shadow Squad
Featuring: the War Doctor, Daleks, Time Lords, the Sisterhood of KarnSegment 373:
The Robots 4
Spin-off (2021)
The Robots series continues, bringing back Toos and Poul as Liv is nearly at the end of her trail…
The Robots 4
- Closed Loop
- Off Grid
- The Janus Deception
Featuring: Liv Chenka, Kaldor RobotsSegment 374:
Jago & Litefoot: Series 14
Spin-off (2021)
Jago & Litefoot proper ended with Jago & Litefoot Forever. However, scripts had been written for a Series 14 (which sadly could never be made, due to Trevor Baxter’s passing). This boxset is those scripts, adapted into audiobooks.
This is the final release for Jago & Litefoot.
Jago & Litefoot Series 14
- The Red Hand
- The Laughing Policeman
- The Corridors of Power
- A Command Performance
Featuring: Jago, LitefootSegment 375:
Specials: Out of Time 2 and the Lone Centurion
The Out of Time trilogy continues, this time with the 10th and 5th Doctors.
Out of Time 2 - The Gates of Hell
Featuring: the 5th and 10th Doctors, Cybermen
And Arthur Darvill returns to the role of Rory in a special series, The Lone Centurion, which follows his time protecting Amy in the Pandorica for 2000 years while stuck as a Roman Centurion. The first boxset is set in Rome.
The Lone Centurion Volume 1 - Rome
- Gladiator
- The Unwilling Assassin
- I, Rorius
Featuring: RorySegment 376:
Quarter 3, 2021
(Summary Section)
Warning: You’ve reached a flux-point in the timeline! The following segments involve future stories, and I am not responsible for any paradoxes or tears in the fabric of spacetime caused by reliance upon the information from here on.
Doctor Who
Segment 377:
Dalek Universe 2
The Dalek Universe series continues…
Dalek Universe 2
- Cycle of Destruction
- The Trojan Dalek
- The Lost
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Daleks, Mark Seven, Anya KingdomSegment 378:
The Ninth Doctor Adventures - Respond to All Calls
The second volume of the Ninth Doctor Adventures, starring Christopher Eccleston. This volume is a bit more traditional, and the stories are mostly separate.
The Ninth Doctor Adventures - Respond to All Calls
- Girl, Deconstructed
- Fright Motif
- Planet of the End
Featuring: the 9th DoctorSegment 379:
The Early Adventures: Series 7
Two new Early Adventures: One exploring what happened to Susan after The Dalek Invasion of Earth, and the other being a prequel to The Abominable Snowmen.
After the Daleks
Featuring: Susan, Daleks
The Secrets of Det-Sen
Featuring: the 1st Doctor, Steven, Dodo, the Yeti
Segment 380:
Phillip Hinchcliffe Presents Volume 4
Another story from Phillip Hincliffe, the producer of Doctor Who for Tom Baker’s first seasons.
Phillip Hinchcliffe Presents Volume 4
Featuring: the 4th Doctor, LeelaSegment 381:
The Doctor Chronicles - The Eleventh Doctor Volume 2
The Doctor Chronicles continues, but with a difference: they’re now full cast! Still starring Jacob Dudman as the Doctor, but they are no longer narrated stories.
This change was done at the request of the BBC.
The Doctor Chronicles - The Eleventh Doctor Volume 2
Featuring: the 11th Doctor
Segment 382:
The War Master: Killing Time
Spin-off (2021)
The War Master’s schemes continue, but this time he has a rival…
The War Master: Killing Time
- The Sincerest Form of Flattery
- A Quiet Night In
- The Orphan
- Unfinished Business
Featuring: The War Master, Jo Jones, NyssaSegment 383:
Missy Series 3: Missy and the Monk
Spin-off (2021)
Missy returns… but this time she and the Monk are forced to work together.
Missy Series 3 - Missy and the Monk
- Body and Soulless
- War Seed
- Two Monks, One Mistress
Featuring: Missy, the MonkSegment 384:
Specials: Lady Christina 2, The Lost Resort, The Eleven
This segment has several special releases.
First, The Lost Resort and Other Stories, featuring the 5th Doctor. The Lost Resort was originally intended to be a Monthly Adventure in 2020, but the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic meant that it had to be delayed. It was released alongside two other smaller stories.
The Lost Resort and Other Stories
- The Lost Resort
- The Perils of Nellie Bly
- Nightmare of the Daleks
Featuring: the 5th Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Adric, Marc, DaleksNext, a special boxset featuring the 6th Doctor facing off against a villanous Time Lord: The Eleven.
The Eleven
- One for All
- The Murder of Oliver Akkron
- Elevation
Featuring: the 6th Doctor, the Eleven, ConstanceAnd finally, Lady Christina de Souza returns for another volume of crime.
Lady Christina Series 2
- The Wreck
- Outback
- Long Shot
Featuring: Lady Christina de SouzaSegment 385:
Quarter 4, 2021
(Summary Section)
This quarter sees the conclusion of the Dalek Universe series, the start of a new Unit series called Unit: Nemesis, plus the surprise return of BBV.
Doctor Who
Segment 386:
Dalek Universe 3
The finale of the Dalek Universe series!
Dalek Universe 3
- The First Son
- The Dalek Defence
- The Triumph of Davros
Featuring: the 10th Doctor, Daleks, Mark Seven, Anya KingdomSegment 387:
The Third Doctor Adventures: Volume 8
Two new adventures featuring the 3rd Doctor with Jo Grant and Sarah Jane.
The Third Doctor Adventures Volume 8
- Consipracy in Space
- The Devil's Hoofprints
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Jo, the Brigadier, Sarah Jane, DraconiansSegment 388:
The Ninth Doctor Adventures - Lost Warriors
Christopher Eccleston returns again as the 9th Doctor!
This boxset is centred around the strangers that the Doctor meets - some of them become friends, and others become enemies.
The Ninth Doctor Adventures - Lost Warriors
- The Hunting Season
- The Curse of Lady Macbeth
- Monsters in Metropolis
Featuring: the 9th Doctor, CybermenSegment 389:
The Doctor Chronicles - The Twelfth Doctor Volume 2: Timejacked!
Another set of full cast Doctor Chronicles, with Jacob Dudman as the 12th Doctor. In this boxset, the Doctor has been forced to leave St Luke’s University, and has gotten into quite a bit of trouble…
Originally, this boxset was going to be released in early 2022. But Short Trips Volume 11 (which was originally scheduled to come out November 2021) was suffering from production delays, and so they swapped it out for this (which had already been recorded well in advance).
The Doctor Chronicles - The Twelfth Doctor Volume 2: TimeJacked
- Flight to Calandra
- Split Second
- The Weight of History
Featuring: the 12th DoctorSegment 390:
Stranded 3
The Stranded story continues…
Stranded 3
- Patience
- Twisted Folklore
- Snow
- What Just Happened?
Featuring: the 8th Doctor, Liv, Helen, Andy, Tania, the JudoonSegment 391:
The War Doctor Begins - Warbringer
The story of the early days of the War Doctor continues, with him finally joining the Time War…
The War Doctor Begins - Warbringer
- Consequences
- Destroyer
- Saviour
Featuring: the War Doctor, Daleks, Time LordsSegment 392:
Torchwood Monthly: Stories 49-54
Spin-off (2021)
Another set of Torchwood tales!
While these are numbered 49 through 54, you’ll notice that there are only 5 of them. This is because the 50th Torchwood Monthly story, Absent Friends, was cancelled suddenly before release. It was going to be a special release, reuniting Captain Jack with the 10th Doctor. While no official explanation was given, the cancellation is almost certainly due to the allegations of innapropriate behaviour raised against John Barrowman (the actor for Captain Jack) just a few weeks earlier. We will have to wait and see if Absent Friends ever gets a release - for the forseeable future, though, the answer is no.
To replace the missing 50th story, Big Finish made an episode 50X. This was released in March 2022 - if you get the bundle for stories 49 through 54 (or 49 through 60), 50X will be included in that bundle.
Featuring: Andy, Owen
The Five People You Kill in Middlesbrough
Featuring: Yvonne Hartman
Madam I'm
Featuring: Norton Folgate, Adam
Empire of Shadows
Featuring: Zachary Cross Flane
Featuring: Bilis Manger
Segment 393:
Torchwood Soho - Ashenden
Spin-off (2021)
This story returns to the world of 1950s Torchwood.
Torchwood Soho - Ashenden
Featuring: Norton Folgate, Lizbeth, Andy, Gideon
Segment 394:
The Diary of River Song: Series 9 - New Recruit
Spin-off (2021)
River Song returns, and this time she’s dealing with UNIT.
The Diary of River Song Series 9: New Recruit
- The Blood Woods
- Terror of the Suburbs
- Never Alone
- Rivers of Light
Featuring: River, Liz Shaw, the Brigadier, the 3rd DoctorSegment 395:
UNIT: Nemesis 1: Between Two Worlds
Spin-off (2021)
After a 2 year break, UNIT returns with a new series: UNIT: Nemesis. While investigating an ancient artefact, the UNIT team accidentally create a link to another world and unleash the Eleven onto Earth…
UNIT Nemesis 1 - Between Two Worlds
- The Enemy Beyond
- Fire and Ice
- Eleven's Eleven
- The Curator's Gambit
Featuring: Kate Stewart, Osgood, the Curator, the Eleven, Ice Warriors, Naomi Cross, Harry SullivanSegment 396:
Specials: Martha and Jenny
Two new series based special releases!
First, a boxset exploring Martha Jones’s time on Earth during the Master’s dominion…
The Year of Martha Jones
- The Last Diner
- Silver Medal
- Deceived
Featuring: MarthaAnd then, another series of Jenny - The Doctor’s Daughter!
Jenny - The Doctor's Daughter Series 2: Still Running
- Inside the Maldovarium
- Altered Status
- Calamity Jenny
- Her Own Worst Enemy
Featuring: Jenny, Dorium Maldovar, CybermenSegment 397:
Spin-off (2021)
One of the most unexpected events of 2021: after a very long hiatus, BBV has returned!?
I don’t know how much I can recommend listening to these (given the long history of dodgy business practices at BBV), but for the sake of completeness here’s BBV’s releases for 2021 (organised by series:)
- Faction Paradox: Dionus’s War: Eternal Escape
- Faction Paradox: Dionus’s War: Call Me Ishmael
- Faction Paradox: Dionus’s War: The Healer’s Sin
- Faction Paradox: Dionus’s War: Me & My Ghost
- Faction Paradox: Rebirth: Mr Saldaamir
- Faction Paradox: Rebirth: Sabbath and the King
- Faction Paradox: Rebirth: The Confession of Brother Signet
- The Brigadier Adventures: Memories of Tomorrow
- The Brigadier Adventures: New Pastures
- The Brigadier Adventures: The Fall of Shield Sentai
- The Brigadier Adventures: The Man Inside
- The Brigadier Adventures: Necessary Force
- Erimem: The Beast of Stalingrad
- Erimem: Prime Imperative
- Erimem: Churchill’s Castle
- (still have 2 more Erimem stories to go)
- Probe: The Door We Forgot
- Probe: 9 to 5
- Probe: A Worthy Successor
- Probe: She Came from Another World!
- Probe: What Happened in Manchester
- Probe: Broken Bonds
- Probe: BBV’s Cyberon
Segment 398:
Audiobooks in 2021
The audiobooks for 2021 are:
Iris Wildthyme and Friends
A series with Iris Wildthyme and friends! Published as books as well as audiobooks:
Fellowship of Ink
Featuring: Iris
666 Charing Cross Road
Featuring: Iris
Beyond the Doctor
A spin-off series from the BBC starring various companions. The 2021 releases are:
The Kairos Ring
Featuring: Romana
Bessie Come Home
Featuring: Bessie
BBC Original to Audio
The BBC continued to release original to audio stories in 2021:
The Nightmare Realm
Featuring: the 12th Doctor, Nardole
The Ashes of Eternity
Featuring: the 9th Doctor, Rose
The Audio Novels
Big Finish began their own Audio Novel series in 2021, titled… “The Audio Novels”
Scourge of the Cybermen
Featuring: the 3rd Doctor, Sarah Jane, Cybermen
Regular Audiobooks
A book written and read by Alex Kingston:
The Ruby's Curse
Featuring: River Song, Melody Malone
Plus, a reading of some short stories from the old Doctor Who Annuals:
The Planet of Dust & Other Stories
- Justice of the Glacians
- Mastermind of Space
- The Time Thief
- The Planet of Dust
- A Midsummer's Nightmare
- The Creation of Camelot
- Interface
Featuring: the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th Doctors, Jamie, Victoria, Sarah, Leela, Romana, K9, Tegan, the Master, PeriK9 Audio Annual
- The Monster of Loch Crag
- Powerstone
- Hound of Hell
- The Shroud of Azaroth
- The Voton Terror
- Light Fantastic
- Reluctant Warriors
Featuring: K9, Sarah, Romana, 4th Doctor
If you've listened to everything so far, then you've listened to 1910 stories (approximately).
Segment 399:
Quarter 1, 2022
(Summary Section)
Quarter 1 2022 sees a major change in the presentation of the Classic Doctor Who ranges - no longer are the 5th-7th Doctors stuck in a range together, they have their own ranges!
Plus the main classic who releases for this year are in a more standardised boxset format: each Doctor from 3-8 has 2 boxsets a year, and each boxset is about 3 hours long. What’s in the boxset may vary - 3 stories? 1 long story? It depends. This system is a bit more flexible for purchasing: you can purchase everything in one big bundle, if you like, or if you’re only interested in a few Doctors you can get bundles for just those episodes.
The exceptions to this are the 1st and 2nd Doctors (who have 1 boxset each) and Stranded 4 (which was originally intended to come out in 2021, and so it doesn’t count as one of the year’s 8th doctor releases).
TODO: Maybe don’t
I will be indicating bundle related information in this guide from 2022 onwards - in parenthesis after each segment name, I’ll put one of the following indicators:
- Classic Who - For stories that are part of the big Classic Doctor’s bundle for the year
- New Who - For New Who stories (e.g. the Ninth Doctor Adventures), which will likely have their own bundles
- Spin-off - For regular spin-off series with their own bundles if applicable (e.g. The Diary of River Song, Torchwood Monthly)
- Specials - For stories that are specials (and thus are not usually part of bundles).
The releases in this quarter are:
Doctor Who
Torchwood * The Great Sontaran War * The Red List * The Grey Mare * Cadoc Point * Sonny
Benny Audiobooks:
- The Weather on Versimmon
- The Slender-Fingered Cats of Bubastis
Audio Novels
Beyond the Doctor * London, 1965
TODO - it turns out that there are a number of Audio Annual readings that I’ve missed - I need to go back through the guide and add them
TODO - Split out the audiobooks into their own segments each year, rather than hiding them away.
TODO - Update 8th doctor file
TODO - Little orders for companions?
The TARDIS symbol used to mark my favourites was made by combining OpenEmoji’s dizzy emoji and a vector TARDIS from Vecteezy.